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Posts posted by Bluespunk

  1. How about The War on Drugs and The Tak Bae massacre , they could also be investigated, but suppose that might implicate The DL.

    What was wrong with the war on drugs?Thaksin did the right thing,Yeah sorry a few innocent people died,but most who died probably deserved to die,I'm happy for any drug baron or drug dealer who died at that time,unfortunately thaksin had to stop,if not thailand might be drug free by now,tak bae is and was an army thing,the army handles the south the way they want to handle it,they don't listen to any government in bkk,

    Are you being serious?

    • Sad 1
  2. Are the yellow shirts now causing problems in the U.S? What next a blockade of the Los Angeles Airport? I bet that if 2,000 Americans conducted themselves the same way in Thailand they would quickly be rounded up, thrown into jail and deported.

    Yes, freedom of assembly is a terrible thing. Imagine what would happen here if a rowdy crowd gathered in one place for a rally or to offer moral support!

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  3. Maybe the kid shouldn't have said what he did but two years……Shias and Sunnis fighting political battles through religion. Powder keg, just what the world needs right now.

    In Thailand u get a higher prison sentence for far less than what he did

    Yep, you're right. Frequently you find governments frowning upon freedom of expression, thinking for yourself and citizens challenging that which the powers that be hold dear.

  4. If only more crims were this stupid.

    If only the police would go after some real criminals instead of waisting time and tax money with cases like that.

    Yep I agree but if someone is so stupid as to call 911 during a drug deal, what choice do the police have? Ignore it? Say oh this small stuff? They had no choice but to investigate and probably best for all this dumb a*s is nicked.

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  5. A vegetarian last meal...that's hilarious. If asked why vegetarian, he probably would have declared that it was morally wrong to kill animals for food.

    Or perhaps after spending so much time behind bars without abusing drugs he came to see that his past actions were wrong and changed the way he lived his life. 25 years is a long time to reflect.

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