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Everything posted by Bluespunk

  1. I would say the it represents the comment spewed up by the bigot quoted in the headline...
  2. am a narrow minded bigot who thinks mine is the only view that counts.
  3. He really doesn't, thankfully.
  4. Really, I see it as hate, intolerance and bigotry...
  5. No. Read the thread. As long as people are in the changing room they are entitled to be in, I’m fine with it. No. I have answered all questions related to my posts. Read the thread if you wish to see them.
  6. A: First sentence you: I responded succinctly. B: Third sentence you: you are incorrect as I did answer. C; Final sentence you: nonsense but keep telling yourself that if it keeps you happy.
  7. My answer remains the same, enough of your hyperbole...
  8. a headline is just that, a headline. His entire quote was added in the first paragraph and made absolutely no difference to the nature of the hate contained in his words.
  9. “Michael Knowles Says Transgenderism Must Be ‘Eradicated’ at CPAC”
  10. What, like saying a section of society needs to be eradicated...
  11. One always says ''probably'' due to the trolls active on such threads...
  12. Therefore they are probably hers in the eyes of the law.
  13. Quelle Surprise... "There are none so deaf as those who will not hear.'' Matthew Henry
  14. That screeching sound you can hear is the bottom of the barrel being scraped...
  15. No need to correct anything as my original statement was correct.
  16. Nonetheless the judge ruled it was a shared path.
  17. Nonetheless I know people who were not happy about the cost. As I said, not me…not interested either way.
  18. Really, you have spoken to every single person in the U.K. about the costs? Because while I have refrained from commenting upon it as I work overseas and it wasn’t my taxes paying for it, I do know people in the U.K. who were not happy about the cost.
  19. So who exactly do you think are posting? mannequins? Aliens? The ghost of Johnny Cash? Pixies or other mythical folk?
  20. You’re rambling again.
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