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Posts posted by nev

  1. Just a quick question, I have done a few trips back usually for 3 months then 9 months in Thailand, question is how would they calculate the Three months stay, As a full year or part of a year towards the 35 years, I never let them know I am living overseas just holiday and my accountant does my tax return each year as I am self employed.

    Just curious as I have been a tax payer since 1980 when I arrived from England and a citizen since 86, That's 38 years but the last 10 years in and out of Thailand many times.

  2. 1 hour ago, ELVIS123456 said:

    Not as far as I am aware - they would only do that as part of an investigation.


    My understanding is that once an Aussie dies in Thailand, then the Foreign Affairs Dept the Thai Govt officially advises the Aust Embassy, who then advises HQ, who then advises all relevant Departments and Agencies in Aust.


    I guess that means if the Thai Govt is not informed (the part that tells Aust Embassy) then the OAP pension checks would continue to be paid, until somehow CLink was informed.  This would probably continue for an indefinite period until something comes of the failure to renew/extend the Visa/Permission to stay in Thailand - maybe.


    Better not let your wives know they will still get your pension when your gone, you will be worked into the Wat and cremated before you know it. ?. Just jesting lads ?

    • Haha 1
  3. 23 minutes ago, ELVIS123456 said:

    Actually that is an excellent thought.  Obviously you would need a very understanding wife and family, and she must never visit you while you are in Aust waiting poertability.  If possible, that would give you 100% OAP rate (not the married rate) both in Aust and when you go back to Thailand.


    Just say we will end up with more money tilac, They will drag you to the amphur in next to no time.

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    • Haha 1
  4. 16 minutes ago, BangrakBob said:

    Rick, Peter, Nev - we are 2 points behind you, we just twated the side that is 16 points infront of you..  again. This time in The Champions League, quarter final. They didn’t get a shot on target. 

    Enjoy your FA cup semi. 

    Yes you are and well done but Mourinio knows how to play against you lot hence us taking 4 points off you, Pep is technically naïve and does not know how to defend under pressure and still tries to play out from the back when a good lump up the Field is what is needed at times, played into your hands.

  5. 3 minutes ago, petermik said:


    Told you before,it,s pointless trying to have a reasonable discussion on here...the majority hate United...no matter what you try it will only be met with derision....give it up lad :thumbsup:

    It is funny how we are in a way better position in the league and have a semi final in the fa cup coming up and we are still rubbish, This coming from fans of a team who gave 1 league cup to their name in 11 years.

    Yes they are playing great football but at the end of the day it means nothing if you have no trophies to show.

    In the 70's and 80's we sat back and watched a very boring Liverpool side win everything while we was playing fantastic football, Hill and Coppell on the wings tearing teams apart was great on the eye but at times we left ourselves exposed badly and lost many games we should have won and ended up with not much to show, sounds familiar ?

    • Like 2
  6. 50 minutes ago, ELVIS123456 said:

    Agree.  As others have said CLink may have records of you transferring money overseas - but they wont have direct access to the account details (statements). Best to cancel the account before you return and apply for OAP - when they ask if you have an account overseas (knowing you have transferred money) say yes I did but not now and show them the record of you cancelling the account - this will be more 'proof' you intend staying in Aust. 



    If you are Married would it be better to divorce her and after you get portability and move back to Thailand you can remarry but only a village wedding not on paper.

    You would not lose any pension this way and cut out the link to Thailand, You could then say I have divorced my wife over there and never going back, Just a thought.

  7. 1 hour ago, tomacht8 said:

    The entire watch theater has been running for over four months and almost all Thai people laugh about it.

    The damage in terms of credibility is huge. And now, after four months, he comes out with the alleged truth?

    Why did he not clear that up on the first day? Any other government would immediately fire such a member for damaging the government's reputation. This case has all the elements like Inability, stupidity, lies, negligence, etc. Is he still suitable to hold such a high office?

    He has never been suitable or qualified for his position.

  8. 18 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

    I hope in this lifetime I get to see corruption in this country with these clowns and the like quashed, but I know that ain't going to happen so I will just keep buying my copies (watches).

    I am going even further and throwing my Richard Mille watch in the bin as a protest.

    • Haha 2
  9. 3 hours ago, RickG16 said:

    Just needs to play more, but we have pretty good depth in his position, so if you don't perform every game you are out.


    The frustrating thing is nobody from Rashford/Lingard/Mata/Martial has been consistent enough to nail down a spot. Wouldn't be surprised if Mata or Martial goes in the summer. Hopefully Martial. 

    Play more?, He is one of our more used players, he was one of the most used players in world football in 2017.


  10. The owner of the restaurant should have handled the situation better, I can see his point as he probably invested a lot of money and time in this establishment and can lose custom because of this review, but to take the action he has taken he will lose more custom and most importantly in Thailand lose face.

    He should come out and apologize and offer to make amends, maybe share a bottle of wine with the alleged bad reviewer.

  11. 11 minutes ago, Bredbury Blue said:

    You seem very happy with Maureen no matter what and are sounding like a disciple.


    Now there are some on here who harangue Maureen no matter what; I'm not one of them. He's clearly a very talented manager but...there are times when he doesn't get it right (Premiership-winning manager to sacking in less than 6 months is witness to that). I think it's foolish to criticise some players and praise others. In my opinion he's taking a big risk here..it may come off and everybody raises their game but on the other hand the senior pros may begin to tire of his ways. Happened before. 


    Sorry he has every  right to call out some of the players, They are each paid a royal ransom each game and if they cannot lift to the standard required to earn that kind of wages each week he has every right to hurt their feelings.

    He is the manager and he is only reiterating what a lot of our supporters are saying.

    It was painful to watch again something is not quiet right I would say some are acting like spoilt brats and will be gone end of the season.

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