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Posts posted by arminbkk

  1. "...her comment was: Boss, sorry but if you cannot get out, you have to stay and sleep in the office tonight until the office opens tomorrow." Is this a joke?", I responded. She said, no boss seriously."

    OP, you should promote her....she's got balls (maybe she actually does, I don't know OP's staff 555).

    I cannot imagine any Thai staff at my office telling my boss that in a similar situation. Then again he is Thai.

    I even have keys to the office.

    So tell us OP, how did you handle it with the staff the following morning?

  2. It was interesting to read this thread. Now I know why farangs, be it tourists or expats or retirees, avoid eye contact with me and only give me a negative look.

    It is because they assume that I am either: a loser, deadbeat, sexpat, con man, pay to sleep with under aged girls and/or boys, come from the bottom barrel of society in my own country, failed in life and want to moan about it to someone, a drunk, spend most my time in bars, a foreigner that cannot speak English anyway, fake, shady, dubious background, anti social, not on a legitimate visa, gay, an awkward type etc etc.

    It is amazing that these people can apparently deduct all that within under a second. What is even more amazing is that they, apparently, believe they are correct in their assumption.

    I'm actually none of the above. But I guess the office attire that I wear does not make a difference.

    Let’s face it; people in general are just not friendly.

    I once said hello to a guy in the gym and asked him how he was doing. He then did not stop talking for 30 minutes. It was amusing though.

    I will say hello to others while entering the locker room, without at all making it appear like I will go into a lengthy conversation. Just a hello in passing.

    We are sharing a confined space after all. Some will return it. Done. Some won’t, even ignore. I reciprocate in kind from then on.

    Maybe we should just put it down to personal preferences: I don’t mind a friendly hello in the building elevator since we are kind of neighbours.

    If I happen to step in and see someone with a remotely friendly/open attitude, I will nod or say hello. Unfortunately, most foreigners and Thais don’t have that attitude.

    I give what I get.

  3. One option is, to give the case to a lawyer, isn't it?

    Thats a great way to atleast DOUBLE the loss!

    If you have a valid lease agreement and the landlord don't have any claims against you, why you should not get your money back?

    You have to pay the lawyer. That's money lost.

    I have always gotten my room deposit back without problem.

    I was also never more than 2 month's rent. Currently 1 month's rent.

  4. Terrible story, the poor little boy. I guess he and his father lived a quite life and pretty much kept to themselves. I hope English relatives come forward and offer the little guy a real chance in life.

    Must have missed it somewhere! Where did it say the father was English? Racism is a funny thing: it's much closer to home than you think!

    Ahhh...this is where the racism issue started in this thread.

    Apparently Jimmu makes a racial distinction between English and British.

    I'll leave it here.

  5. I saw this on Thai news tv. The house was locked and they had to cut open the trellis door.

    Sad for the young boy.

    One can only guess where the mother is. Would assume they are separated or divorced.

    Some posters seem to jump to conclusions fast. Perhaps the guy and the mother only had contact once a week, who knows.

    As for the racist issue running through this thread...the mind boggles where that came from.

    So calling a British person English or vice versa is racism now??

  6. Yet another idiot foreigner.

    Just a matter of time before Thais are gonna stop smiling at us, and tell us to <deleted> off instead

    They are already doing that, well the first part at least.

    So do I understand correctly from the OP that the nutcase girl returned later during the night while OP was sleeping

    and all those windows being smashed in did not wake him? Because of booze and sleeping pills?

    Was the bar girl on booze and sleeping pills too?

  7. I don't understand why anyone would even consider paying the (ex)husband to go away.

    I would just tell the lady to call me when she can show me the divorce certificate.


    Even if the lady is genuine (big IF), the husband sounds like a person that might come back again.

    Might, might not. Even a remote possibility is reason enough to walk way.



  8. From OP:

    "Yes, to you, Sir.

    This morning at Tesco, Khon Kaen.

    I said to you, Hello, and you, not only ignored me, but you turned your face the other way.

    At the same time your Thai wife/gf, waied and smiled at me.

    Just want to tell you, You are a Miserable git."

    Well at least you got the wai and smile from his Thai wife.

    That usually does not happen either.

  9. OP, please just post that girls phonenumber here, or her FB link or whatever.

    This girl is just enjoying her life, and some on here want to help her with that. smile.png

    OP is a bit too judgemental: he says he sleeps with girls while the boyfriends of those girls call,

    so he is cheating on his own girlfriend and he is helping the other girls cheat on their boyfriends.

    It seems that because of the cheating behaviour of the Thai girls, he is able to get l@ d. biggrin.png

    • Like 1
  10. Take your most upstanding, just and honest policeman from your western hometown and put him on the streets of Bangkok to walk the beat, in the sweltering heat, for 15,000 baht per month: how long would he stay on the straight and narrow?

    Edit: font size

  11. I guess OP is not your ordinary 'teach English to remain in Thailand' teacher with a budget like that biggrin.png

    Does OP also wish to get to all bases, or just dinner and talk?

    OP should follow the advice of some posters: go to normal but decent places, not overcrowded with foreigners, don't spend more than 600 or 700 on dinner for both of you.

    Don't spend an amount of money that takes her 2 weeks to earn.

    Find a nice place after dinner where he can actually make conversation with the girl, not some place with loud music (which is almost everywhere anyway).

    The girl will feel uncomfortable when you don't understand what she says, thinking it is her English skill, instead of the loud music.

