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Posts posted by JSixpack

  1. 43 minutes ago, jenny2017 said:

    Heavy footprint and looks like doesn't search for music genres??


    Footprint: check memory & CPU usage cf. light dedicated players I mentioned. I got Radiosure playing now and it's at 0.3% CPU and 50 MB o' RAM, no load on the graphics card. Note how Music Recorder is hogging your whole screen and w/ your other stuff you got 11% of your CPU used and 76% of RAM.


    Radiosure is just a small box about 600 x 500 px you can mess with while it's on top of your main window. I hate bloat.


    Genres: I just said "looks like." It might; you can verify. Search for "blues" or "jazz" or "rock" for example. I know radiosure will do so and tell you the station number and country. You can search by country also.



    No more huge movie files on your machine, because you don't store them. You can rib CD's, record music from the radio stations, YouTube, etc..and it's got many other nice features. You can find it when you go for a swim. 


    I don't see what movie files have to do with Music Recorder and nobody's recording music from movies, which sounds masochistic anyway. Personally I'd go look for the soundtrack. And if you record music, then what are you recording to? Seems to me that must be a music file but please correct me if I'm wrong. If so that file has got to be stored somewhere. Where does Music Recorder store those files? And suppose you want to copy those files over to your MP3 player to play in the gym w/o an internet connection?



  2. 3 hours ago, mikebell said:

    The story has been concocted to negate the tourist beaten up earlier this week.




    Some of colinneil's posts should come with warning labels. Giving this particular silly conspiracy theory to our hapless members suffering from Tic-Related Police Conspiracy OCD (TRPCOCD), now parroting it reflexively whenever some act of kindness by Thais gets reported, was like giving lao khao to alcoholics. I probably need to go through the forum and pull out all such acts reported here by our members to counteract the nonsense. However, the forum is after all infested with bashers, whingers, haters, and trolls who wouldn't post any good stories anyway.




    Surveillance bunker deep within Nirun Condo manned by overstayer



    "Farangs targeted" intelligence gathering off Soi Buakhao



  3. 3 hours ago, holy cow cm said:

    When ever something is wanted to be claimed back or claimed, a fire is always the immediate answer.





    Don't know how many times I have seen this here. 


    Give us the verified list; don't be coy, man. But you seem to have missed all the times it didn't happen.



    Could be an accident, but we will never know.


    But we know. Arson by sabotaging a transformer ain't happenin'.


    I think at least 5 transformers have blown up in my neighborhood over the years.

  4. 2 hours ago, davhend25 said:

    No message from them of any kind.  Credit card looked like it went through.  To be fair, I never really followed up on the order. I think they said on their website that it would take about a month to receive, so I ordered and just forgot about it. Then one day I remembered that I hadn't received it and just ordered a probiotic from Lazada. I know that iherb is popular with TV members so I'll probably give them another shot and hope for better luck.  Thanks for the information.





    Sometimes the message may have gone into your junk/spam box. They may even have refunded the amount--as they will do. So you gotta follow up. I'm not promoting iherb but they're about the best we got here. I've found them honest & reasonable.

  5. 31 minutes ago, RichardColeman said:

    NO doubt on how to avoid compensation for this 'act of God'


    But much more. For some reason no investigator from our TVF Bureau of Financial Intelligence has yet weighed in with the usual conclusion: the whole thing was planned obsolescence so that another transformer could be purchased (heh heh) and installed again. It's like the CCTV scam that the Bureau so very shrewdly uncovered earlier. Not to mention road maintenance--when you compare Thai road building to that of the ancient Romans--well, it all becomes clear.

  6. Heavy footprint and looks like doesn't search for music genres. I prefer a compact standalone internet radio player and often use Radiosure, which I know gives access to the ad-free Russian stations (that play non-Russian music of course, like blues and jazz). (Let's hear it for the Russians, TVF Posters, heh.) I just set up shortcuts to control Radiosure via player icons on my taskbar, as it has command line options. And you can record as well.





    Some light music players will also play radio and have listings, some on subscription basis, i.e.,




    Even foobar, my fave music player, will play radio if you manually plug in the station, which I'm too lazy to do.



    • Like 1
  7. 8 minutes ago, torrzent said:

    Does this mean no?


    Yes. Quite a few minor updates but the only item of significance to readers of previous FAQs affects a few who might need to visit Immigration at the time--and who further don't know about the extension:


    Immigration normally follows Thai official holidays and so will be closed the 12th - 16th as Songkran has been extended this year. You may call and check: 038 252 750. So will the Post Office.


    And there's Observations on the 2017 Songkran here.

