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Posts posted by arminbkk

  1. With reference to my situation in my OP above, I wonder if someone can clarify the following:


    1) When submitting application for "extension of stay", do you pay the fee before or after you get the "under consideration" stamp in your passport?


    2) When submitting the application, does the IO already thoroughly scrutinize the documents before giving the stamp, or does the IO

    only accept the set of documents without thoroughly checking?


    3) If immigration considers the documents are not in order, even before getting the "under consideration stamp", does that effect the applicant's

    current "permission to stay" (on Non Imm B visa)?


    4) If after the consideration, the "extension of stay" is not granted, how much time does one have left before needing to exit the country?


    5) If I receive my renewed work permit during the immigration's consideration period, and immigration subsequently does not grant

    "extension of stay", can I then just go to a Thai consulate/embassy abroad, with the renewed work permit and apply for new

    single entry Non Imm B visa?


    Thanks for any clarification!!

  2. I went to renew my work permit today, thinking I could get that “Letter of Approval” so that I can use that letter when applying for a new single entry non Imm B visa next week, since there is only about 3 weeks validity left on my current work permit after the date of expiry of my current permission to stay on Non Imm B visa.

    However, I was told that such letter is only issued when one applies for a new work permit, not for renewal/extension of work permit. And since I only have 11 days left on my permission to stay, they could/would not process my work permit renewal application.

    One of the supervisor explained that they would process it if I would have a stamp from immigration (Chaeng Wattana) saying that my application for “extension of stay” is under consideration (30 day stamp). So basically he explained that I should apply for an extension of stay on my current visa.

    So my question is: would immigration accept an application for extension of stay from me, considering that there is only 11 days or less left before my current permission to stay on Non Imm B visa expires??

    I would add that I know that one is suppose to get a first Non Imm B visa and then apply for an extension of stay, based on work. But since my employer cannot provide some of the required documents to support application for extension of stay (due to temporary financial difficulty), I have been getting consecutive single entry Non Imm B visas throughout the past 12 months during the validity of my current work permit. At this point I believe the company would still not be able to produce those required documents, this is why I now wanted to go for a new Non Imm B visa.

    The supervisor also explained that another option would be to cancel the current work permit, then apply for a new work permit, to get that “Letter of Approval” and then go obtain a new Non Imm B visa.

    In any case, to consider my options, I would like to know if immigration would accept an application for extension of stay from me, considering that there is only 11 days or less left before my current permission to stay on Non Imm B visa expires??

    Thanks for any helpful answers!!

  3. My situation is that my single entry Non Imm B (90 days) expires mid September and

    I will have to go apply for a new single entry Non Imm B visa, which I will probably

    do at Savannakhet, Laos. The thing is that my WP will expire early October, or about 3 weeks

    after my visa expires. This means the Thai consulate will not give me a new single entry

    Non Imm B visa (since that one is for 90 days, while there are only 3 weeks left on the WP).


    Now my question is: can I apply for WP renewal before the WP expires, say 4 or 5 weeks before

    the WP expiry date, so that I can that ‘Letter of Approval’ and submit it with the visa application

    (which would be 3 weeks before the WP actually expires)??

    If yes, will I still have the WP book in my possession when I apply for the visa, or will I only have

    that letter, and will that letter be enough?


    If it is not possible, how would I best go about it to get a new Non Imm B visa (without first having to get a tourist visa and

    have that changed to a non imm B in Bangkok, CW)?


    Also, if it is not possible and I will first have to get a tourist visa, will that then be an SETV and would

    I have to show funds of THB 20,000 when applying (in Savannakhet)?


    Thanks in advance for any helpful replies!!

  4. Even at a short-time hotel the attendant takes the guest(s) to the room, to open the room, turn on the lights/aircon.

    Did that not happen in this case?

    If it did, why did the attendant not notice something was off, or notice it but not act on it?


    "Police said Saturday that the most compelling evidence they have so far is CCTV evidence at the hotel where the men appear to be jostling the girl into the room against her will. Police said she was unable to prevent herself being bundled into the room."


    It did not appear like that to the hotel staff at the time?


    It's "funny" how it is a bad and insulting thing in Thailand to say "none of your business", while the "none of my business" approach/attitude seems prevalent.

  5. The two sisters accuse the police of attempting to extort money from them for operating a bar.

    It should be quite easy to find out if the bar was licensed or not.

