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Everything posted by Stubby

  1. It's not only the media; it's the media puppets, too. I skip most of these COVID19 updates now to avoid the Doom & Gloom merchants. There are folks on here who SLAM any hint of positivity. Seriously, some people can't get enough of the misery, and they disguise their pessimism with one-liners like... "I'm just being realistic, that's all," (said in a sarcastic tone). Yes, you know who you are, and my advice is to STOP IT, just... STOP IT, and get some fresh air. Geesh, these are the kind of Barstool Bobs you'd run from a mile from if you spotted them in a local watering hole. Stubby
  2. Look, I don't care if someone is a man, woman, beast, gay, straight, or even Australian. But by heck, it's hard to keep up, sometimes. There's too much to remember nowadays, it's almost like another language. Forget Same-Sex Mariage, What About the New Sex Couples (all 100 of them)? A BBC film tells kids as young as nine that there are now over 100 gender identities. It's called Identity – Understanding Sexual and Gender Identities. Then there are the new pronouns to remember. It's true; many folks now get offended if you refer to them as HE or SHE. And official documents in the UK - like passport applications - now use Parent 1 and Parent 2 to avoid upsetting same-sex parents. That's right, mother and father have been dumped. I'm an advocate for live and let live, but all this PC, well... it's like walking over freaking eggshells in slippers made of lead. Folks, you should be able to do whatever you want if you're not hurting anyone, and good onya. But please, drop all the labels and insistence that everybody embraces the new you, whether you're same-sex or an 3-eyed alien. Geesh, ain't life already complicated enough! Stubby the Mister Man
  3. Perhaps if more Brits got off the big fat, flabby backsides and did more cycling and less driving, well... congested roads and air pollution wouldn't be such an issue. But umm... I don't like to say anything ????????????.
  4. One could argue that it's the seller's responsibility to ensure their clients FULLY understand the policies they flog. Tiny print, incomprehensible jargon, and confusing terms are not in these contracts by accident. But, it doesn't have to be this way. A half-decent author can write about any topic so that a 5-year old can understand it. And by the way, no one ever complains that something is too easy to read—other than...
  5. I know... I was trying to lighten the mood a tad during these dark and divisive times ;)
  6. So many members across the forums keep spouting "ANTI-VAXXER" at anyone who opposes these jabs. One can almost envision chewed-up, hate-filled faces and thick flying spit as they bash out a response. Perhaps you can relate? Does your face resemble a British bulldog chewing a fiesty wasp every time someone opposes your views, Mr. High-&-Mighty? But here's the thing… From what I read, most of the folks opposing the C19 vaccinations are not anti-vaxxers at all. They're just skeptical about COVID19 jabs, that's all. All this "I'M RIGHT... YOU'RE WRONG... GET OVER IT malarkey is the stuff of school playgrounds. So, perhaps some pro-vaxers here might want to hold back on the venom a tad. You could... for example... refer to such people as anti-COVID vaxxers instead, which I'm sure is more apt and respectful. Such an approach would undoubtedly lower the temperature and add more intelligence to the debates. It's just an idea. Stubby
  7. James105: I think there are about 300ish cases of this variant in the UK now and not a single one of them is in hospital. My only concern is that one of those 300 might get run over by a bus within the 28 days of testing positive as this will then turn this variant into a deadly one, such is the way covid deaths are recorded in the UK. Medical examiners may list the primary cause of demise on a death certificate. But... what's that got to do with the price of fish? As per James105's post, the UK news adds all COVID19 deaths to the rolling total within 28 days of a positive test. So I would argue that the misinformation is with death count itself. And if one of those people with the new variant gets killed by a bus... and it was within 28 days of a positive COVID-19 test... then yes, they would be included in the COVID death count. See, the UK counts both WITH and FROM cases, but I'm yet to find anyone who can explain why. It would be fascinating to know how many people have died FROM Covid19, and ONLY from. Heck, my mate died with an ingrown toenail, but it didn't kill him. The world has gone bonkers, MAD, I say!
