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Posts posted by nev

  1. 5 minutes ago, giddyup said:

    Not if your house is a home, not just a roof over your head.

    I can see your point, my point is with renting you can move if the home becomes a nightmare, who knows who you end up living next too or what other problems might occur, plus if he is single not being able to own in his name only by a company when he dies it is a major problem selling and leaving to relatives in the will.

    • Like 1
  2. 10 minutes ago, roskruge said:

    Currently getting the full Aus pension (for overseas Aus pensioners) every 28 days. I have the chance to acquire a townhouse in Thailand valued at about 1.800,000 Thai Baht Aus$74,052.80 for purposes of self living. not for renting. How would this affect my pension. I own no property in Australia for rental or living. I know all about Thai laws re foreigner and land ownership. Only now concerned with possible reduction of pension.

    Why bother buying keep your money in the bank and rent it makes more sense!!!.

    • Like 2
  3. We lost the tie in the first leg not going for an away goal, plus add in this tie take out Mctomminey who has been excellent put in donkey Fellaini who hasn't played much, switch Rashford to the right when he tore Liverpool apart on the left so to accommodate a average Sanchez who has not settled I yet, and also dropping our most creative player in Mata.

    Positives- Lukaku put in a good shift, Negatives- Pogba needs binning his attitude is shocking he is like a sulking spoilt brat.

    And yes Bob glad we managed to make you lot smile again been a tough week with Sir Ken passing away RIP, and Jammie losing it with a goading dick head of Dad, fancy doing that infont of your 14 year old daughter.

    • Like 2
  4. 35 minutes ago, BangrakBob said:

    Jeez you talk some <deleted>, no one has been complaining on here about injustices, it's fact of the game that we would discuss decisions within a game, they are talking points, whether you perceive them to be correct or not.

    Tactical masterclass and schooled by a better manager, is laughable, you need to get of your pedestal there nev. 

    Not at all mate, Klopp has one way to play and if does not work he has no plan B, Mourinio has many systems and inside games he can change during the game.

    All the talk all week was how many you was going to score and we had no chance, well apart from the own goal we gifted you we was well in control.

  5. 2 minutes ago, DMC1 said:

    ^ yes it’s a bit daft when the ball is coming at you at high speed and your hands are naturally around your waist area. If your hands are flailing about above waist/head height then it can be a fair call. Difficult for the refs to make a snap decision.

    Exactly, none of them was a penalty scousers finding excuses again.

    Cannot accept they was schooled by a better manager who had his tactics spot on, all the talk is about the Injustice of United winning not about how we stopped the best strike force ever ?

    • Like 2
  6. United first half was a masterclass of how to counter your high pressing game just lob it over the top to Lukaku and have a very pacy player in Rashford to finish it off, ended up no one talking about united and Mourinio getting it spot on but all about sending offs for minor offences and crying about penalties, non of the three were, Mane kicked the back of Fellaini,s leg and went over like he was shot, Valencia could have been but the arm was behind him I can see why not given, as for Salah one come on bit of grappling their is pics of Salah doing the exact same to Fellaini, and I also will add not even a mention of Lovrens two assaults on our players.

    It seems everytime you can't beat us it is because of bent refs and decisions but never your own teams inability to get a decent effort on goal from the so called best three strikers in the league.

    We controlled the whole game and was never really bothered by Liverpool the whole game.

    By the way penalty wise you know united have only had 3 at Anfield in 100 years and you want 3 in a game <deleted>. ?


  7. 25 minutes ago, BangrakBob said:

    It’s the fact that 2 of the biggest most successful clubs in the world that represent their respective cities to the world are 5 minutes away from each other and the rivalry to be the best has been around for a long time, the culture, the music, the clobber and football has always been intertwined. 


    It all goes back to way before the football with Manchester building the ship canal to bypass the monopoly Liverpool had on tariff's enter their port, The ship canal put many scousers out of work.

    Years later it  moved to football and has developed into a healthy rivalry except for the idiots who spoil it with mocking the dead.

    • Like 2
  8. Just back on topic football, Pogba is starting to piss me off he has missed spurs and city at home and Liverpool and Chelsea away and now he is set to miss this game, 5 of our most important games of the season and he can't keep himself on the pitch, to much dancing and zabing at night.

    I am not using him as an excuse for this game as I think we have enough to beat Liverpool without him.

  9. 1 hour ago, RickG16 said:

    This. I went to an all Red school which many United players kids went to, but we didn't hate City. Up until 10 years ago they were a bit of a joke, now they are just annoying neighbours. 

    I am from city's heartland Stockport and have many blue mates, they know and I know who our real enemy are, yes city are now starting to become a rival but it will take years for them to become our main rivals, every red to a man wanted them to pip Liverpool to the title in 2014 and that says a lot.

    • Like 1
  10. Not a wise idea to go at the speeds you two are talking about, it is dangerous enough without driving way beyond the speed limit.

    Most bike crashes I see are mainly to do with riding to fast and not having enough reaction time to avoid a collision.

    Just my two bobs worth sorry to be a spoiler.

    • Like 1
  11. 3 hours ago, Lee4Life said:

    The wife and I go to the restaurants for a bite up here in NongKhai, and it's the lottery ticket sellers that bother us. We just want to relax, visit and eat, and instead we end up fending off the lotto ticket sellers the entire time. I am surprised the owners allow it, but maybe the people here like it?  (but at least they are polite!)

    Here in khonkaen we have visits from the lottery ladies they are mostly friendly and no pushy, also visits from flower sellers they know us now so don't pester, only one I buy from is a old lady who sells snacks I have known her for 7 years now always gives me a wai and Sawadee Ka, Late in  the night I used to buy what she had left so she could go home early until one time a hour later she had a full basket again ?


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