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Posts posted by Bluespunk

  1. Great, I want to watch EURO 2012, so True give me constant reruns of 'Everyone loves Raymond' and the Kardasions do something utterly pointless and banal, again and again and again. I cancelled platinum because they stopped showing ASN [or whatever it was called, the one showing American football and ice hockey] because I don't want to watch the mindless trivia the platinum package gives you. It's decisions like this that make me feel this company is being run by idiots. I knew they were greedy shysters, but this latest move is idiotic. They don't have EURO 2012 because they thought that they would get it for free by letting GMM pay for it. Greedy, self serving short term thinking. They are now whining because this approach has bit them on the ass. I'm quiting True and looking into the other options out there. Not GMM though, just as bad as True.

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  2. This probably comes at no surprise, being this is Thailand, but I am really confused here. Let's see, we have Russians, Mexicans, Thai's, Malaysians, what no white falangs? This can't be right.

    So your saying Russians and Mexicans are Asian or black? Got to be one of those two if not white.

    What Russian? They're saying it's a Malasian, a Turk and a Mexican now.

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