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Posts posted by Bluespunk

  1. Hi Ferangled:

    A: I'm not back tracking, I'm clarifying.

    B: the reason we ask ( ok I accept insist was the wrong word) parents to speak their home language at home is because sometimes parents feel it is better to only speak English at home, to the detriment of their home language. No one is blaming parents for anything or passing the buck. I am responsible for children's learning and that learning can take place in English in school and be reinforced at home in whichever language is best suited to the child. That language is not always English.

    C: yeah sorry I messed up your post. My phone is not the best vehicle for this forum.

    D: I have no idea what boarding schools do, I've never worked in one.

  2. Nonsense. I work in one in an international school here. Thai is part of the curriculum both

    during the day and as a compulsory extra curricular activity. We allow children to use Thai in the classroom and encourage discussion of new learning in their mother tongue Children and parents are fully aware that at home the school insists they use their mother tongue even

    when discussing homework that has been set. We are not stupid, we are fully aware that children cannot learn a second language until they are fully proficient in their mother tongue. Yes there may be problems with writing amongst some children, but these are a minority and the school provides support to these children. This article is just pandering to the fears and prejudices of those who fear the outside world. Where I work we offer a world class education that ensures our students have the best start possible in life

    I find it very worrying that someone working in an international school would come out with such a statement... We are not stupid, we

    are fully aware that children cannot learn a second language until they are fully proficient in their mother tongue

    What a totally flawed and incorrect statement. How do you apply that comment to mix race

    children? I personally grew up with French and English as languages... my "mother" tongue is French, my "father" tongue is English. I learnt both simultaneously from birth

    and enjoyed the massive benefits conferred by speaking two languages fluently, effectively a native of both.

    English has always been my "main" language out of practicality; I have worked across the world and English is the wider spoken of the two so naturally I use it more, although during time spent working in France, Africa and Canada, my French proficiency was crucial to my role.

    Now living in Thailand, my wife is Thai and my children are learning both Thai and English simultaneously. My four year old has already surpassed my own Thai language skills (and that of her international teachers), and I feel it is of paramount importance that she learn both

    simultaneously and be fluent in both. My wife is a highly proficient English speaker but we have made the conscious decision that one on one, she talks to our children in Thai, I in English, and as a family we talk in English, as a language it is more accessible to "group" discussion when with friends and family.

    I'm sorry but I find your comment exactly what you say it is not... stupid. The major advantage you should be conferring to your students is proficiency in both Thai and English. How do you decide what is the "mother tongue" for a child with parents of different nationalities?

    I was only referring to children whose parents speak one language at home as the news article referee to, not families who have two mother tongues spoken at home. Children who live in this environment learn both languages equally well. My point was that children need to know and communicate in their home languages before they become fully able to learn a foriegn one.

  3. Nonsense. I work in one in an international school here. Thai is part of the curriculum both during the day and as a compulsory extra curricular activity. We allow children to use Thai in the classroom and encourage discussion of new learning in their mother tongue Children and parents are fully aware that at home the school insists they use their mother tongue even when discussing homework that has been set. We are not stupid, we are fully aware that children cannot learn a second language until they are fully proficient in their mother tongue. Yes there may be problems with writing amongst some children, but these are a minority and the school provides support to these children. This article is just pandering to the fears and prejudices of those who fear the outside world. Where I work we offer a world class education that ensures our students have the best start possible in life.

  4. Once more Mr. Ineffectual speaks absolute boll* cks. nothing this man ever does works or

    makes sense. Cannot for the life of me figure out why he is always called upon to find a solution to complex, almost intractable problems. He was useless as head of the UN and has continued to be so since he left the job.

    perhaps he got the UN job because you did not apply for it? huh.png

    No, not at all. I like everyone else want to see the horror in Syria stopped. Kofi Anan is not the man for the job and I can't see this plan working. I hope I'm wrong, I really do.

    • Sad 1
  5. Using language such as eradicate when talking about your political opponents is not a happy

    sign. True the Democrats did lose it in parliament but to say that they are destroying democracy is nonsense. PT have a majority and eventually will get there way, but to drag the country in this direction before hand is insane.

    Insane? Really? Who would have known? Certainly not the reds. I would love to see the day the reds start taking matters into their own hands. There is a boundary not to be stepped here, and when that happens, all hell will

    break lose and the wealthy "amarts" will put their own little private armies and mercenaries to use.

    In the end the middle-class and the poor, poor, "Prais" will lose out, and the Amarts will resume their lives a little easier having eradicated all the lemmings (and perhaps, their leader in Dubai).

    Yep, that just about covers my definition of insane.

    • Sad 1
  6. Using language such as eradicate when talking about your political opponents is not a happy sign. True the Democrats did lose it in parliament but to say that they are destroying democracy is nonsense. PT have a majority and eventually will get there way, but to drag the country in this direction before hand is insane.

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