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Everything posted by Bluespunk

  1. The guardian didn’t carry out the study. They reported on a U.K. government Home Office report.
  2. not showing up unless they support the current regime...
  3. Talking of people turning against johnson, Labour has just won Wakefield. And the Liberals have taken Tiverton.
  4. Have to be a big cell to fit those two egos in. Still it would make for interesting tv just watching them both try to outdo each other in the lies and bs they would spew out.
  5. Hotels had better stock up on sheets then...
  6. Already enjoying trumps rage immensely
  7. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/jun/22/uvalde-police-chief-leave-shooter-inaction
  8. A step in the right direction, but let’s hope that the next step is making progress on achieving what was not achieved this time round…
  9. This theory is based upon a single study that only included white Brazilians. That said I did it on either foot with ease...eat that mr grim reaper. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2022/jun/20/balancing-on-one-leg-useful-health-test-later-life-research
  10. Yeah, right…you knew there were fake accounts when you made your takeover bid and when you made said bid you waived your rights to due diligence on them. Now put up or shut up… “Musk waived due diligence when he agreed to buy Twitter at $54.20 per share in April.” https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2022/06/06/musk-says-twitter-is-refusing-to-share-data-on-spam-accounts.html
  11. Yeah, it’s the victims fault that rapist scum prey upon them. Jesus H…
  12. A: retire now. B: I believe the child. C; I'm a non Thai teacher so I can do this...
  13. Erm...if they are expecting to sell 20,000 a day, then selling 20,000 a day is meeting expectations.
  14. not believing every deluded, lunatic, ludicrous piece of bovine fecal matter that emanates from trump.
  15. This thread is about French citizens in France being allowed to wear the swimwear of their choice. To forbid such a choice because of thinking based in prejudice is wrong.
  16. Good to see united action in a common cause. Good luck and hope all goes your way.
  17. I would have no problem with transgender woman or transgender man for that matter wearing a burkini in public...
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