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Everything posted by Bluespunk

  1. And yet the tories were routed in both by-elections...
  2. You don't seem to understand johnson was rejected. He lost. Catastrophically so.
  3. It was senior tories who called him delusional. As for tick tocks, there are plenty to go round as johnson is stumbling from one crisis to another and is a busted flush. Tick tock, tick tock...
  4. Nope, it was an outright rejection of johnson and his leadership. No the party that suffered decimation were the tories who saw a 30,000 turn around in votes. A catastrophic result for as safe a tory seat as it gets. As for Wakefield-a bad loss for the tories as it showed a 12% swing to labour. I understand that johnson and his party lost quite badly in both by-elections. Tick tock, tick tock...
  5. They report the facts, something you can't seem to deal with... oh, and it's not mine.
  6. Ask and you shall receive... https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/jun/25/boris-johnsons-aspiration-to-serve-for-a-third-term-delusional
  7. The Guardian reports on many countries, their current economic situation and how they deal with it. But this thread isn't about them is it... Deflection deflected...
  8. Even the tories are doubting johnson now and senior leaders are calling him delusional.
  9. The tories lost the by-elections because of johnson and the govts inability to deal with the cost of living crisis [as it is labelled], change is required and he is on borrowed time.
  10. Facts are facts and just because they expose the flaws in your views doesn't make them any less so.
  11. You mean the liberals who had 11 seats [despite increasing their share vote to 11.6%] until the last 4 by-elections... As to opposition within his own party...well they are now calling johnson delusional... Tick tock, tick tock...
  12. Oh dear, you can't counter the factual reporting so you resort to your standard, oft deleted by moderators, deflection post...do try to be original for once...
  13. who are rejecting johnson and his failure to deal with the cost of living crisis in the uk. Not just voters in those constituencies either [or the previous by-elections johnson and the tories lost] https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/jun/25/boris-johnsons-aspiration-to-serve-for-a-third-term-delusional
  14. Nope...tick tock, tick tock... https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/jun/25/boris-johnsons-aspiration-to-serve-for-a-third-term-delusional
  15. LOL, not that old chestnut-keep telling yourself that...nearly a century tory...24, 000 majority becomes 6,000 deficit,,, tick tock, tick tock...
  16. The linked article that this thread is dealing with mentions brexit, so it is on topic to refer to it.
  17. Yeah, right… As to “plotting”, it is normal for political parties to develop their own strategies to win power. You do understand that is how politics works don’t you? Though johnson and his cabinet do seem to be doing most of the work for them at present.
  18. johnson really is the gift that keeps on giving. The opposition must be praying he survives until the next election.
  19. You think Tiverton and Haniton is not the epitome of conservative heartland, an area that voted tory for the best part of a century. Oh and by the way, Wakefield is in the North…fairly working class area as well. johnson is reeling, he may survive for the present but he is a busted flush.
  20. Yeah, a 24,000 majority becoming a 6,000 deficit is nothing to worry about. LOL
  21. The co-chair of the Conservative party resigned his post in the cabinet and many others within the party are yet again calling on him to go. Pressure is being put upon the . 1922 committee to change its rules and allow another no confidence vote. Now johnson may, and I do mean may, have support from his close colleagues; indeed he may well survive all this but his support has, and is continuing to be, seriously eroded within Parliament and the country.
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