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Everything posted by Bluespunk

  1. So no then.
  2. Don’t agree I’m afraid. If people live somewhere and enough of them are in favour of changes such as those being put into action in the OP then, as far as I’m concerned, fair enough.
  3. Interesting read but do you have any links that actually cite evidence to back up your claim. I am completely opposed to any and all single use plastics and would happily read up upon any credible source that shows how it affects people.
  4. Nonetheless, it’s fair enough. If people genuinely do not want it happening where they reside I can understand that.
  5. Are you say the plastic feminises men and masculines women? That’s quite a trick…
  6. The more you learn about musk the more you realise he really is the chief tw*tter
  7. How is one supposed to disprove the existence of something that cannot be proven to exist? There is no proof for the existence of god to disprove.
  8. No, they’re a figment of human imagination and no more real than centaurs, pixies, fire breathing dragons or any other mythological creature.
  9. Sorry, but I don't pray to imaginary pixies in the sky.
  10. nah, you’re just not funny. Bitter that the world is changing yes, funny…no.
  11. Meanwhile this continues... https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jan/13/trumps-e-jean-carroll-lawsuit-absurd-ruling
  12. Hardly puzzling...its just better according to those judging the foods.
  13. Typical b***t, not reading OP
  14. Taking the firearm safety training seriously might have been an idea… https://www.vice.com/en/article/pkgnwm/alex-baldwin-on-phone-gun-training-rust-shooting
  15. Former pimp turned pimp exposer…
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