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Everything posted by Bluespunk

  1. It's not an opinion. It is a fact she was exercising her democratic right to peaceful protest
  2. Deflect away and make baseless claims all you want [and that is what you were doing] but the fact is you are calling for draconian, totalitarian measures for exercising the democratic right to peaceful protest. You have been exposed for what you are.
  3. About as much as you I suspect...
  4. I asked you to back up your claim I believed the arrest was unlawful, something you have failed to do... Oh dear, we do seem to be getting touchy over having your dictatorial approach to people exercising the democratic right to peaceful protest being exposed.
  5. No I got it but it was still the case he had a ticket home before the article was published so your ''point'' is moot...
  6. More deflections and off topic trolling. You just can’t defend your claim that someone should be locked up and have the key thrown away for exercising their democratic right to peaceful protest. You ramble away because of this and make false accusations which when asked to back up fail to do so. Instead you deflect away again.
  7. He had already booked a ticket home before the thread began…
  8. Nope. Stop digging. Get on topic.
  9. And what exactly has that got to do with the topic?
  10. More deflection. More digging of holes. Move on, you’re embarrassing yourself.
  11. I don’t drive, never learned. Walk to work each day, as have chosen to live close to the work place. Live in a 1 bedroom flat. So all good by me.
  12. “Rebel reporters”…’tis to laugh. As a parody this would be a golden globe nominee…as news reporting it is jaw droppingly ludicrous.
  13. Fined for covid breach. Fined for not wearing a seatbelt. Beaten by liz truss in party base vote. I know which I’d see as the most embarrassing event.
  14. Should have been done after their actions in Syria Central African Republic were revealed. However, better late than never.
  15. Nope. The post comes across as such, I don’t know you.
  16. OK, if you say so, but yours and several other posts come across as judgemental.
  17. No, you made the claim and I did point out that your claim was erroneous. In fact I asked you to back it up and you failed to do so. Now enough of your deflections.
  18. The protest was peaceful and that is all I said. You mentioned law enforcements actions not me. Please post a link proving the protest was anything but lawful if you are going to comment on such issues. However as I say, at no point did I comment on the legality of the removal of the protesters.
  19. Not so. The op makes clear that within branches of Islam in different parts of the world pictures of the prophet are acceptable. Iran being such a country.
  20. How easy it is to judge.
  21. You have been asked to back up your claim she lied, why not do so?
  22. I don’t care why she has not. Nothing to do with my posts. By the way why do you keep missing out the country between China and India in terms of polluting countries? Does it not fit your narrative?
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