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Everything posted by Bluespunk

  1. Yeah because identifying people is so important when swimming... oh wait ... hang on... a burkini is full face showing. Well there you go, pools are safe once more...
  2. The survivors were abused by epstein and maxwell. Any further prosecution of like minded scum requires evidence...
  3. He did much more than that. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/jun/29/r-kelly-sentenced-sexual-abuse However even if his sole crime was sex with an underage child, I believe a harsh sentence would have been justified and would have no problem with 30 years.
  4. He did much more than that. Welcome to the real world where sexual predators are punished for their crimes. Viva #metoo and all it has done to bring justice upon scum such as this creature.
  5. Evidence or lack there of. I despise the scum who sexually abuse others, but you cannot prosecute or make claims of a cover up without evidence.
  6. You have already admitted not following the case. I have followed it. You have made speculative conspiracy theory claims about an ongoing cover up. I have already said any others involved should rot away in prison. The difference between us is I believe that accusations of a cover up of others involved needs to be backed up with evidence.
  7. You may be deliberately missing something. But just in case let me simplify it for you. mazwell and epstein are the scum who abused them. They have been brought to justice. As to who else was involved, please say who there exists credible evidence against. With links please.
  8. Evidence is required for prosecution. The survivors of epstein and maxwells predatory actions have already shown courage beyond any measure in helping make their abusers to face the consequences of their foul behaviour. If they have more to say then I can only hope they are listened to. Whether they choose to pursue others who abused them is for them to decide.
  9. You can theorise all you want. It still doesn’t make maxell a patsy or mean there is any ongoing cover up. Such claims require evidence. Without this they are just conspiracy theories.
  10. Criminal prosecution relies on evidence, you are claiming a cover up based on nothing but conspiracy theory speculation. Harsh Justice should be served upon scum who sexually exploit and prey upon others. However such justice must be based upon evidence not speculation.
  11. You think she’s a patsy because you think she is. You think that rich and powerful people are being protected because you think they are; no evidence of such, just speculation.
  12. Please provide a credible link to evidence that supports that theory.
  13. She’s kept quiet so far but doesn’t change a thing as regards her guilt. She is a foul creature and I have no sympathy for her. She exploited others, lived the high life on epsteins money and connections. She is a criminal predatory piece of excrement and in no sense a “patsy” as far as I am concerned. She was a key player in the exploitation that took place.
  14. I agree others should rot with her but she is far too guilty to be called a “patsy”. She is scum and deserves nothing but misery for the rest of her life.
  15. The reason this predatory creature is being gaoled is because she is filth who preyed upon young girls. She is as guilty as epstein and I hope she rots in a cell for the rest of her life.
  16. ''The ruling is correct.'' There we disagree ''Of course Gorsuch, or any one else for that matter, is happy for you to express any opinion you have on whatever topic.'' LOL, I'm sure he is...
  17. What I’d like to know is if the Satanists who asked for the right to pray on the field were allowed to do so?
  18. Wonder if gorsuch would be happy for me to stand at the opposite end of the pitch with a hailer chanting “there is no god,!there is no god, there is no god” over and over. If so, then fair enough…
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