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Everything posted by Bluespunk

  1. This is about what I would like to see happen, for a multitude of reasons I believe trump should be in gaol. Clinton's views are her own and, as you say, not related to this thread.
  2. Good for her, I still look forward to the day trump is gaoled...after a trial of course.
  3. French citizens should be allowed to wear the swimming costume of their choice. Laws based in crusader thinking are rooted in prejudice...
  4. If French citizens wish to wear “burkinis” but the law prevents them from doing so then freedom has already been lost.
  5. Oh I believe him guilty but yes I’ll settle for a trial first. Funny how some forget all those campaign chants about locking up Clinton during the 2016 campaign. Hmm…
  6. If a women wishes to wear a “burkini” in the pool they should be allowed to. Any law preventing this is rooted in prejudice.
  7. This thread is about trumps treasonous criminality in trying to overturn free and fair elections. He deserves gaol.
  8. Correct. Well done that town council. There is absolutely no reason to ban burkinis If people wish to wear them, then so be it.
  9. The clock is ticking and urgent action is needed if we are going to avoid irreversible climate change.
  10. What China does, doesn't change the facts or the scientific research, nor what I do.
  11. We can all do our part in changing our behaviour, what we buy, how much we buy, how we travel, how often we travel, whether we have private transport, etc but in the end it is going to come down to government action at an international level...probably the best we can do is keep the pressure on those who will make these decisions to make the right ones that are aligned with the science.
  12. Ah the irony of a member of this cabinet accusing others of scandalous behaviour. LOL indeed.
  13. The guardian reports on the studies, they do create or carry them out. In effect the guardian does it's job of reporting the truth. I would hope such reports help everyone realise how close we are to catastrophic man made climate change and start to act accordingly.
  14. I'm not quoting papers, I'm posting links to studies that make the facts on man made climate change very clear...
  15. Deny all you want, but the science speaks for itself...
  16. Read the links I posted earlier...the climate emergency is real.
  17. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/jun/17/rare-birds-arrival-an-unmissable-sign-climate-emergency-has-reached-britain
  18. Hence the concern about this https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/jun/15/new-data-reveals-extraordinary-global-heating-in-the-arctic
  19. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/jun/16/greenhouse-gases-must-be-legally-phased-out-us-scientists-argue https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/jun/15/new-data-reveals-extraordinary-global-heating-in-the-arctic
  20. I read this today... https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jun/18/burning-planet-why-are-the-worlds-heatwaves-getting-more-intense
  21. Do as you will but it doesn't change the science or the facts.
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