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Posts posted by arminbkk

  1. Also I would recommend 4TH floor in MBK outside Power city their is a guy there that does all the work for Power city as they surprisingly don't have any Technicians working there.

    He is in front of the Samsung store. He will back-up everything for you and fix your Laptop so its running perfectly!

    Pan-tip is dodge!

    Thanks! Will consider that.

    • Like 1
  2. Thanks for all the replies above!!

    @Bpuumike post #15: the problem occurs when I start up the laptop after it has been off for 8 hours or more, so it does not shutdown just because of overheating.

    @NeverSure post #17: my laptop battery has been 'dead' for months already. I took it out just recently to see if that would make a difference re the shutdown problem,

    but it did not.

    I've had this problem for about 2 weeks now.

    @Sirchai post #21: I don't get the 'safe mode' option, only the 'repair option' and 'normal start-up' option.

    I did the repair option today and after about 25 minutes it concluded that it could not 'repair the system automatically' and asked whether I wanted to

    send a report to Microsoft or not. I choose not to, after which the laptop did continue with an uninterrupted start-up.

    I tried to do a disk defragmentation analysis, but after 1 hour it was still only showing "1%" so I cancelled that.

    I think I will first get some external hard drive and copy all important stuff on it and then take it to a shop.

    Hopefully the laptop will breakdown not just yet, before I have copied everything.

    Thanks for all replies!

    Again its your hard drive that is failing! If it wont Defrag obliviously it a problem with your Hard Drive! now I am 100% sure.

    I also did a disk check: that did not move along either. I let it run for 4 hours, when I came it was still at 0%!!

  3. @RichCor, thanks, yes, power-loss event would be a better term.

    I think it is probably the first possibility you mention.

    As I said before, it will happen when I turn it on in the morning, after it has been off for some 8 to 10 hours, so it's not a heat issue at that moment.

    But, overheating in the past will likely have attributed to the wear of the components.

  4. Thanks for all the replies above!!

    @Bpuumike post #15: the problem occurs when I start up the laptop after it has been off for 8 hours or more, so it does not shutdown just because of overheating.

    @NeverSure post #17: my laptop battery has been 'dead' for months already. I took it out just recently to see if that would make a difference re the shutdown problem,

    but it did not.

    I've had this problem for about 2 weeks now.

    @Sirchai post #21: I don't get the 'safe mode' option, only the 'repair option' and 'normal start-up' option.

    I did the repair option today and after about 25 minutes it concluded that it could not 'repair the system automatically' and asked whether I wanted to

    send a report to Microsoft or not. I choose not to, after which the laptop did continue with an uninterrupted start-up.

    I tried to do a disk defragmentation analysis, but after 1 hour it was still only showing "1%" so I cancelled that.

    I think I will first get some external hard drive and copy all important stuff on it and then take it to a shop.

    Hopefully the laptop will breakdown not just yet, before I have copied everything.

    Thanks for all replies!

  5. I am 90% sure its a Hard drive failure without seeing the laptop, Why this happening is because there is some bad sectors on your Hard drive and at any minute your hard drive could fail completely and you could loss all your data.

    Most Hard-drives only last 3-4 years of heavy use before they start to slow down and become problematic. Some may last twice that.

    If you have any Data that is essential back it up! You need a new hard drive!

    I used to work in a Computer repair shop....

    I keep data on a D-drive also, where I still have 119 GB free space now, out of 315 GB.

    Just moved 5GB of data from C to D drive.

    I have a lot backed up on Google Drive as well, but will do an update on that just in case.


    Still hope my hard drive will not fail of course.

  6. ^^ Thanks for the replies!!

    I will see what I can remove.

    I already did CCleaner earlier today, removing temp files, cookies, browser cache etc and wiping free disk space.

    Will see later if it starts up better because of that

    How does one swap RAM modules?

  7. I have a problem with my laptop: when I turn it on, it starts until I see the boot line, then it shuts down/turns off completely, by itself. I then push the button again to turn it on, it starts, shows boot line, then jumps to a black/white screen where I have to select between 2 start up options: a repair option and normal start up. I select the ‘normal start up’, it starts, then it shuts down again completely. I push the button again, it starts, goes to that black/white selection screen, I select the normal start up, it briefly starts, then shuts down again. I repeat this 4, 5 sometimes 6 times again, before it finally “catches on”, continues and completes start up. It then works fine from there on, although sometimes it might shut down suddenly after a long time, 8-10 hours, probably because it got hot. By the way, when I say ‘shut down’, I don’t mean it goes through a normal complete shutdown procedure, it just turns off. I don’t have a battery in it, but use an adaptor. It will just turn off, same as when I would suddenly pull the plug.

