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Posts posted by nev

  1. 11 hours ago, carmine said:

    I'd be interested to hear what the likes of Nev think about the strange and erratic behavior of Mourinho at the moment.  This can't be good for the team and seems also seems to be creating a degree of friction with Woodwood.  


    I'm sure there are United fans that will stick rigidly behind the manager, as did Real Madrid and Chelsea fans, but to many i'd have thought his current demeanor to be extremely concerning.  Thoughts?

    What he says to the media and what he says in dressing room I would hazard a guess is a complete opposite, He has also had a go at our leaches who own us and also Woodward who is a Glazier stooge, he was so tight last season he would not pay a extra 5mil to buy Periodic who would have been excellent for us.

    I still back José and I am sure our play will be better this season.

    Fred looked excellent against Real as did Pierrera and Sanchez looks fit and on top of his game.

    When all the team is back we will be hard to beat.

    • Like 1
  2. 3 hours ago, Ramdas said:

    Well, 91 is the recommended choice but since E20 appears to be cheaper I thought of give it a try since it seems to run better too but I’m not entirely sure whether it harms the engine though ..And Yes I’m aware about 95 grade being a waste of money..

    I have a Nmax same engine as the Aerox and use E20 all the time it is not different than 91 and runs just as good and yes fuel economy is better too.

    We are not talking about a high end big bike just a scooter.

    I am a member of a Nmax club and most members use E20, so carry on as you are going, just make sure you do regular oil changes and even go for 100% synthetic for a smoother ride.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 6 hours ago, Bredbury Blue said:

    I was very disappointed to read ManU had beaten City to a first summer signing but then i was very happy to read it was only only a 2 yr extension for Fellaitio. You reds must be thrilled.

    We have signed two other players Fred and Dalot, Fellaini was only holding out for a two year contract as he was at first offered only a 1 year one, By the way he is not everyone's cup of tea but he gives 100% every game and a good addition to have in the squad.

    • Like 2
  4. 41 minutes ago, KhaoTan said:

    It's not relevant to Thailand per se,  but it is an important case as it is the 2nd in the States that has been solved through DNA registries.  This murderer's cousin or close kin uploaded their DNA to GEDCOM and the police were able to match it closely with genetic material left at scene of the crime 25 years ago.  This killer would have gone free the rest of his life without the amazing science.  

    Thanks for elaborating that mate, l and many others living in Thailand who are not American would not have known about this case.

    Very interesting and good the killer has been brought to justice.

    • Like 2
  5. 1 hour ago, DILLIGAD said:

    Go with the wife. You know they are always right!!!
    :-) yes I should let her have some say as she will be putting a sizable deposit down and pay installments from our business, It will be used for deliveries mainly by me as she is very busy looking after the workers.

    Colour panels can be changed will be my comeback :-) 

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, VocalNeal said:


    Yamaha has the Honda beat on engine output. about 3 hp and 2Nm (1.38 ft pounds) probaly because it is closer to 300 279cc vs 292


    Thais like Honda but I believe on the street Yamaha has better build quality. Colour is colour. But could your wife's opinion be about image? Honda?


    Honda now has traction control so if you want to do burnouts?  But so does Yamaha!!! 


    Yamaha is slightly lighter.


    Depends which dealer is closer and more friendly.  Personally I'd go Yamaha but I'm not you.

    I have a Nmax and concur Yamaha build great bikes hence me wanting to stay with Yamaha, I love the dual abs brakes and the extra power of the Xmax is a big plus.

  7. 7 hours ago, Gregster said:

    This article, although dated 2015, is still doing the rounds on FB today...


    “Australians can forget about relying on the age pension when they retire, according to Federal Treasurer Scott Morrison.


    Echoing his predecessor Joe Hockey's pledge about the age of entitlement being over, in a speech on Friday Mr Morrison said the age pension should no longer be seen as an entitlement but "a welfare payment for those who do not have the ability to save enough to fund their own retirement".







    These Muppets who get elected get their pension early and are now trying to say we after working our whole working life are not entitled to get a pension, How about they bring in a law saying they have to wait until they are 70 like everyone else.

    • Like 2
  8. Ok help me decide, Which one is the better scooter and value for money the Xmax or the new Forza, Both the same price.

    I have have been wanting the Xmax from when it first came out but now the new Forza is out l am starting to lean towards this bike, I like the Pirrelli tyres as standard and the electric visor.

    Power wise I think the Nmax comes out on top, economy wise the Forza wins?.

    By the way my wife wants the Forza mainly because of the better colour choices.

    Thanks for any help. Nev

    • Like 1
  9. 23 minutes ago, wilai said:

    MRI showed knee problems. Had three associated issues of varying degrees over the past couple of years. Differing stories as to what happened over the price once the weakness was found during the medical. {a)... LFC reduced the offer following the results of medical and Lyon said bugger off.and (B)...LFC turned down the deal and Lyon offered to reduce fee but LFC said no. 


    Shame for Fekir as he'd already done the photoshoot in the kit, picked out his number etc




























    Maybe a blessing in disguise.?

  10. 1 hour ago, sanemax said:

    All the London teams are from London , from London, with  London postcode

    United has a Manchester postcode same as all London clubs, but no London club plays within the city of London, they are all part of greater London.

  11. 1 hour ago, Bredbury Blue said:

    I'm willing to play:


    • So City's main rivalry is against our neighbours from outside of Manchester, in Stretford.
    • Bury, Oldham and Rochdale rarely are in the same division as City but have lots of City fans living there. Stockport is the area outside of Manchester with the most City supporters these days, but now they are semi-professional playing deep down in National League North.
    • Not so much rivalry against Bolton and little with Wigan (isn't that in liverpool?).


    For anyone with an interest in football in the north-west i'd recommend reading the excellent tome 'Manchester - A Football History' by Gary James.

    Yes it's really funny Manchester only has one team playing there any team outside the centre itself are not welcome ?bit like saying no team play in London which is true but all the teams down their class themselves as from London, but United we are not welcome no more.

    2 hours ago, mrbojangles said:

    Ha, ha. Can't help yourself can you nev. It must be hurting like mad being second fiddle behind us ?

    Not hurting at all lad my best years following my team was when we was shit, it must hurt you lot that most teams think of your success as hollow, it feels better when you have earnt something rather than bought it mate.

  12. 8 minutes ago, RonniePickering22 said:

    Isn't Citeh's big rivalry with Bolton?


    Or Rochdale??

    Actually it's Stockport county, not so long ago County did the double over poor little city and finished above them in the first division.

    Wonder why the Arabs not buy county.

    • Haha 2
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