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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. It seems a lot easier to go back in time on the PC rather than the App.
  2. Yeah, mine go all the way back to my first ever Lazada order.
  3. The next step, after confirming that the switch really is in the live line rather than the neutral would be to add a mains-rated capacitor between L and N at the fitting. This would divert any leakage current coming via capacitive coupling in the wiring. A 1uF fan run capacitor would be a cheap and readily available part, no need for a resistor.
  4. Just to add to the supply voltage confusion. PEA supplies are nominally 220V. MEA supplies are nominally 230V. Both are +-10% (ish). And that meter looks like a pretty standard el-cheapo analog meter to me. It has some flashy bits, but at only 20,000 ohms/volt there's no way it's going to be useful for modern electronic measurements.
  5. Fine, your required wiring would be determined by the inverter you intend using.
  6. @JoeyMac how big is your condo? Lots of windows? Which way do they face? If you can't actually determine the actual A/C size we can "guesstimate" from that info.
  7. Would you put the EVSE (car charger) near the panels or near the house?
  8. Dear Bel I'm a truck driver who still works a 15-hour day at 73. In my 20s, I married a posh girl I loved because she was skinny. (I hate myself for this, but if a girlfriend put on weight I'd engineer a split.) We had two children I loved, but she had an affair. A while later I met a lovely girl called Pat who was 7½ st. Over the years her weight doubled, so we split up but remained friends... https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-13120823/BEL-MOONEY-wrong-leave-wife-Thai-romance.html
  9. Nah that will work just fine with correctly sized cable.
  10. I always thought that any publicity is good publicity! https://6abc.com/plumber-truck-isis-terror-lawsuit/1123517/
  11. Google is racing to fix its new AI-powered tool for creating pictures, after claims it was over-correcting against the risk of being racist. Users said the firm's Gemini bot supplied images depicting a variety of genders and ethnicities even when doing so was historically inaccurate. For example, a prompt seeking images of America's founding fathers turned up women and people of colour. The company said its tool was "missing the mark". https://www.bbc.com/news/business-68364690
  12. This probably isn't helping your consumption, do you have pet penguins?
  13. Yeah, the important test is the one with the light ON. But it never hurts to do both, it will confirm that your test gear is functional.
  14. How many units had you used for 7,500 Baht?? Do you get your bill from the condo management or direct from MEA/PEA?
  15. A man went to the doctor’s office to get a double dose of Viagra. 👨‍⚕️ The doctor told him that he couldn’t allow him a double dose. “Why not?” asked the man. “Because it’s not safe,” replied the doctor. “But I need it really bad,” said the man. “Well, why do you need it so badly?” asked the doctor. The man said, “My girlfriend is coming into town on Friday; my ex-wife will be here on Saturday; and my wife is coming home on Sunday. Can’t you see? I must have a double dose.” The doctor finally relented saying, “Okay, I’ll give it to you, but you have to come in on Monday morning so that I can check you to see if there are any side effects.” On Monday, the man dragged himself in; his arm in a sling. The doctor asked, “What happened to you?” The man said, “No one showed up.”
  16. As I've noted in another thread. The electrons don't care what colour the insulation is. Electricians do, but then check the function anyway. Relying on wire colour (particularly in Thailand) is unwise to say the least.
  17. Cripes! We are usually awakened at sparrow-fart by the wat next door getting the monks out of bed. And Madam's creatures wanting to be let out and fed (except the fish, they are very quiet)
  18. That's great, if the one with no wire is turned ON then it will light the neon, no issue. Now check at the bedroom light switch, with the light ON both wires should light the neon.
  19. This ^^^ I understand 100%. Long, long ago when I was at uni. I would go home each weekend; it was only an hour on the bike (Suzuki GT250 - did I say it was a while back). After a few months it became, every other week, then once a month, then mum would call and ask if I was coming home this year!
  20. It may well be, but it's also a good opportunity for her to bond with her course-mates and be a good grounding in "independent" living. Is the cost really that prohibitive?
  21. It's at times like that that good diagnostic technique is important. He measured at the meter and found 2A going "somewhere". If he had then measured at the point the overhead went underground, he would have seen no current. At this point he would know that the "leak" was between the meter and the underground section. It's called the "half-split method" and is one of the earliest fault-finding techniques taught.
  22. If it was on the house side of the meter it's your problem despite being on the PEA pole. I'd just be happy it's sorted.
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