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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. I suggest your first port of call be the condo office, they should know the score. I'm assuming of course that you are not the first occupier of the block. Failing that, it's off to your local PEA office with a Thai speaker, your condo documentation and passport etc. Like immigration offices, every PEA office has their own local rules and requirements and by far the best way to find what they are is to ask.
  2. Assuming the correct cable has been used inside the pipe I would have no issues moving it whilst powered up. Keeping the wet out is going to be more fun, regular tape will fall off very quickly. There are a number of self-adhesive "rubber" tapes intended for keeping water IN pipes I would imagine these would work pretty well, I don't have any recommendations I'm afraid. You will have to clean all the mud off the pipe in the area of course. Luckily, again assuming the correct cable, a bit of water isn't going to hurt as the cable is actually designed to be direct buried anyway.
  3. There can only be one answer: - $$$
  4. Not Madam, but family. Any tourists who make it out here (northern outskirts of BKK) are definitely lost! Some years back I was chatting with one of the (farang) traffic planners who was a keen cyclist. He told me about a "great little place by the river" they'd "found". I told him next time to mention k. <insert my name here> and maybe get a discount ???? Not back to pre-covid levels, but humming well enough Fri-Sat-Sun. Important note;- Location, location, location. Place is right on the river with panoramic views of rice-barge trains, water hyacynth and kids on jet skis. Here if you want to boost business 14.053996718688916, 100.55205469096379
  5. Personally, I'd go with a big name from a known seller like InvadeIT. For archival storage do NOT go with an SSD, magnetic media is rather more stable. You should have two backup drives and rotate them, so that at no point are all copies of your data connected at the same time. I rely on a big-name cloud system to maintain my live files and copy to my own UNRAID NAS at home on a weekly basis. It's not totally secure but I'm lazy and losing everything isn't a total disaster.
  6. If you are happy with what you have then all is right with the world. The whole game is horses for courses.
  7. Battery systems are simple and silent, but they have one big drawback, they run out of juice. Let's do some sums. An average 300W desktop PC running for 8 hours would need about 2.4kWh of energy. At 12V that would be about 200Ah of battery, if it's lead-acid you'd need twice that unless you want to kill your batteries in short order. So, 400Ah of batteries. Looking on Lazada I can get a decent 100Ah deep cycle battery for about 4,000 Baht. Need 4 of those = 16,000 Baht. Add on your inverter and a decent charger, maybe another 4k Baht. And you still have to charge your pack up again afterwards, at a reasonable 20A charge that's 10 hours. That's 10 hours where you'd really not want another power failure. You can also guarantee that your load won't just be your PC (and router), you'd like a fan and a small light too, maybe the TV for your lady, it all adds up. Seriously, if you want to go over 1-2 hours, get a baby genset, it will run forever so long as you have fuel in stock. Out of interest. Our 12kWh battery pack (charged by our solar panels, for free) will run the whole house, including one A/C for about 8 hours (all night if we forgo the A/C and just run a fan). When that runs out the 5kVA genset will power everything for about 15 hours on a tank by which time the sun will have (hopefully) put in an appearance and be running the house and charging the batteries.
  8. Interesting (and worrying), particularly as BYD are using LiFePO4 packs, which are much less enthusiastic on the conflagration front than Li-ion.
  9. Tesla, on auto-pilot! Everybody walked away, even the occupants of the little Kia were just shaken, not stirred. Easy when you know it's going to happen (and the wheel is possibly going to clear on the left), but would you have been able to react as fast as the machine? Video: Tesla Autopilot swerves the vehicle to the right to avoid collision with the oncoming free-rolling wheel on a California highway. Credit: @Anoop_Khatra / Twitter. Tesla-Autopilot-Swerve-Avoid-Rolling-Tire-Highway.mp4
  10. That's typical non-inverter operation, inverters slow everything down rather than actually stop unless the amount of cooling required is very low. Or maybe I'm misunderstanding exactly what you units are doing.
  11. If it's a conventional (non-inverter) type then yes, that's normal operation. Inverters very the speed of the compressor as the amount of cooling varies.
  12. It will be the longest week of your life! Don't forget to turn and massage every day.
  13. For a dry cure the calculator linked to on the original page works just fine for me (and I've not grown an extra arm or anything) ???? https://www.localfoodheroes.com/my-favourite-bacon/ For 1kg it gives this: -
  14. Yup, one needs to be careful with the heat (I wasn't), so the application of the gas-torch can rescue the situation without killing the holes ????
  15. These?? Video not embedable, link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Fmx2kTDmpw
  16. I know you can buy them here, but I fancied a spot of DIY on the crumpet front and they're not exactly difficult! Ingredients are simple and were already in-stock. Recipe - https://www.warburtons.co.uk/news/crumpet-recipe-revealed/ From the linked web page. I doubled the quantities (to make 12) expecting to freeze some. Ingredients (makes 6 crumpets): 150g plain white flour 200ml water ½ tsp salt ½ tsp sugar 1 tsp baking powder 1 tsp dried yeast Method Stage 1 – How to make the Crumpet Batter… Add Flour, Water and Salt to a mixing bowl Mix vigorously with a whisk until your arm aches (at least 5 minutes) to create your crumpet batter Mix a few ml’s of water into to your dried yeast Add sugar, baking powder and yeast mixture to bowl and mix for another 30 seconds until you have a clear batter (and your arm aches even more!) Cover mixing bowl and put into a warm place for 15 mins (Top tip – make sure your mixing bowl is bigger than you need as it will expand) Stage 2 – How to bake your crumpets… Place a greased metal biscuit cutter (any shape cutter you have to hand will also do the trick) into the middle of a non-stick frying pan Pre-heat your frying pan on a hob on a medium-high heat setting Before you start, give your batter a stir to remove any large air bubbles Use a ladle to drop approx. 60g batter into the cutter inside the pan Wait for approx. 4 mins – carefully lift the ring off the crumpet Remove baked Crumpet from pan (if the top looks a bit gooey flip over in the pan for a few seconds) Cool Repeat the above to make as many as you can eat! Toast and enjoy with butter, or anything else you fancy to top off your dough-licious bake… The mix after standing, looks promising for the holes: - First ever batch in the griddle: - first ones were a bit thin (half-filled egg ring) they didn't rise as much as I thought. Next lot were thicker but started to burn on the bottom before the top set, flipping them destroyed the holes (so less butter would fit) but still the airy texture inside ???? Total made 16. Hint, if they start burning on the bottom before the top sets, head out to the shed and get the gas-torch. That will cook/set the top without destroying the holes. Not totally perfect on the aesthetics front, but tasted just fine. Visiting family weren't too sure about butter, but have scarfed the lot with ketchup! So, none got to the freezer.
  17. If you ask the AseanNow ChatGPT it will tell you (in complete contravention of the forum rules) how to kill the ads.
  18. Sooooo, the burning question, was this an April Fool or is truth stranger than fiction?
  19. Pizza Quatro-Formaggi (4 cheese), usually with gorgonzola but a decent blue cheese would work for me ???? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pizza_quattro_formaggi
  20. Blue cheese and ready-made pizza bases on Lazada (no idea what they're like, I expect Makro have them too). Oven of course, it really needs to go HOT! Lazada. You will also need a baking sheet that fits your oven (and the bases), Lazada again. Do post your results!
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