  8. Wow! I see people walking around Big C and everywhere else all the time. But without stopping them and... ahem... asking to see their papers, I have no idea who they are or where in the world they come from. But umm... well spotted, well-observed, I suppose. We should all perhaps be a tad nosier vigilant of the people around us when out and about. You never know when it might come in handy ????
  9. Hmm. But you can find every expert on planet earth all over YouTube, right. So, I guess what you're saying is that you don't trust the so-called experts. One has to ask... then... who do you trust?
  10. What's wrong with experts on YouTube? Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health, and the president's chief medical advisor is on YT. Or maybe that's your point?
  11. Be Careful What You Believe, Folks It's easy to label a person a conspiracy theorist because they disagree with you. Because a "credible voice" backed by big money says something is true, that doesn't always mean it is. It might be, but it might not be, too. See, many researchers get paid to manipulate the facts, and that is a FACT. But there will be some who think only a conspiracy theorist could say such a thing. BTW, Doctoring Data by Dr. Malcolm Kendrick is a real eye-opener... for the open-minded. THE DIET-HEART HYPOTHESIS The world got big and sick because we all believed the Ancel Keys diet-heart hypothesis. That's aside from Ancel, of course. There was nothing that bloke enjoyed more than a fried breakfast to kickstart the day. Yet there are still people who believe his Seven Countries Study nonsense. What about you? Do you still think saturated fat clogs the arteries and leads to obesity, heart attack, and stroke? Again, be careful what you believe, folks. WHAT MAKES US BELIEVE? Well... when a person decides to believe in a thing—especially older people—they shut their mind off to anything contrary. Worse still, they look for material that supports and reinforces their agenda, be it true or false. Ahem... memes posters are a classic example of this. It matters not how compelling a counterargument might be with some folks. Those who don't want something to be true will refuse to believe it... or even hear it. That's when you become locked in the 'Single-Minded Prison. Again, be careful what you believe, folks, because humans are experts at lying. Stubby
  12. KTM designed the GPX Razer, Papa Al. That's what the seller told me, who had about four of them up for sale.
  13. What is klms? I don't have a manual, either, but the dealer said to change the oil every 4,000Km. I keep the receipts for proof of service history.
  14. Nice one. Mine has just clocked up 9,000km. I've noticed the gears and riding seem to have gotten smoother of late. It's probably one of those bikes that needs a bloody good running in before it finally settles down. I still think it's the best value little-big-bike around at the moment.
  15. Those who are double or triple-jabbed have nothing to fear from the unvaccinated. Or, if they do, what's the point in the vaccinations? So, I would guess that those who worry about the unvaccinated are just showing empathy and concern about them infecting each other.
  16. I'm so confused now. Why are the double-vaxxed still ordered to wear masks in public? Is it to protect those unvaccinated dirty spreaders? And what about the temperature checks before entering buildings and social distancing? What's the Point in C19 Vaccinations? What's the point of vaccinations if everyone is still supposed to fear the virus? Heck, even Holland has a partial lockdown to tackle a surge in infections. Yet, the Netherlands has the fourth-highest vaccination rate in the EU. So who are these governments trying to protect? I always thought the only people who should have self-isolated were the highly vulnerable. I based that on the data, and it seems to be the only constant throughout this mess. But hey, I'm not the sharpest tool in the box, and nor do I claim to be. So perhaps someone of average intelligence or higher can explain it all in a language that a five-year-old would understand? Stubby
  17. There are lousy road users whatever the vehicle. It's easy to blame motorcyclists, but here's a thought: Motorcyclist Survival 101 How many motorcyclists ride the way they do to escape those erratic, phone-chatting drivers in mobile discotheques? See, around 22% of all car collisions and over 70% of truck crashes result from non-driving related distractions, i.e., overly loud music, mobile phones, etc. Now add in poor driving skills more generally. Incompetent Women Drivers (Can I Say that?) The debate continues, but women's incompetence behind the wheel didn't just spring up out of nowhere. My sister once pointed out that neither she nor her female friends have ever had a road accident in their lives. To which I replied... "I believe you, sis. But if you ladies took a moment or two to glance in the rearview mirror ONCE IN A WHILE…. Well, you would see that you leave an awful lot of crashes in your wake." So, perhaps this 20K reward should be for all wheels on the tarmac and not single out those poor sods on two. Stubby
