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Posts posted by Bluespunk

  1. Hard to see what else the NCAA could have done. The appalling crimes that were committed were ignored and covered up by those in authority at Penn state for the sake of the programme and all the benefits such a successful programme brings to a College. The NCAA is not only punishing Penn state but it is also sending out a message that it is absolutly unacceptable to cover up crimes such as this for the sake of profit and prestige. Yes the players will be inconvenienced but I understand that any players who wish to leave Penn can do so without hindrance. I am a massive sports fan but no amount of success is worth covering up for a pedophile. NCAA had no choice, they had to take this stand. All other colleges now know what will happen if they act as Penn did.

  2. I have to wonder how this info even got out or why he would allow the staff to comment on his stay. These places are usually very careful about letting info get out on who is there let alone their specific progress or lack of. This is the type of thing that will cause them to lose lots of clients who are looking for a top facility that is outside the glare of western cities where it would be more easy for the info to get out. But this is certainly the kind of thing that will get a rocker's name in the press to perpetuate a bad boy image.

    Wouldn't surprise me if it was his own publicity machine.

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