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Posts posted by arminbkk

  1. I can't see why anyone can think of 'LOS' (Land of Smiles) while walking into and dealing with staff in any 7-Eleven on lower Sukhumvit, for example.

    I know it is not like that everywhere, and there are places where you will find real friendly smiles....but there are not

    enough of those places that would make Thailand deserve the monniker 'Land of Smiles'.

    And of course, it was a tourism marketing slogan once.

  2. "THAI WOMEN that's the reason 90% of you are here"

    Agreed. Or maybe 80%.

    If you take Thai women out of the equation (meaning, the ratio of pretty/beautiful Thai women with nice figures, to average/ugly Thai women,

    is the same as the ratio of pretty/beautiful farang women with nice figures, to average/ugly farang women in your homecountry),

    then one of the most appealing things in Thailand would be gone. The appeal can also be to just look.

    I admit that if most Thai women looked average/ugly, overweight, less feminine, there would not be much else left

    worth looking at. I am just imagining Bangkok like this while writing this: mostly concrete, metal (cars/buses), dirt, noise, garbage, dismal faces mad.gif.pagespeed.ce.z6RtN005qs.gifannoyed.gif.pagespeed.ce.EWbqpZ7s0b.gif .

    It's probably different if you live in a quiet clean area near a private nice sub-tropical beach.

    Of course, one can only look briefly at the pretty Thai women because they'd probably think you are one of those

    farang men that think all Thai women are prostitutes tongue.png and they will give you a dismal look to let you know this and that they are not interested bah.gif.pagespeed.ce.-cCHYEZ1Lo.gif .


  3. First OP, tell us what website and what her username is.

    Secondly, so far she only accepted money for sex in a cyber chat. She did not actually have sex with your buddy, yet.

    I for one understand OP's approach. Not that I would do it also.

    There is nothing wrong with people accepting money for sex.

    But OP just does not want that type of person.

    Fair enough.

    OP should also understand that at this stage he is just a virtual boyfriend prospect to her.

    They've never met in real yet, so she is not exclusively chatting with him.

    So unless the two of them (OP and the girl) have been together and dating exclusively for a few weeks or month,

    he cannot expect her to only be involved with him, in whatever way.

    Now, if they had been dating some time already and were 'officially' boyfriend and girls, and she would

    still accept his buddy's offer..................

    • Like 2
  4. OP should know that the reply of many posters would actually be the reply to the question "how easy is it to get laid in Thailand".

    Which is not what the OP asked.

    OP should give more details about his uncle.

    Also, OP should tell us if his uncle also wants an attractive, pretty Thai woman. If yes, that will narrow it down a bit.

    As some others have posted, to find a "good Thai woman", OP's uncle should avoid bars and such.

    Not that there are no good women there, there are, but chances are slim of uncle happening to end up with one of the few that are good.

    good thai women like to go out and drink too, and meeting in bars is normal

    By bars I meant the obvious pick up bars (in farang-oriented areas, e.g. Nana) and Go Go bars.

    Should have added that, sorry.

    Of course there a good women going out in lower Sukhumvit, however, if one wants to increase his chances in finding a good woman,

    and decrease his chances in wasting time on 'bad' women, then that area is best avoided.

  5. OP should know that the reply of many posters would actually be the reply to the question "how easy is it to get laid in Thailand".

    Which is not what the OP asked.

    OP should give more details about his uncle.

    Also, OP should tell us if his uncle also wants an attractive, pretty Thai woman. If yes, that will narrow it down a bit.

    As some others have posted, to find a "good Thai woman", OP's uncle should avoid bars and such.

    Not that there are no good women there, there are, but chances are slim of uncle happening to end up with one of the few that are good.

  6. They probably did copy from them.....a long time ago. Why "blame" the current Thais for it?

    They only believe what they were taught in school.

    For me it is just a side note, for them it is years of indoctrination.

    I am sure wherever Songkhran came from originally, it was not celebrated back then the way it is done now.

    (Although back then women went topless, so might have been more interesting biggrin.png )

    Being the way Thais are, I don't see I would receive much appreciation from them should I tell or explain to them

    that some Thai tradition or cultural expression is not something they came up with themselves.

    The Thai psyche might perceive it as an insult.

  7. What old guy would think of having a meaningful conversation with a girl many years his younger laying naked beside him, with a killer figure

    that has just the right proportions that give just the right curves, touching her smooth skin along those curves and looking in her sparkling eyes and

    seeing her red lips curled into a lovely smile?

    No, I'm not an expert on Thailand or Thai women, but like most people I am an expert on what I like and don't like.

    And while most people are generally the same, at least there are similarities, there are also differences.