    I once did the ‘repair’ option: started at 9pm, couldn’t turn it off at 11pm, left it running during the night, it was finished at about 5am. It only started up correctly 1 time after that, then back to what I described above.

    What is the problem?

    I have a Samsung laptop, model R468, bought in Thailand in 2009.

    Windows 7 Professional (activated), SP1, Intel Core Duo CPU, P7350 @2.00 GHz 32-bit OS 4GB RAM

    I have about 3GB left on a 149 GB C-drive.

    I have AVG Anti-virus installed, free edition 2012.

    Anyone any idea what could be wrong and what I could do about it?


  8. Not exactly the same but I had 2 Indian men approach me in a 7-11 and one of them had this jar with hair cream (don't know exactly what it was) and asked me if

    it would be alright if it would touch his skin when he puts it in his hair.

    I don't know why he would ask me that, but I took the jar from him and tried to read it.

    It was a small jar with small letters and I could not read it.

    I told him so and gave the jar back.

    Then he said "oh no, I can read it", to which I replied "then why are you asking me?" and I walked out.

    It just went on in a weird way.

  9. The Kor Ror 2 is not required. You need your marriage certificate plus a copy, Signed and dated copies of you wife's house book and ID card.

    They do not ask for financial proof.

    There are several buses a day from the main bus station in Ubon to Mukdahan. You can get the bus to Savannakhet at the bus station in Mukdahan, It will wait for you clear immigration of both sides of the bridge,

    Thanks ubonjoe!

    I take the Kor Ror 2 with me just in case. I have it already.

    The other items you mention are easy.

    The reason for my questions is that I just want to be prepared for when one gets a "difficult" officer, who

    could ask why I have been on Non Imm O spouse visa for 3 years in Thailand, to which I will then

    of course reply that I work in Thailand, to provide for my family.

    To back that up, I will also bring work permit and income tax filing documents.

    All just in case. smile.png

    Better safe than sorry....as they say.

    I heard there are mini vans also from Ubon to Mukdahan. Trying to find out more about that.

    The previous times I drove myself from Ubon to Mukdahan. I don't have that option now (no car available).

  10. OP, do you know about extensions at immigration offices?

    I know that extensions at immigration require proof of funds (THB 400K) or income (THB 40 - 50K).

    My visa expired end of last March, I entered just a day before "enter before date" to get 90 days again,

    getting a total of 15 months out of the visa.

    Now I need to get a new visa. I choose to get a new one, instead of doing extension, presuming it is easier

    because less is required.

    However, as getting a visa at any Thai embassy/consulate also partly depends on the mood of the official

    you happen to have to hand over your documents, I want to have some backup with me in case

    I get asked for more, that's why I will bring a Kor Ror 2 and some P91 tax documents with me also.

    If I am there and asked for such and don't have it, well I won't be able to get it there and then.

    Waste of time and money.

    But if I am wrong about the requirements to get an extension to a Non Imm O spouse visa at immigration in Bangkok,

    in my situation, please do tell.

    Thanks smile.png

  11. Hi,

    I posted this in a thread in travel section but only got 1 reply.

    Will post it here, better place for it also.

    I have some questions regarding obtaining a Non Imm O spouse (marriage) multiple entry from Thai consulate in Savannakhet.

    Maybe some members can answer.

    1) Is there a bus from Ubonratchathani city bus terminal all the way to Savannakhet (via Mukdahan)?

    If so, what is the earliest time it leaves Ubon, how long is the trip, how much is the fare, when is the last bus back/leaving Savannakhet/Mukdahan to Ubon?

    2) I already got a Kor Ror 2 (marriage registration, not certificate) at an amphur in Bangkok a week ago.

    But I plan to get a new visa (visa, not extention) late this month, June.

    The Kor Ror 2 will then be 1.5 months old: will it still be accepted?

    3) Apart from original marriage certificate and Kor Ror 2 and signed copy of Thai wife's ID card, I plan to also bring along

    (and will only show when requested by consulate staff) original bankbook, original work permit,

    original and copy of personal income tax receipt for 2013 tax filling, copy of the income tax declaration from 2013

    (to show I can comply with the at least THB 50K monthly income requirement).

