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Posts posted by arminbkk

  1. So what wasn't possible for various reasons a few months ago, is all possible today ?

    We will see, said the blind guy.

    Before the government had caretaker status and was not allowed incur liabilities by raising/borrowing funds to pay the farmers.

    Sure, we know that same government had disregarded laws before but this time, under caretaker status, they could not do that anymore.

    You will also remember that Suthep called on all banks to not provide funds to the government and also staged protests

    at Government Savings Bank branches.One bank (forgot which one right now, or was it GSB?) that did consider loaning the government, soon saw

    customers withdrawing lots of funds. That bank then backed out.

    Perhaps PTP was unwilling to pay the farmers quickly, but they (later) also had opposition (Suthep/Democrats) blocking them,

    and they also had laws blocking/prohibiting them.

    Then there is martial law and the General calls all parties in for a meeting. But nobody wants to back down, give in, compromise.

    Now, when you have a situation where there is a government with supporters on one side, opposition parties with supporters on the other side,

    both parties trying to block each other physically or through judicial system (with investigation probes and filing court cases for impeachment/LM/corruption cases etc)

    and threaten with violent clashes, not cooperating, not compromising etc...what do you? A coup.

    And now those laws are not in effect anymore and the coup leader can do and order anything he wants, not being hindered by

    any laws and not even the Constitution.

    Are you never in a situation where you just want everybody to shut up and tie them to a chair and gag them and wipe everything from the table

    and tell them how it is going to be?

    When the general called in all those parties for a meeting to get funds to immediately pay the farmers (good strategic move by the way),

    I am sure it went something along the lines of:"I am TELLING you, not ASKING you, to get me that money today".

    Total trash.


    So you can stop with your silly red rhetoric, as it no longer works on this forum any more.

    The rice scam and the delayed payments are the exclusive responsibility of the Thaksin led PTP government and no amount of twisting and spin will even fool uneducated farmers let alone educated westerners.

    What red rhetoric?

    I don't do rhetoric.

    And I am not pro or anti Red.

    I responded to JesseFrank who mentioned "a few months ago" in his post. In my post I briefly summarized the situation and highlights in those "few months"

    regarding the non payment of farmers for pledged rice.

    I did not bother to post about how the PTP government did or did not try to not pay the rice farmers because that was longer than "a few months" ago.

    Then I continue about how now, under the current coup situation, all is suddenly possible and easily arranged, Well at least paying the rice farmers.

    The main point being: there are now no rules, laws, regulations, procedures etc, no opposition parties, to hinder payment of the rice farmer,

    because Gen. Prayuth, lord and ruler during this coup, has gotten rid of all those rules, laws etc and opposition. Nothing has to go through parliament or senate.

    The yellow and red leaders and politicians all look the same to me: all dishonest and self-serving to some extent.

  2. I have a feeling that there is much more to this coup, and today's consolidation of power, than we are being told. sad.png

    @LuukKoeyKorate: yes

    I had a Thai trying to explain it to me today, behind closed doors (no, not a dark room biggrin.png ), the rumors that Thais whisper in private.

    It was getting so outrageous, I had to stop him half way. biggrin.png

    Needless to say, I cannot repeat it (and I also don't believe it), but let's just say it has been

    many years leading up to this, and YL and Suthep are not the only ones taking orders.

    The 'story' got outrageous at one point (which I won't repeat, it would be the biggest scandal this world has ever seen), but even more outrageous when

    the missing MH 370 was brought into play blink.png

    This person did have one thing right: a foreigner can never really understand what is truly behind what has been happening

    the last 6 months. What we see are just excuses given to hide the real power struggle.

    What's amazing is, most Thais know it but will not speak of it.

    Having nightmare's all the time?

    Nope, none whatsoever.

  3. From the OP: “…..one of the market sellers started talking loudly directly at me about a girl friend of mine. I'm not sure what exactly he said, but it he was speaking extremely loudly and wanting to be heard by everyone and talking about my personal life and this girl.”

