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Posts posted by Bluespunk

  1. Not defending what happened but this woman is barely an adult herself who could not have been ready for parenthood. Was she suffering from the type of post birth depression many woman experience after having a child? Yes I know if she wasn't ready for parenthood then she shouldn't have had a child and yes she should be punished severely for this despicable crime. However our feelings need to be balanced by an understanding she herself was probably not in a rational state of mind when she did what she did.

    • Sad 1
  2. To be honest I'll take the delay if a disgruntled pilot/co-pilot is taking leave at peak flying time because he/she doesn't want to pay tax on their allowance increase plus other issues. Let's face it do you want a pi**ed off crew member in the cockpit. It's bad enough when the flight attendants are having a bad day.

  3. Don't forget, this is the same Thailand that has had at least two schools (one year after the

    other) put on a s(a)port-dey parade with

    students dressed up as SS guard bearing the swastika and doing the "Heil Hitler"

    Shameless or Insensitive?

    Like when Prince Harry went to a costume party wear a Gestapo uniform with a swastika?

    Harry is both insensitive and shameless but mostly stupid.

  4. Yes there is a lot of racism here and it can be depressing, but most Thais I have met are not outright racists. It's a lot like the seventies in the UK when most people held racist views without realising they were racist. It's taken over 3 decades of education to overcome a lot of misconceptions that led to racist thinking and behaviour. Even now racism still exists- not only in caucasion communities, racism is based on the way youvthink not the colour of your skin- however there is still work being done tp overcome this. However for this to succeed you need a government that opposes racism…

    • Haha 1
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