  8. 44 minutes ago, torrzent said:

    Any chance of an update thread with anything new from last year, or at least highlight the new parts. 


    18 hours ago, JSixpack said:

    Who should read the FAQ; who should not


    Noob residents and normal tourists should read the FAQ. On the other hand, if


    • you're experienced;
    • have read the FAQ before;
    • are a big bad water hooligan (oooh!); or
    • just think you're tough and know it all anyway


    then you don't need the FAQ. Buzz off unless you have something useful to contribute for the purpose of the FAQ.



  9. 9 hours ago, tropo said:

    On the contrary. I've managed to stay quite dry in a poncho on my motorbike. I'd wear one to get across town if I had to get to my destination dry, not down Soi 6, 7 or 8.


    I've worn an entire rainsuit. Worked great except ponchos and rainsuits are pretty hot esp when the sun's out. I got wet from sweat.


    Good far as that goes but as you know when you're on a bike your head can get blasted, hit w/ a chunk of ice, and shield powdered over. It's a blood sport for the hooligans.

  10. 6 hours ago, wpcoe said:

    One year the madness apparently made it into my condo building when they tossed the manager into the swimming pool.  Actually, I quietly snickered about that as she was an absolute b****, but to know you're not safe even in your building to dash to the minimart in the lobby would add to the stress if I tried to weather the storm and stay at home.


    Happened to me at my condo building years ago. Security guard soaked me good before I could even get to my bike in the parking lot. Didn't see it coming! 

  11. 48 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

    OP, I was thinking a "rules of engagement" guide ie: who cops the full force of the super soaker 5000 and who gets a small respectful splash.


    I usually work on the principle of "if they are carrying", pistol, bucket hose etc, its game on, blast and be blasted.

    Water verses water, you dont bring out the super soaker 5000 against a cute thai girl gently putting powder on your face.


    Anyone wearing a raincoat or poncho etc is just asking to get wet, under the raincoat.


    Old lady pushing a noodle cart, nurse in uniform going to work, a polite splash,


    Someone mobile on a bike a small splash etc, if they are stopped its game on.


    Any small child who shoots you, its compulsory to feign great injury, and fall to the ground etc


    Any car window thats down an inch , fair game.


    Any female in clothing that may cling when wet, of course.


    Never eyes and ears, especially with the stupid military grade blue pvc guns, they can literally take out an eye and it was probably just refilled from a big tub of filthy water.



    That topic is off topic here, though I'm reminded of the famous scene in Butch Cassidy about rules:




    You may start another topic to discuss that as it falls under "facilitating."


    The FAQ has nothing to do with facilitating, liking, defending, or celebrating Songkran water/ice/powder throwing.



    • Like 1
  12. 58 minutes ago, tropo said:

    Are you telling me that you've never bought an item where the stickers have obscured information you wanted?  


    1. Ingredients (salt, sugar etc)

    2. Macronutrient content (fats, carbs, protein)

    3. Specific cooking instructions for non-Campbell's-soup products

    4. Country of manufacture.


    I've attempted to peel stickers back on many occasions. Usually unsuccessfully.


    LOL> it won't make me leave Thailand.


    Right. I've tried that too of course. So then you're forced to dig around on the 'net to find out that sort of info. Me, I wouldn't whinge about it here but our members whinge about everything and one did indeed cover this base.

    • Like 1
  13. 39 minutes ago, tropo said:

    Last year I had to look for a rental house during Songkran, over the whole 10 days. That was fun! I went out quite a bit and it definitely seemed a lot tamer than years gone by. Of course, I stayed well away from bar areas.


    That was helpful info for the FAQ (hence I quoted your post) for revealing the relative safety away from the bar areas during the daytime. A few years ago, you'd have run into serious checkpoints. So shopping during the day IS now possible w/ circumspection--you did have "a few close calls."



    On 4/17/2017 at 1:37 AM, tropo said:

    I wish I could give you some information from around the bar areas, but as far as the rest of Pattaya is concerned....


    I've been out on my motorcycle all week (house hunting - talk about bad timing) and haven't been wet yet - including today (Sunday). I've been to Big C Extra (riding from Pratumnak area) every day this week and managed to avoid getting wet. I've had a few close calls, but it seems rather subdued. I avoid 2nd Road and Soi Buakhao, but it's been OK on Pattaya Tai, Pattaya Klang, 3rd Road, Thepprasit, Thappraya and Sukhumvit Roads. There are a few Thai people throwing water on most of the side sois, but they mostly leave you alone if you ask them too.


    3 more days to go. I'll be out again over the next 2 days and will stay at home all day on 19.


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