    The bankbook will be at least showing transactions from 14th April until, I guess, the day prior to application at consulate,

    but far under a balance of THB 400K.

    My question: will this be enough if asked more than the marriage documents and ID document?

    4) What is the expectation that the Thai consulate will still be where it was last year April 2013?


  12. I have some questions regarding obtaining a Non Imm O spouse (marriage) multiple entry from Thai consulate in Savannakhet.

    Maybe some members can answer.

    1) Is there a bus from Ubonratchathani city bus terminal all the way to Savannakhet (via Mukdahan)?

    If so, what is the earliest time it leaves Ubon, how long is the trip, how much is the fare, when is the last bus back/leaving Savannakhet/Mukdahan to Ubon?

    2) I already got a Kor Ror 2 (marriage registration, not certificate) at an amphur in Bangkok a week ago.

    But I plan to get a new visa (visa, not extention) late this month, June.

    The Kor Ror 2 will then be 1.5 months old: will it still be accepted?

    3) Apart from original marriage certificate and Kor Ror 2 and signed copy of Thai wife's ID card, I plan to also bring along

    (and will only show when requested by consulate staff) original bankbook, original work permit,

    original and copy of personal income tax receipt for 2013 tax filling, copy of the income tax declaration from 2013

    (to show I can comply with the at least THB 50K monthly income requirement).

    The bankbook will be at least showing transactions from 14th April until, I guess, the day prior to application at consulate,

    but far under a balance of THB 400K.

    My question: will this be enough if asked more than the marriage documents and ID document?

    4) What is the expectation that the Thai consulate will still be where it was last year April 2013?


  13. Unless the two boys were kicking the light pole for 5 minutes on purpose causing it to break and resulting in the electrocution

    (which they did not do of course, I am just giving a lead-in example), it would appear that the light pole

    was unsafe, probably due to lack of proper maintenance, maybe even poor installation.

    Whatever is the case, the light pole is in a public place near water, normal safety measures would include at least earthing and

    proper maintenance. A swimming pool owner has the responsibility to maintain a pool and keep it safe.

    This is how Thai judges and lawyers will look at it. Based on Thai law, the owner of the building is liable.

    I deal with liability cases for my work here now and then so I know how the Thai law is explained in this regard.

    What action is taken after such an assessment is of course another matter.

    • Like 1
  14. I taught at sub 30K THB level in the past. Eventually did not see the point of it.

    It's good if a person is young and just traveling and picking up experiences and all that, but for an older person

    with family obligations (don't know if OP has, but I did), trying to build a future, it's no use.

    Standing attention at 8am for some song, teaching an unruly over-sized class, envy from the Thai teacher that you get paid more than them

    while they have to spend years climbing the salary scale, all that and more for less than 30K baht/month?

    Some posters advise to just "move on, there are plenty of jobs out there".

    Well if OP has a family, it is not that easy. And maybe OP wants to stay in or around that place/city.

    Anyway, my advice would also be to look for something else. Why accept less than was agreed?

    As others have said, it's not your problem some parents did not pay.

    And if you leave there is no English teacher. That's a bigger problem for the school.

    Also, you will see that you accept less now, and later you can do extra stuff such as summer school, or weekend learning activities,

    without extra pay.

    Good luck.

    • Like 1
  15. From the OP: "I am poor thai girl, I want good life, I am not working girl, I just need a little money to support my family ,or cure myself of this "sickness" that I have ( the people who checked her out said this sickness is invented-), can you please help me so we can be together, I just want to be a good wife and mother,or I will have no other option other than to sell my body ( or kill myself)".

    I can usually spot a gold digger fairly quickly.

    I appreciate that the OP's cousin found all this out afterward, but anyway, as soon as of the words above come up,

    or mention of money/support etc or indication thereof, my feet are already moving.

    I assume when OP says "soi 11" he is talking about Sukhumvit soi 11?

    That's a red flag right there.

    • Like 1
  16. You have already been told straight to your face and your gf's face that they will NOT stop making noise and that you should watch your step.

    The building staff also said they will not do anything.

    Your gf is even reminded of the neighbor's intention when 'bumping' into each other at 7-11.

    Soldiers are indeed very big at the moment.

    The answer is obvious: find a new place to live.

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