    So OP, you do know that he was talking about a girl friend of yours and your personal life (very broad), but you don’t know what exactly he was saying?

    OP, why don’t you also tell what body language he had while saying all that stuff, what was the expression on his face? Was he smiling or looking angry?

    I usually ignore if something like the OP describes happens. Firstly because I can never be absolutely sure about what is said. Secondly, if I would go in, it would be a no-win already. I am not concerned about the argument or even a possible fight. I am concerned about the aftermath. Choice between ignoring something or being unpleasantly occupied for the next hour.

    Of course, the way something is said and the body language and facial expression with it, will usually tell if what is said is positive or negative.

    Usually I will just think something like ‘you are just a short, dark, ugly, poor, deadbeat, go nowhere loser stuck in a shitty life etc etc, I will give you these few seconds of perceived superiority’.

    If I do choose to respond, I will come closer and just smile and say “(pood) arai khrap”. And then the reply is often “mai mee arai khrap”.

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  4. If you were still married to the mother of the child you would only be able to get the visa based upon marriage.

    If divorced from the mother you will need a divorce decree giving you joint or full custody of the child.

    They expect the child to be living in Thailand.

    So one can only get a Non Imm O based on having a Thai child if one is divorced from the mother?

    If not divorced (but still married to the child's mother), then one can only apply for Non Imm O based on marriage to a Thai?


    I did not know that, thought one had a choice.

  5. Unless you got married many years ago (15 years) you can get the Kor Ror 2 at any Amphoe by paying 20 baht.

    It would easier if your wife went to get it. All she would need would be her ID card. If you do it yourself take your marriage certificate, passport and perhaps a signed copy fo your wife,s ID card.

    It's less than 15 years.

    Do I need to show original marriage certificate or will a copy suffice?


  6. Do they also issue multi non O based on having children instead of based on marriage?

    They will but you must be the legal father of your child by way of marriage to their mother or legitimization of your parenthood by way of a court order or an Amphoe.

    Ok, thanks. Legitimization by my embassy and PP of my country does not count I guess?

    @ubonjoe........just to clarify: that you were married to the child's mother at birth of the child, and therefore are mentioned on the child's birth certificate, is enough

    to obtain a multi non imm O based on having children instead of based on marriage?

    Also, does one still have to be married to the mother when applying for a non imm O multi visa on this basis???

    Edit to add: would assume one also has to proof the child is in fact living in Thailand, no?

  7. It is completely left to the discretion of the immigration official. Who knows what the official will do or think? He/she could be thinking it is commendable that you prepared yourself so well and stamp you through…….or…..he/she could be thinking you are a smart@ss for bringing much paperwork with you and deny you entry just to show you who’s boss.

    The point of the crackdown is to put a stop to people making many consecutive border runs to obtain 15-30 day Visa On Arrival, VOAs, or exempt visas, which are tourist visas. The crackdown puts a limit at 3 consecutive entries. They suspect that people that in fact are doing more such “out-in” runs, are actually not tourists but might be working or living in Thailand illegally. Such people will be denied entry. They will make exceptions for people that can show they are in fact tourists by presenting detailed itineraries and hotel bookings and outbound flight.

    Showing them copies of property leases, Thai bank books, Thai bank statements etc, when you want to get a VOA stamp in your passport, does not exactly proof you are a genuine tourist, does it. Or at least it does not proof beyond doubt that you are not working in Thailand.

    Basically, they want to reserve the VOAs for short-term tourists. Tourists.

    From an TV thread yesterday:

    Thai Immigration: Border insecurity mounts as tourist visa abuse is targeted

    “Immigration officials have long expressed concerns that the visa runs are being abused by foreigners who are working illegally in Thailand as language teachers, restaurant owners and staff, real estate agents and tour guides. Immigration Bureau Commissioner Pol Lt Gen Pharnu Kerdlarpphon told Spectrum that if foreigners wanted to retire, work or do business in Thailand they had to apply for the correct type of visa and not exploit those (visas) designated for tourists.”

    OP is not a short-term tourist.