  12. Well her FB is in Thai, so I can't read it.

    Not very bright of her to post any disrespect or strong dislike of the royal family on her FB.

    Maybe she does not agree with it (monarchy), but why post about it?

    I don't use FB, but if I did, I would not post negative comments about royals or movie stars or famous singers that I happen to dislike.

    To me that (i.e. posting negative comments about a movie star etc you dislike) is like posting a picture of a street stall kaow pad meal....totally unnecessary.

    I think the parents just saw no other option than to press these charges, from pressure and threats from other people that are angered by their daughter's comments.

    I guess telling those other people that you condone nor agree with your daughter's comments is not enough.

    Says something about those other people as well.

    I could comment further on this topic but I will abstain.

  13. A perhaps irrelevant question, but why so concerned about your ex Thai wife OP?

    I assume you two have kids together and that's why it reads as if you are still 'part of the family'?

    Anyway, I am sure some internet search will already show up 'horror' stories of Thai females that went to

    do that type of work in the countries mentioned.

    I would not doubt the chances of getting a bad experience out of such a venture are higher than

    getting a good experience.

    However, how to convince your ex wife, I don't know.

    Was there not a similar story in the news a few months back where a woman was 'recruited' by her aunt to work

    in some spa or beauty salon in Korea or Taiwan? Don't remember exact details but it was something like that.

    Maybe you should find that story and show her, to begin showing her the possible dangers of her plan.

    Or take her to some place where a lot of Russians are and show her what she can expect, maybe Pattaya or Phuket?

    • Like 1
  14. Whenever a Thai sales person tries to sell me some lotion or cleanser (doesn't happen often, but anyway..) and mentions its

    skin whitening quality, I say that I don't need that because I already have 'real white skin'. smile.png

    I say this because for most products that quality is the main quality, that I don't need or want.

    Aside from that, when asked why I am so white even though the sun always shines he, I just say I drank a lot of milk when younger smile.png .

    (This is not to imply I am superior, or to bash or anything, I just don't like the whole skin whitening culture, even think it creates

    inequality and discrimination within (Thai) society, which is just sad).

  15. I don't think I have seen any (Thai) news on this case at all for quite a while.

    I think they are letting it die down.

    If I remember correctly (I could be wrong) he had a terrible cold while in Singapore and that's why he stayed there

    and could not attend his court date here.

    That was early September 2013, wasn't it?

    So that's over 7 months ago, no development.

    Guess we can conclude, for now anyway,that he is getting away with it.

    Maybe a farang with Thai writing skills can start up this discussion again on some Thai web forum or through other social media. thumbsup.gif

  16. First time I ever wandered through a duty-free store I already noticed that it was not cheaper, so I never wander through one again.

    Besides, it's usually stuff that I don't really need anyway. It's like eating expensive food at the airport, when you will

    get a meal on the plane, or you can eat before you get to the airport.

    And that bought duty-free stuff becomes carry on bagage that slows the boarding process.

    Ahh well whatever.

  17. Maybe OP's lady friend is just very attractive and both foreigners, independent of each other, tried to chat her up.


    Seriously though, first thing I would do if approached by strangers that way, would be to put my hand in my pocket where I keep my wallet.

    I usually also do this when standing in crowded places, and on BTS or MRT. Just in case.

    • Like 1
  18. This is what OP said:

    "We were together for five years until I found a guy in her bed the morning after her birthday"

    So they (OP and gf) had a birthday thing the night before, and the next morning he finds her with another guy in bed.

    Now she wants to end it.

    Was the guy a Thai? Maybe he boyfriend or husband?

    I guess OP just feels screwed with and wants to know how to deal with that feeling.

    My advice: break up with her, move on, go outside, to a bar or whatever and see that there are plenty of other women

    and that the odds are in your favor of finding a new and better one.

    By this I mean: he has more luck to find an attractive one with whom he clicks here than in the West.

    Whatever you do OP, finish with this one, you can find a new one.

    • Like 1
  19. Good one.... It looks like a large majority of normal Thai girls are used to the money for sex exchange from the college days. A friend of mine owned a building from which he rented rooms to female college students. 70% of the rents were paid by older men who were not their parents. In a way, in the extremely consuming society where we live, this does not surprise me. It becomes socially accepted, to the point where love, sex and money all mix. My guess would be that this girl has done it before and will continue doing it until she is on a long-term lease (kind of like the car). Definitely do not expect that you are going to have your "normal" relationship for free. You will pay for everything. Consider the p4p proposition. It may be cheaper. After all, the only free sex is the one you pay for. How much did your friend offer her, just out of curiosity?

    Absolutely correct. Those older men are called "papa". In this case the papa's know and pay for a girl that "belongs" only him.

    There is a second system in this student "game":

    Some (many) students are well organised during there presence at the uni! There are phone numbers "in the air" you can call and the organizer choose a disponible girl-student for you and tell you the room number in a Guesthouse.

    But please understand: How they can afford an I-pad or studying at the university to get a Bachelor, onored with thousend of others at BKK by somebody of the King-family? And afterwards open a Noodle shop to make good money or getting work at a 7/11 for bad money in a freezing A/C ambient. 55555.

    It seems many many Thai Visa Members are living phisically in Thailand for years and never are in contact with the reallity, mentually still in their Home Countries, but knowing every Bar in town, perhaps!

    Same same but different for non Thai Visa Members like ambassadors, Consuls and the foreign press.giggle.gif

    Where can we get those phone numbers?


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