    And while I am not an expert, have done no research, I just know that most men, at least the majority, like the above image. smile.png

  8. "I see so many profiles that have "I want someone to take care of me", and people who say this in person too,

    what exactly does it mean? as ive heard so many different variations."

    It sounds like it means that a person wants someone else to take care of her/him, instead of this person taking care of him- or herself.

    It sure does not sound like: "I want someone who has the same view as me on life's issues and challenges, who appreciates the

    same things in life and has the same approach on everyday life, has the same taste in food and music and humor, who I feel

    completely comfortable with, without any inhibitions, who has the same curiosity, who treats me as his/her equal and thinks of me before anything else etc etc"

    Anyway, it would be best if you would just ask that person what he/she means by it.

  9. I see more girls that should/could be wearing more than girls that wear enough or too much.

    Must add these are the younger girls/ women, probably not older than 30-35.

    I see this, not in or near bars, but anywhere, far from any tourist area, e.g. Big C Saphan Kwai.

    Of course, how conservative one dresses also depends on climate.

  10. I agree with most the OP wrote. Of course, it does not apply to all and everyone in Thailand, but it does for a large part.

    Why people can still call Thai people friendly, peace-loving, fun-loving, smiling people, interested in the You, not your wallet is beyond me. Where in Thailand do they live, I want to live there too. I sure don’t see this in Bangkok and not in Isaan, either Mueang or countryside, or on the train between the two. Everything is so commercialized, it’s all the money. Granted, it is that way anywhere, but Thais used to at least use smiling friendly service to get your business , now they just grunt with a dismal face and when you then decline with a friendly smile, they look at you like you are the jerk. Well, I at least acknowledge and reply, other people, Thai or otherwise, don’t even do that.

    Anyway, I think Thais used to welcome foreigners to better their country’s economic situation, but now after more than a decade, they are tired of foreigners. I think that might/will be the case with China also. Have to admit though, I’ve never been to China so I only know what other people that have been there, tell me about China and Chinese people. And it’s not all positive.

    Another point I agree with the OP is the reputation of foreigners, both coming from Thais and other foreigners. When I walk along Sukhumvit, many Thais and farang will assume the same reason for my being there. And of course that assumption does not come with “good on you man, have a great time”. I am actually only there to visit the gym, nothing else.

    Ah well, I could write more, but I have to work on my ‘jai yen’ now biggrin.png

  11. What I would have said to the farang? Depends on my mood, but probably nothing....because I just want to get out of there...

    going into a discussion would just waste more time....and he was complaining about wasting time.

    What I don't like is: on the rare occassion that I go to a McDonald's, you will always see people waiting in line a long time,

    and when it is finally their turn.....only then do start thinking about what to order! That's wasting time, meanwhile the queue

    gets longer. Then, when it is finally my turn, I will immediately tell my small order and have my cash ready in hand to pay.

    Not that that gets me any appreciation from the cashier by the way.

    There are may things that I see here that I don't like or disagree with or think could be done more efficiently, but if I would

    confront someone about it every time...........I would not have much time to do anything else.

    I could complain to the Big C cashier for waiing everybody before me but not me....but I'd rather just get my change and not say anything.....

    that way the cashier gets a bit of what she gave....or in this case what she did not give.....a bit of common courtesy

    (especially since I unloaded the basket for her and put it away myself, less work for her...or him).

    Ok, my rant over.

    • Like 1
  12. From OP: "On Sunday evening I killed a soi dog, on purpose. I ran over it in my car. I knew what I was doing. Beforehand it seemed like a good idea but I instantly regretted it afterwards."

    How could it ever seem like a good idea?

    Well OP regretted it, guess that counts for something.

    What is the status OP?

    Edit: OK, just read that the matter was resolved.

  13. You don't know anything about the relationship between these to people, so no right to judge them.

    I for one think that two people, that would otherwise not want to be married to each other anymore, should not stay together just for the kids.

    Sooner or later frustations will show, which will be apparent to the kids, with all consequences from that.

    It's all about how you organize and handle the divorce and life after it. How do you split the assets and who stays with who

    and who visits who and how often, how do both parents still contribute to the upbringing of the kids, etc.

    Do you show your kids you can still communicate in a normal and friendly manner, or do you show fighting, hate and anger?

    Sadly, as I said in another thread, most divorces are not amicable.

    I think these two celebs can work it out well for all involved.

  14. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    This is not a western v Thai culture question, though. It is about cleanliness v dirtyness culture and what one can do about it.

    Try telling the noodle stall lady she runs a "dirty" setup !

    Hope the flying knives and soup ladles miss what will be the target!

    This is the best point.

    Tell any restaurant or stall owner here that you think their 'establishment' or stall is not clean enough or not good enough and see what happens.

