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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. My dad (rest his soul) used to call me "Boo Boo" when I was small. So now I consider myself as "smarter than the average bear". Now, where's the picnic basket?
  2. It might be better to propose a number of numbered, paid, parking spots that would be defined for a specific vehicle which wouldn't be affected by the rule. The remaining (unpaid) slots would be the standard free-for-all and face the wrath of the day counters. An increasing number of condos seem to be being constructed with less than one slot per unit! It's all about the $$$.
  3. Indeed. But you know they were post-op how exactly??
  4. Solar water heating is your friend, even if it's only a pre-heat in winter Have a look at @Bandersnatch threads, some great ideas in there.
  5. OK quick and dirty sums. 8kWP is going to generate about 27kWh per day on average (depends upon weather some days will be a lot better others a lot worse). So that would be about 27 * 30 * 5 = 4,000 Baht's worth of juice per month at current prices! Would your dobies like A/C kennels If you can get an accurate day/night usage split it would be handy to give an estimate of your storage size, read your meter at 9AM and 5PM.
  6. An alien space ship lands on the White House lawn. We are thrilled to find the alien is very human-like and very friendly. He asks if our president can set up a meeting of the leaders of all nations of the world, which he certainly can do. So, in a week there’s a huge meeting with the leaders of 200 nations. Each leader has a few minutes to ask whatever questions he’d like. So eventually it gets to the Pope, leader of the independent Vatican. The Pope asks the alien if he’s familiar with Jesus Christ, the saviour of the universe. “Sure, I know him!” the alien says. “He visited us only about two farges ago—that’s about six months in your time. Great guy, Jesus!” The Pope says “He visited you six months ago?” “Yes!” the alien says. “He visits us every two or three years. We’re always very happy to see him!” The Pope says “He came here two thousand years ago—that’s four thousand farges! And we’re still waiting for him to come back! Why does he visit you so often?” The alien says “Well we make this great chocolate on our planet. Dark chocolate. Jesus loves chocolate! We always send him away with ten pounds of chocolate. And we have a big party when he leaves.” “Chocolate?” the Pope says. “Sure. He loves the stuff. When he visited here last, how did you send him off?”
  7. If they didn't get the "tuck" quite right that may aid their transition by upping the voice by an octave or so
  8. I don't think they can actually change the local bylaws without an owner's meeting (ask for the minutes). Notification of an extended absence by registered letter would (hopefully) net an exception, but TiT so who really knows. I'm sure they instigated the rule to ensure that vehicles don't get abandoned in the parking (there were a couple in our parking for several years) but 7 days seems somewhat silly.
  9. Please do start a construction thread, the more up to date detail we have the better.
  10. Does this count as a "catfight" or ... Asking for a friend
  11. My understanding is that the "birth country" would be the country where the aircraft is registered. This does not imply anything regarding nationality, there are not many countries that still offer "jus-soli" (nationality based upon being born on that country's soil).
  12. All in a day's work. Most of us fellahs would have sent the female co-pilot back to deal with the issue
  13. Not really, the leak is likely very small and the appliance is actually earthed (assuming you plug it into an earthed outlet). Turn it on, plug it in, don't touch it, run 30 mins, unplug it. Nobody dies. If you had an older place with no RCD you would never have known there was an issue unless it opened the MCB with a nice "pop". That would be an immediate bin job.
  14. If it's been unused for a while, you could try it on a non-RCD outlet and see if it recovers after running for an hour or so. But charcoal barbie tastes soooo much better 😛
  15. Those sand-filled heating elements can go leaky, but it's usually a problem when they've been left unused for a while and the damp gets in, they recover once they warm up and dry out. Since you are seeing an issue when things warm up it's probably a failed element (wire touches the outer when it gets hot). The only fix is to replace the element (or more likely in this case, the whole unit).
  16. A number of posts have been removed as off-topic squabbling. As previously noted, there are a number of threads discussing the actual detail of the rules. I suggest you continue in one of those.
  17. There are a number of threads on the actual tax issue, double-taxation agreements, and the like, please discuss the detail in one of those. Our OP is specifically aimed at "Have many left, or considering leaving?" let's try and keep it on topic.
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