  18. Please be careful, Rott. Doctors are too quick to prescribe blood pressure medications without looking for the root cause. And when that happens... and the BP medications lower your blood pressure... Big Pharma has just snared another customer for life. Mediation has its place, of course, but always explore cures over treatments. WHY DO OLDER FOLKS TAKE SO MANY PILLS? A patient gets diagnosed with HBP, so the doctor prescribes him Amlodipine. A few weeks Laster the patient returns and tells the doctor: "Hey Doc, the Amlodipine has given me ankle edema." So, the good doctor prescribes a water tablet to treat the edema. But then the water tablet gives the patient headaches. So, the good doctor prescribes co-proxamol to help ease the head pain. But then the coproxamol gives the patient constipation. So, the good doctor prescribes lactulose to help him poop. And so it goes on, always treatments over cure. See, many older folks start with a single condition like in this example. But before too long, they've got a Monday–Sunday pill box stuffed with all sorts. "The third most common cause of death after heart disease and cancer is prescribed medications ~ Dr. Aseem Malhotra, Consultant Cardiologist." Stubby
  19. Hahaha lol ???? What other forum topics do you visit, read, then interact with that you don't care about? Heck, your fingers must be on fire when you find a topic that really grabs your eyeballs. C'mon lad... get a grip of yourself ????
  20. I never said anything about vaccinated people being at equal risk of COVID infection. I merely pointed out that those vaccinated people who DO catch COVID (and some do, right?) are just as infectious (the dirty spreaders) as the unvaccinated. So how have I twisted the narrative to conform to some pre-existing belief, as you put it?
  21. Eeee, there's no convincing you, is there. It's the results of a year-long UK study led by Sarah Walker, Professor of Medical Statistics and Epidemiology at the University of Oxford. But you're probably now thinking: "So what... Just because it's an Oxford-led study by a team of experts, that doesn't mean it's true." You must be getting on a bit to be so stubborn in your views. Please don't respond with another of your "I'm on top of this... you're not" rants. Life's too short for bickering. Thank you very much, and enjoy your Sunday.
  22. Fully vaccinated people as likely to spread Delta variant as unvaccinated, a yearlong U.K. study shows. Try to keep up. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/laninf/article/PIIS1473-3099(21)00648-4/fulltext
  23. Whatever camp you're in, I think everyone agrees that double-jabbed people who go on to catch COVID are just as infectious as the unjabbed. That's assuming you're up to date with the latest develoments. The New Norm Is Upon Us, Ain't It? Folks, to curb transmission, everyone—including the fully-vaccinated—should carry on wearing masks, maintain physical distancing, and continue testing. Alas, it seems like this is the new norm until the end of time, or... until something more lethal comes along. Human Extinction Is Imminent It seems that humans could be among the first casualties in the earth's current wave of extinctions. And why not? After all, over 99% of the 4 billion species that evolved before us are long gone. Moreover, scientists say that 150-200 species of plant, insect, bird, and mammal become extinct every 24 hours. And we're no match for Mother Nature, either. Heck, we can't even stop a shower! Stubby
  24. I wonder what the reporting would look like if the stats only ever reported the number of people SICK with COVID19?
  25. MOTORCYCLING RULE #1. LOOK UP AND LOOK AHEAD. Too many inexperienced riders look down directly at the road in front of them. But motorcyclists' eyes should always focus on where they want to go, not where they are. Unfortunately, so many injuries and deaths happen because of ignorance, but it's not only motorcyclists. If you don't look ahead, there's a crash waiting to happen, whatever the mode of transport. Here's a video to illustrate the point. Stubby
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