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Everything posted by Bluespunk

  1. The facts are there. They are real. As is the danger of man made climate change.
  2. Where did I say nothing is natural? I said climate change is caused by human behaviour. https://www.un.org/en/climatechange
  3. Climate change means that climates are changing because of man made actions...there is no incongruity in the changes in Australia. The very fact that the Australians chose parties that are in favour of actions to halt climate change is proof of this.
  4. Well, who'd a believed it...a trump i agree with [on this point anyway]
  5. What makes you think I am upset by their opinion? Just pointing out they are wrong... https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jun/18/burning-planet-why-are-the-worlds-heatwaves-getting-more-intense
  6. You are wrong in denying this is man made climate change.
  7. which is why he flew to Ukraine rather than attend a levelling up conference in Doncaster. He won’t go to those areas where people are suffering, so they come to see him. How nice for everyone.
  8. You said Russian. Point A was a comment on your post. Yes they did when they said same same. Yes they did.
  9. A: No Russians are involved in this B: Lithuanian and Ukrainian are not the same. C; Therefore same same is incorrect.
  10. The term is climate change and the recent changes in temperatures across the world, including in the U.K., are an example of its reality.
  11. And yet the climate change denying head in the sanders still refuse to accept the facts.
  12. That’s because he doesn’t stay long enough for them to get to know him.
  13. Yeah, right…that’s why he settled rather than face a trial. LOL
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