    If it was not then it is reasonable for the sisters to be charged for operating an unlicensed bar.

    Easy is a very apt word and it's easier than trying to find and detain the accused officers who are simply ignoring the summonses sent to them.

    If the bar is unlicensed then it's appropriate to charge but where's the urgency to deal with the alleged extortion ?

    Not sure if we are reading the same news article but the one posted that I am getting info from says that public servants are provided 30 days for an investigation to occur and charges to be pressed if appropriate.

    Same article you?

    The article is about the summons that was issued that the 5 police officers had to appear already yesterday (Friday 29 July), but they did not bother to show up.

    Regardless of whether there are 30 days provided for the investigation, a summons to appear had already been issued and they did not show up for that.

    Even if 30 days are provided, why take all those 30 days if one (police force) wants to show one is serious about clamping down on corruption.

    Besides, the extortion occurred on Thursday 14th July, police complaint was filed on Friday 15th July, so half of those 30 days have already passed.

  6. The PM was supporting a tearful appeal by the victim's mother to stop the circulation of graphic crime scene photos on social media.

    It seems some people are missing the PM's point. It is what Gecko123 above said, it is about uncensored photograph(s) of the

    women, in which she is lying dead on the bed, face up on her back, legs spread, with only a shirt on that is rolled up to above her chest and

    her slashed throat is visible, thus her naked body.

    How do I know? Someone (Thai) described the above to me and would get me the photograph. And commented on what nice

    breasts she has/had.

    I did not get (to see) the photograph. And don't need to.

  7. Can anyone confirm that the TM.8 form found at this Thaivisa link...


    ...is still the one that can be used now, at Suvarnnabhumi Airport?

    And the required photograph is still 4 x 6 cm?


    Yes and yes. But that form is a MSword document that will jump from 1 page to 2 pages if you don't have the correct program to open it. An alternative is this form that is a PDF file: http://www.immigration.go.th/nov2004/download/pdf/tm8.pdf

    Thanks ubonjoe

    Does it matter if the last line is on a second page, will they not accept if you then only submit the first page (with last line missing)?

  8. "They told police that they had been drinking at a friend's home in Lat Prao. As they drove past on their motorcycles they saw a crippled man in front of a bread shop and teased him about his handicap and the name of the shop. The man was angry, they said, and answered back. Drunk and angry they then parked their bikes and set upon him with knives they had in their possession before police arrived."

    The attacked happened at 08:30 hrs Sunday morning.

  9. at 1;13 the ferang in the flowery shirt throws the first punch right in the background,that then starts the madness,yes as expats living here we know you can't do stuff like that and are better to walk way ,obviously tourists don't know this ,however its no excuse for the vicious beating.

    Yes, and then the Thai guy comes around to take revenge and knocks him down, and subsequently the other 2 foreigners.

    But the ultimate cause was the foreign guy pushing the Thai guy at 00:18.......that put the chain of events in motion.

  10. What I see in the video is that a Thai guy is having some problem with another Thai guy, who does not respond and keeps walking. While those two are ‘engaged’ in each other, the foreigners pass by and one of the foreign guys pushes the Thai guy and keeps walking. The Thai guy that was pushed ,then pushes that foreign guy (black shirt, black cap), who slips and hits his head. An exchange of words between that Thai guy and the foreign woman then starts. A little crowd gathers around the two and there is some pushing and shoving. The foreign woman slaps the Thai guy. The crowd grows and then some Thai guy hits the foreign woman. The Thai guy (that was pushed by the foreign guy earlier) then appears to try and calm things down. The foreign guy (black shirt, black cap) is restraining some Thai guys, including one with a black shirt with red motif. It is this Thai guy who then walks around the crowd and knocks the third foreigner down. The foreign woman comes and stands there and says something and then that Thai guy knocks here down. Then the other foreign guy approaches that Thai guy but the Thai guy knocks him down too. Then some other youths jump in on the ‘fun’ and hit and kick the foreigners that are still down. There is also a second fight going on between a Thai guy and Thai youth.

    Not to blame the foreigners, but the foreign guy should not have pushed the Thai guy. It was unfortunate that the foreign guy slipped and fell, which made things look worse, otherwise all could have just apologized and kept walking.

    When the foreign guy got up and was alright, they all should have just kept on walking no matter what was said by that Thai guy, who appeared drunk anyway.

    It of course in no way excuses the actions by that Thai guy that knocked all down.

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