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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. That would work, you have to press the + and - switches together, it would be better to find a 2-pole switch. Alternatively, just have single-pole breakers to the inverters and retain 2-pole from battery to bus-bar. OR Get 2 x 50 ohm resistors and put one of them across the -ve side breaker, then you could use your single existing switch. There are many ways you could do this. Throw in a few 10A diodes and you could have one switch pre-charge both inverters.
  2. Then, 4.77 to 4.70 : - I really have no idea what the rate will be for us at the next bill. ????
  3. Yeah, the ranges are not necessarily interchangeable within the brands let alone cross-brand ???? Pop out the switch and take it along to the store to ensure you are getting the right thing. You may have to order online (Lazada etc.) ????
  4. The UK would require a "double-check valve" which is essentially two non-return valves in one housing.
  5. Yeah ^^^, it's likely less costly to give 10k to everyone than to means-test the handout.
  6. Moved to The Pub to avoid having to close as not Thailand related. A warning to all AirBnB hosts.
  7. I'm a southpaw but not totally disabled on the right, I can successfully aim and shoot with my right hand ????
  8. RIP k. Somsak! It's always sad when a rescue worker dies whilst performing his job.
  9. That is a single-pole switch. Having 3 terminals does not mean 3-pole. A 3-pole switch of that format would have NINE terminals.
  10. OK. You show two breakers (one on + one in -), I'm assuming this is actually a 2-pole breaker, correct? The other inverter has its own 2-pole breaker (not shown)? Let me finish this ruddy meeting (due to finish at 4PM) and I'll draw something.
  11. Not us as we never use COD, but others have reported similar issues. It works something like this: - The seller moves the transaction outside the Lazada system (not difficult if they are COD and "seller to deliver") and an unsuspecting buyer pays COD and receives junk. Lazada are not interested as the transaction is outside their system, buyer is out xxx Baht ???? You may score by giving them what they want but ...
  12. Not if it's fuel injected ????
  13. Only slightly. https://www.velothailand.com/service/
  14. No that won't work. You will need a 2-pole switch, the second pole just needs to short across the -ve side breaker.
  15. Yeah ^^^, that's my understanding too, it is supposed to trigger even foreign mobiles that are connected to the tower.
  16. "Carb-cleaner" works in the absence of Easy-Start.
  17. Nope, we have LiFePO4 outside but very well shaded by the car port and a hedge. At 14.30 the ambient in the shaded area is 39C battery temperature is 40.5C, we've just been banging 50A into the pack. Definitely a bit warm, but they are supposed to be OK up to 60C.
  18. Do look at the cycle-life of NMC cells. It's rather less than LiFePO4, lower initial outlay but don't last as long.
  19. I think we will have to wait and see exactly what occurs. Ft on our bill delivered on the 18th is 0.9343 (156.96 on 168 units) but with the low-use discount of -112.63 which I assume we will lose next month ???? Total bill for 168 units = 676.46 Baht. The warm weather is pushing our daily energy use towards 40kWh ???? Luckily, it's also boosting the output of the solar ????
  20. Yes, lead carbon are a type of lead acid, this I know. I was responding to Encid's comment on these; - https://www.lazada.co.th/products/nmc-48v-218ah-1130kw-smart-bms-i4012666097-s15581149965.html
  21. Do be aware that these are NMC batteries which is a flavour of lithium-ion rather than LiFePO4. I don't think I'd have these inside the house. That said, our LiFePO4 packs are well outside the house too.
  22. They also (usually) have a means to avoid you leaving the car parked when in neutral. For example, our Mu-X will chime annoyingly if you stop the engine in anything other than P, if you ignore that you'll find you can't lock the doors (ours is keyless but many others will prevent you removing the ignition key when not in P). Luckily, the bypass for all this is simple, stop the engine when in P, press the "shift lock" button (next to the shift lever) and move the lever to N. Then the car knows you are acting deliberately and will let you leave. Most autos are similar although many don't have the clearly marked Shift-Lock button and you have to poke the key down a hole (look near the shift lever for a blanking plate to remove). There are certainly some that don't have a simple method to leave in neutral. EV owners, can you leave your car in "neutral" with the brakes off?
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