    OP is: one of these independently weathly under 50 individuals and I am currently on a tourist visa”.

    As for pragmatic solutions, I can’t think of any. Since it is at the discretion of the immigration officer, make sure the officer likes you, so be polite, dress well, smile, wai etc. A solution could be to qualify oneself for one of the other visa types: get married to a Thai national, enroll in a Thai language course, invest in property, or get a job despite being independently wealthy.

    • Like 1
  8. I had the same thing in my building in the room next to me, except in this case it was the woman doing most the


    It was almost on a daily basis.

    Did not hear much hitting, mostly screaming and stuff being thrown around.

    One day the building manager stopped me as I came home and he apologized for the noise

    and said that the couple had been warned that if they continued they would be removed.

    It did continue and eventually I guess they were removed.

    There is now an older police man staying in that room, who before was staying a few doors down.

    Maybe he helped with the situation also.

    But yes, in all the time it was going on, I never heard anyone knocking on their door.

    Even though quite a few times they had their door open when going at it, so

    the whole floor could hear it.

    I would want to intervene but think it would usually be a bad idea.

    Unless the person intervening is an authority figure, police or security or building staff, the intervener

    will always be seen by the abuser as an aggressor.

    Then here there is also the language barrier and the 'face thing'.

    Actually I think any abuser who, while abusing his partner, gets a knock on the door and some stranger

    telling him to stop and maybe 'stop or else', will feel losing face and probably get angered more.

    I could imagine someone going in and go about it in a certain manner, say 'settle down folks, what's the problem, lets see if we can talk it over' etc,

    would be considered by the abuser as someone butting in his business.

    The person intervening might think he is setting a good example but the abuser will just see it differently.

    It's not a 'teacher intervening between two school kids having a fight on the playground' situation.

    • Like 1
  9. Does anyone know/have a good experience with a travel agency in Bangkok Sukhumvit area, where one can just book/purchase a plane ticket to Europe? Preferably one that does not charge high fees for their services. I intend to look for a desired flight on ITA airfare search and will bring the booking details with me, so I just want the travel agency to check if the flight is indeed available and of course at the price offered on ITA.


  10. From the OP:

    The scanners will force thousands of people to touch the same device. When asked about the possibility of transmitting diseases – such as MERS – the general said he was not worried.
    “So many other countries use fingerprinting. We are not worried about disease transmission. As I said, it is something that needs to be done for the benefit of the whole country.”

    The general is not worried. And that's it!

    He does not counter the argument, does not give reasons etc.

    Just that he is not worried.....because other countries also use fingerprinting.

  11. And no-one noticed them moving out, carting all their stuff, and called them. Sh.it happens and they're stoopid for not taking IDs; however, it's still like Thai/farang 100000000/3.

    That's probably the reason for the stored stuff, to act as a cover for removal of everything else.

    I think what he meant was, when they moved out again, they had even more stuff to move, so how did that go unnoticed, also by OP?

  12. From the OP: I fell in love. I have bought her a new phone, pay dentist 1000 baht per month and like 7000 upfront to fix her teeth, and 2200 baht a month payments on new honda click. I saved some money for a few months and quit my job and came to Thailand. ...... I hold a BA degree and am a native English speaker,, so I was going to go the teaching route. ..... After one month her father demanded I marry her or leave the house. They ask for 100,000 baht, a ring that was around 34,000 baht, not that big of a deal. The other part of it was to buy land and build a house, and get us a car, and start up a business for the family. Oh and continue to take care of the family forever. When I explained I needed to wait for my job to start here, rage followed!

    I usually stop as soon as I get asked for something.

    OP apparently not.

    OP said "not that big of a deal": I guess OP does not know what you average foreigner with degree teaching English in rural Thailand earns.

    OP saved some money for a few months back home and then quit his job and moved here.

    I know salaries are higher in the West and prices are lower here......but how did OP think he was going to pay for all the above from

    a few months savings and a teaching job in Thailand?

    Again prove that a university degree does not necessarily make someone smart.

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