    Telling them something like that is criticizing.....and criticizing is not done here.....it's often almost the same as insulting.

    Same as someone asking if the food they just cooked for you is 'aroi'......try saying 'it's crap bah.gif , can you try again?" lol

    I will just say "it's okay" and meanwhile make a mental note to not get it at that place again.

    I could say it's crap of course, but then I would just be stuck there longer than I want to be. wink.png.pagespeed.ce.HJgPQ3U3SA.png

  15. OP should just move on and be glad he has no remaining responsibilities toward the house, such as keep paying installments.

    As others have posted, he should consider it as having paid rent.

    It's only been 3 years, so even if she could sell now, it would not be with any profit worthwhile.

    OP talks about "fair" and he and others post that Thais 'screw' each other over.

    Thai bashers love this and Thai lovers hate such remarks about the 'perfect' Thais.

    Yes, not all Thais are 'unfair' and no not all Thais are 'perfect'.

    But one would sooner encounter an 'unfair' treatment concerning Thais than a 'fair' on.

    Add to that that she is a woman.......and most women in a divorce are not fair.

    Don't have any figures, just impressions etc....but would not doubt that of all divorces in the West, the majority

    are not amicable.

    My general impression with Thais: once a relationship is over, be it marriage, friendship, working or something else, the connection disappears and you are not as important anymore. Out of sight/heart, out of mind so to speak.

    OP should choose the path that costs him the least, be it in monetary sense, emotional, time wise etc....which means forget about it and move on (without ex gf/wife). He will only loose if he pursues it, considering the emotional stress and time he needs to invest in it, maybe even lawyer expenses etc.

    All for a house that has no overvalue yet and for which he only paid 3 years.

  16. Although it does not go unnoticed here, this type of news does not have the societal impact here as it would in a Western country, where it would be called

    a national disaster, a silent march in the planning and maybe even a national day of mourning.

    Here it is similar to if you as a Westerner here, would be reading about another missile strike in Israel (and not being a Jew and from that area of course):

    a negative news item, but not on your mind 10 minutes later.

    Sad for the unnecessary loss of lives.

  17. One cannot imagine what it is like to be a refugee, no one wants to know you no one cares about you , you are homeless with nothing, you will never know freedom, I always suffer when genuine refugees get a rough deal, so this fire last night at Tak refugee camp saddens me greatly, RIP.

    What is so ironic is that so many of these same "refugees" often travel home for extended family visits after receiving asylum from Canada. Last I heard, somewhere around 80% within 3 years of being granted refugee asylum.

    I guess Canada is the new 'land of oppurtinities' then, with a 'Canadian dream': arrive as a dead poor refugee and within 3 years make enough to make trips back for family visits.

  18. Isn't this how things developed in the West?

    Thailand is evolving.

    And with the 'good' comes the 'bad'.

    Soon we will also have fights here between supporters at football/soccer matches, we will have groups of youths lotiering at

    shopping mall entrances harrassing shoppers for no other reason than boredom, gay bashing, (more) open racism and discrimination,

    there will be political agendas saying that Thailand is "full" and needs tighter immigration policy.

    The poor will get more outspoken and aggressive and express how they feel deprived, they will no longer accept their submissive fate (the 'nong'/'pi' thing).

    The Buddhist faith will decline (as with religious faiths in the West) and just be a subject in school one is forced to sit through.

    Monks will just be regarded as any other person, less restraint to beat up.

    Thailand is behind in development compared to the West, hence it is a developing country.

    And is developing, but faster than the West did due to the modern state of the world (telecommunications, social media etc).

    Who knows, someday Thailand might be just as UK or US, or a European country......but just hotter.

  19. Yes, let's all hope the government here transforms Bangkok and the whole of Thailand in the same paranoid crap we have in our great western cities, places we left because we couldn't stand anymore! Yey! 8-)

    Who says I left the West because I want to be obstructed on the sidewalk by all kinds of vendors, beggars, touts, ugly massage women, stray dogs etc etc?

    I came here for the warm climate, the female population (better view), opening hours of shops, to name a few.

    Mind you, Thais love a clear sidewalk also.

  20. I can understand it might be fun to throw water on each other on a hot day.

    I don't understand why it is done in a country where there is drought in some part and flood in other parts.

    And it is not only tap water that is used, also drinking water.

    As another poster above said, nowadays they often don't ask permission anymore to throw water on you.

    I remember last year when the (2-lane) road was full of pick ups with water tanks and people splashing water, and

    others on the side walk with tanks and buckets with water splashing back, music from loudspeakers full blast, and at the same time

    teenagers racing with their very loud motorcycles up and down the road.

    There is a line where fun crosses into stupid.

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