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Posts posted by arminbkk

  1. Yes it's 300 per day and everywhere in Thailand as per what Estrada posted.

    5000 baht per month for a full time job in a school sounds crazy to me. Teachers make easily 30-40k so I don't understand why your wife was offered such a low salary.

    It takes government teachers a very long time to reach that salary level, they will have to have been teaching for over 25 years.

    Most start out at 8K a month and after 25 years will reach 25-30K.

    They can turn in papers/essays or do a Masters to climb the salary scale faster.

    I know because my wife did it, as an English teacher at rural government school.

    Don't know where you get "easily 30-40k".

    Note that I am talking about government school teachers.

    But what I have heard from Thai teachers at private schools, it is not much better.

  2. There are plenty of Thai people that think that the Thai police are framing it on the two Burmese.

    They say that the way they see the police handling it has all the signs of making those two the scapegoats

    for the actual, more connected, culprit, who they think is part of a powerful influential family there,

    buddies with that guy that spent many months on the streets of Bangkok and has currently turned to monk hood.

    Should add that they also feel sorry for the two.

    • Like 2
  3. How sure are you at this point of her infidelity?

    So you only want the cash back, including what is in the gold trading account?

    To get any money back, there first has to be money.

    So make sure it is still there.

    Once you are 100% sure of her infidelity, and have solid proof of that, try get the accounts frozen and

    get a lawyer.

    Don't count on her being reasonable in a separation, most women, well most people for that matter,

    are not reasonable. Especially a Thai woman caught on cheating.

  4. OP, seriously, just say which bar she works in and how she looks, or show a picture of her, and I will check her out for you.

    You can PM me. I'm serious about this.


    The offer I started this post with still stands by the way. smile.png

    Thanks for the offer but I already have a friend out there who could do it but I have chosen to just let her get on with it. She has said to me you have friend in Bangkok why don't you get him to come in the bar and then you will know I no bar fine.

    And? I see that that gamble of hers is working on you.

    Ah well, I guess if you are alright with her sitting on other guys' laps and getting groped (since that is what is still happening while she works in a bar,

    because.....that's what happens in such bars) and more as the hours grow late, then getting barfined is ok too, since that is just the next step. smile.png

    You can see that this girl, or this situation, is already occupying your mind a lot, and not much in a pleasant way. Consider that.

  5. OP, seriously, just say which bar she works in and how she looks, or show a picture of her, and I will check her out for you.

    You can PM me. I'm serious about this.

    I can understand OP is enchanted by this girl. It is what sets a Thai bar girl apart from any western prostitute: Thai girls are fun.

    With western working girls it is more like entering into a business agreement.

    On top of that, this girl is a 20 year old Thai girl. Nothing more needs to be said really.

    OP, at the end of the day, your girl is still a working girl. She has a quota to reach, money to make, family to support,

    kid to provide for (by the way, have you already about taking up the responsibility of raising a kid that is not yours?).

    Sure she is nice, sure she is lovely, sure she has feelings, she is a 20 year old person, so yes a lot of what you see and what she says is

    real, of course.

    She might not want to go with men, she might feel bad about it for you, so she tells you she isn't doing that anymore,

    but I would bet the amount of a bar fine that she is still going with men.

    If you are of Asian persuasion as I am, then Thai girls are just darn pretty, cute, lovely, beautiful.

    In fact, there is not much else of attraction in Thailand really.

    But Thai girls, Thais in general, are masters at pretending. This is not Thai bashing. Anyone who has spent

    long enough time in Thailand (I, 7 years counting), interacting with Thais, knows this.

    It's part of Thai culture to pretend, so they are good at it.

    Some say Thais are not so bright, but you can bet that this girl is looking out for herself and looking at options

    for her future, and part of that is keeping options open and not betting on one horse.

    Now that might sound void of emotion, but understand that she is from a poor rural background, has family to take care of,

    a kid to take care of, there is no welfare to speak of in Thailand, so her mind has to be focused on getting the best out of it.

    If you want to develop a serious relationship with this girl, then of course you don't want her to work in that bar any longer, which means

    she will have to quit and you will have to substitute the income she had.

    This is not necessarily a Thai bar girl leeching off a farang.

    A Thai guy would have to do that too. Difference is, not many Thai guys would take

    a bar girl to be their girlfriend.

    Also, you never really know what a person is doing unless you live with that person 24/7.

    So the question is, do you want to make this girlfriend your actually girlfriend and take care of her and her kid,

    and probably her grandmother, financially, while you see her 3x3 weeks in a year?

    She is just 20 now and from what you have written about her, she hasn't turned into one of those hardened

    bar b1tches yet, so don't wait too long to make your own decision.

    The offer I started this post with still stands by the way. smile.png

    • Like 1
  6. It's not that the family ties are that strong, it is that it is the easy way out. And OP can take the credit for that.

    Tell us OP, what do all those losers give you in return for your generosity?

    Do they do all kinds of chores or do they just hang around all day?

    Are they at least fun to converse with?


    Edit to add: do you see it happening in the future that when the tables are turned, they can take care of you?

    • Like 1
  7. Thai Friendly is OK. Thai Cupid (Previously Thai Love Links) has gotten me laid so many times I lost count...

    NO I don't work for them... Just being honest.

    But the key thing is: do you pretend to be looking for a serious relationship and date them 1, 2, 3 or more times, 'score' and then ditch them, or,

    do you let them know from the start what your real intentions are?

  8. Of course, after all is done, clean up, reform, elections, new government.......the army will remain in the background, watching and checking if

    things don't go for worse again, or back to the old ways. Like a separate entity, a watchdog.

    Watching the new government. What and whoever that may be will have to tread carefully, to not stir up big green brother.

    Sort of like it was before?!

  9. This is a slippery slope, be careful! Next thing you know, they will take licenses from the blind and this will be a nanny state so many whinge about.

    I came to Thailand because it is warmer here. And then some reasons.

    It was not to escape a nanny state, solely for it being a nanny state.

    I would not mind if Thailand would incorporate more of the aspects of a nanny state.

    That being said, I do know that if Thailand would turn into a nanny state, per European model, it would

    be a completely different country, surely more expensive.

  10. From the news thread: Interim Thai government by September: junta chief

    "Thailand's junta will form an interim government by September to oversee political reforms that will be followed by elections in about one year, the army chief said Friday.

    Prayut has ruled out elections for at least a year to allow time for political reforms -- including the drafting of a new constitution -- which he says are necessary to end almost a decade of political turmoil and street violence."

    This and the plans for the rice pledging scheme..........it sure looks like K. Suthep is getting what he wants.

    • Like 1
  11. That their smiles are genuine....

    you beat me to it

    should read "the land of fake smiles" in the adverts.

    Actually, that there are not enough smiles to call it "Land of Smiles".

    Anyway, I had not read many books on Thailand, but of the ones that I did read, or of what I did read, I'd say at least 50% is outside reality.

    Cannot come up with any example right now, except the above one, that's one that gets proven/disproven daily.

    smile.png (real one 555)

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