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Posts posted by nev


    21 hours ago, RickG16 said:

    United got the same kind of treatment there about 10 years ago. 

    I was there, this was us going towards the bridge at least 300, we was in the square and tried to split us up into groups we was having no of it, Roma was waiting other side of the bridge didn't fancy it when seeing how many, a few sly attempts flashing blades, inside the ground the coppers you could sense could not wait to get into us, hence the baton attacks on the terrace, a few mates copped it badly, I had moved away from where the attacks took place as I sensed trouble.

    Hope the pic uploads.




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  2. 9 hours ago, BangrakBob said:

    Nice home coming for the Champions, empty seats everywhere ??

    They have cut their open top parade down to 800 m to make it look packed ?, by the way United's last one was 3.1ks.

    • Haha 2
  3. 8 hours ago, Bredbury Blue said:

    Mourinho. ..he's bloody rubbish isn't he. That's what some on here would have you believe,  but the thing is, though he might not play the most visually attractive football,  he is a serial winner. I have you down to win it now.


    Still waiting to read the Spurs boy's opinion on the game but they've all gone AWOL today. 


    Exactly, watched in Sydney casino had two spurs fans behind me it was funny the first 20 mins or so they was going mad and laughing at how rubbish we was like it was in the bag, but slowly has the game went on they realized it was not going to be a walkover, when we score the place erupted and I took great delight in turning around and celebrated in front of them, For the rest of the match they looked shocked and started to realise their is more to football than attacking and entertaining.


  4. Good win in the end, At the start we looked ropey and Spurs well on top we dug in and in the end came out with a well earned win.

    Sanchez was excellent as was Pogba both had average starts but in the end both my joint man if the match, Kane only touched the ball 4 times in the last 20 mins so all credit to our defence.


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  5. 7 hours ago, taichiplanet said:

    years ago i checked into a hotel in Bkk and asked if there was a safe in the room and was told no. About 10 mins later there was a knock on the door and it was one of the maids, an old lady who was skinny as a rake and wouldn't have weighed more than 40 kgs. She was carry a small electronic safe and placed it into the wardrobe. Needless to say i didn't use it!

    Reminds me of My stay at a brand new place in Pattaya, saw their was a safe in the wardrobe and put all my stuff in it and went out for the day on returning their was a guy in my room drilling and fixing in place, luckily he was very honest and put all my stuff on the table.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Bredbury Blue said:

    "The talk is that the Portuguese has had it with many of them, and very few are safe in the summer. Mourinho would be willing to consider the sale of pretty much any players bar David De Gea, Alexis Sanchez, Romelu Lukaku, Nemanja Matic, Jesse Lingard, Ashley Young and Juan Mata. They are currently the only ones who have his full trust." from the Independent I think. He'll have a clear out for sure and next seasons' team will be different I'm sure.

    Exactly my point, I would not mind a few more losses this season if it means getting rid of a few players who are just not up to scratch.

  7. 1 minute ago, mrbojangles said:

    It's great this is. United have to mention City in every post. I can hear your teeth grinding as you type and taste your bitterness from here. If lickle ol City have underachieved, how have the biggest club in the world faired this year?

    Well in my eyes you have,no tinted specs or out he has splashed the cash to win the bigger prizes not to do just the same as Pelligrini did, shocking how you got rid of him too.

    As for us we have well underachieved and we all know that, and as for talking about city well you are all on here discussing united.

  8. 7 minutes ago, RickG16 said:

    100% this.


    Mourinho is in the process of playing some players he isn't sure about in these last few games. That's the only way to know if they are good enough to make the cut. 


    It actually takes a manager with balls to play players he doesn't have total confidence in, with a view to improving the squad in the long term.


    Unfortunately a lot of fans / pundits operate in 'gold fish' mode which means they can't think long term. That's why they're not football managers.

    At last someone on the same wavelength, he is going to have a huge clear out and I am sure he has 3 or 4 already to sign up.

    • Like 1
  9. 8 minutes ago, Bredbury Blue said:

    Got your rednose and clown shoes on again I see.

    Not at all, Pep was brought in to win the champions league not spend half a billion and win exactly what Pelligrini did, come on lad you would have been better keeping the old fella.

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  10. Looking forward to the rest of the season, Yes we just had a blip but that will just show the boss who he needs to ship out and bring in next season, as city's season is over now and they underachieved not getting the quad or the prized champions league, us we have plenty to play for and so do the players if they want to be still here next season.

    • Thanks 1
  11. 8 hours ago, StevieH said:

    we're going to absolutely batter them. 4-0 first leg at home, they won't know what's hit them. 

    Stevie don't get carried away, Roma are a well organized side and we'll capable of upsetting you lot, in fact they was as happy as you are with this draw.

  12. 51 minutes ago, poanoi said:

    are there any scooters especially suitable for very tall men ?

    Go for the Honda Forza or Yamaha Xmax, both good scooters lots of leg room and good power 300cc engine both around 168,000 new, if a bit pricey the Yamaha Nmax has good leg room and only 82,000.

  13. Ok, my take on why city fans are taking this defeat so badly.

    It's like they wanted to make this game a moment where they could take the piss for years to come, have a big pyrotechnics display when the game ended, invade the pitch like Wigan did, goad the United fans in the ground, It was all falling into place by half time the champagne was on ice, the cakes with we beat the rags and won the league on was being brought to the stadium.

    Well all that Ola Ola Ola near the end of the first half woke up our lackluster team who then had a real reason to take off the shackles and win for the fans.

    Now it's like when you find all your Xmas presents in the wardrobe and you open and see what you have, when it's time to get them it's no fun any more as you know what you are getting, bit like city known for months they are champions.

    I do really now hope that they win it  by some team dropping points when city aren't playing, had that with united it does not have the same buzz as winning it and having a pyrotechnics display against a team that has made you bitter your whole life!!!.

    • Haha 1
  14. 4 hours ago, mrbojangles said:

    It was dangerous and reckless with his foot over the ball and studs into Aguero's upper shin. He endangered another player. That's about the top and bottom of it and I'm sure if it had been a City player doing it on a United player you'd be up in arms also.

    Yes I can clearly see his foot over the ball and almost chopping Kun's shins apart ?


  15. 10 minutes ago, BangrakBob said:

    Which one? ?





    Did he get sent off or a yellow card for those tackles?, You would get jail if you did that on the streets.


    2 hours ago, nev said:

    Fantastic tackle and ball first, wonder why all the media not show the enitial contact and only the pick with Young's leg in the air, another case of biased reporting against us.


    A few other pics showing what a great tackle it was.


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  16. Hurt Auguero hahaha, he is one of the nastiest players around many pics of him trying to end players career's around, that tackle was a tackle years ago the would be applauded, but oh not now all these snow flakes watching and playing football saying oh look at that he tackled the player and nearly hurt him, no wonder the art of tackling is in decline, we might as well start playing touch football ?


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