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Everything posted by JingerBen

  1. I just bought two 450 ml bottles of ethyl alcohol 98% and will boil down some local bud and leaves. What I would like to know is whether or not it is better to decarb the herb before boiling or decarb the extract in the form of brownies or whatever. Thanks to anyone who would share information on that.
  2. "Up to you" as the Thais say. You might get some results if you are persistent. If it was me, I would let it go for such a trifling amount of money.
  3. Welcome to the forum, Lorente. Did you get a receipt for your 2000 baht deposit? If so, you have some basis for legal action. If not, you should consider it a lesson learned and move on. Litigation in Thailand is a minefield strewn with banana peels for all but the wealthiest farangs. Only the lawyers win in the end.
  4. I don't know what the small farming communities in California have experienced, but it couldn't be anything to compare to the urban jungles that were once decent working-class neighborhoods in cities all over the USA.
  5. You are probably spot-on about Harry's future. He came into NYC for the Stephen Colbert TV interview with highly visible armed guards in an armored Esplanade. That, combined with his mealy-mouthed disavowals of what he clearly said previously, leads me to conclude that he is running scared. What a total idiot to say what he did about killing Muslim fighters. Macho brag... from Mr. Pussywhip. Harry - of all people - should know what Rushdie went through, and is still going through, for publicly offending Islam.
  6. Quite so. This overreaction probably has more to do with supporting the contentions of racism within the Royal Family. It isn't the first time her organization has done it.
  7. You may be right. But hey, we all have our "karmic dogs" that sooner or later catch up to us.
  8. Those brainwashed proles would support Thaksin's dog if it was put up for election.
  9. To each his own. Shops around town are now offering a wide variety of alternative "buzzes".
  10. He has made a career out of making an ass of himself. But what comedian hasn't?
  11. This might have some slight positive effect on the situation here in Thailand where the drug warriors are starting a counteroffensive to re-criminalize a beneficial herb that never should have been outlawed in the first place.
  12. This makeshift flood wall is all that stands between us and serious flooding in the Wat Muang Guy/Gymkhana Club area. In 2011 we had a full metre of putrid floodwater in our ground floor. A proper flood wall about two metres high from the Iron Bridge to a little past Nong Hoi would probably protect the whole flood plain in that area.
  13. Hardly a week goes by that there is no Shinawatra "news". Does Thaksin really think he has a chance at running the country again without setting off another military coup that would eliminate him with maximum prejudice?
  14. Has he ever been convicted - or even charged - with malfeasance in office? I don't think so. When he was appointed head of CM Immigration some years ago he cleaned it up immediately. Courtesy and efficiency prevailed as long as he was there. After he left the situation reverted to status quo ante very quickly.
  15. That's the key... make sure your relationships are with a better class of people. There really is an underclass who envy and hate us all. Anyone who grew up in the USA will be familiar with that toxic state of affairs.
  16. Yes, I had heard something about that, but they haven't done a complete U-turn and gone back to total prohibition. Not yet, anyway.
  17. The Thaksin amen corner is out in force and in fine form on this thread. Another round of Kool-Aid for all... your throats must be dry from bawling his praises.
  18. No surprises here. Hasn't this been the positive outcome wherever it has been legalized? Are there any exceptions - cases where countries have banned it after having legalized it?
  19. Lapin Cafe. Excellent Italian food, good service and reasonably priced.
  20. "Slippery as an eel" is an expression that always comes to mind whenever I'm reminded of him. Thais often say that all politicians are "kee-gohng"... but Thaksin takes it to a higher level and is in a class of his own when it comes to the amounts of money involved in his crooked deals. Shady and dishonest weapons procurement programs are a major problem here, that's for sure, but the beneficiaries are numerous and spread out, they don't enrich one man and his corrupt family to the same extent that the Shinawatras have seen their fortunes multiply since starting out as silk merchants in San Kamphaeng.
  21. Thanks for that. I always thought there was a one week grace period after the date you were due to file the report. Now I know.
  22. Leather Craft. Sridonchai Rd. on the same side as Suriwongs Book Store but closer to the SE corner of the moat. I will be having some work done on one of my good belts soon. I've just passed by and it looks like a nice little workshop.
  23. That sounds like the best deal going at present. No doubt prices will keep coming down until the gov't laws and taxes begin. As often mentioned, this is the honeymoon period. Enjoy it to the full because it won't last. That said, there is a slight possibility that a local trade in ganja in the form of herbal medicine, edibles, and premium bud will be left alone with only the minimum of regulation. It's never dull here.
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