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Posts posted by Asiantravel

  1. you can go down as a man but possibly end up severely injured or even worse or run away like a little girl but still stay in one piece.

    Yep in one piece with no dignity

    Again, your choice how you live and go through lifethumbsup.gif

    Is dignity so important that you would possibly risk your life in a country like Thailand where there are so many examples of them not fighting one-on-one ?

    It is irrelevant what country you in, either one is a coward or not. Location and scenarios make no difference at all.

    I have been attacked by 15 or so guys back home and was beaten badly, HOWEVER i did take down 3 of them with me and this i can live with proudly.

    Dignity is meaningless if you end up in hospital.

    And anyway there isnt much dignity in refusing to pay a $70,000 credit card debt to Citibank as you described elsewhere ?giggle.gif

  2. y dare to touch me, but then again, i did have my balls with me and stood my ground

    The law of averages says that you'll have them chopped off and handed to you eventually.

    Never bring a pair of balls to a gun fight (or a knife fight- or a 12 on 1 beating). Maybe you'll dodge the bullet or the blade next time. Maybe not.

    If I were to give any newcomer (especially guys with big balls) advice to live by here in Thailand: You can never win a fight. If you are winning, a dozen others will pile in on you. Fighting is a team activity in Thailand and you did not bring a big enough team.

    That may not be 100% true, but you'll spend less time in hospital if you act as if it is.

    You can go down as a man or run away like a little girl, in the end it is your choice.

    you can go down as a man but possibly end up severely injured or even worse or run away like a little girl but still stay in one piece.

    Yep in one piece with no dignity

    Again, your choice how you live and go through lifethumbsup.gif

    Is dignity so important that you would possibly risk your life in a country like Thailand where there are so many examples of them not fighting one-on-one ?

  3. Have had plenty of altercations with van drivers and taxi drivers, some my fault and some theirs.

    Not even once was set upon, nor did they dare to touch me, but then again, i did have my balls with me and stood my ground

    The law of averages says that you'll have them chopped off and handed to you eventually.

    Never bring a pair of balls to a gun fight (or a knife fight- or a 12 on 1 beating). Maybe you'll dodge the bullet or the blade next time. Maybe not.

    If I were to give any newcomer (especially guys with big balls) advice to live by here in Thailand: You can never win a fight. If you are winning, a dozen others will pile in on you. Fighting is a team activity in Thailand and you did not bring a big enough team.

    That may not be 100% true, but you'll spend less time in hospital if you act as if it is.

    You can go down as a man or run away like a little girl, in the end it is your choice.

    you can go down as a man but possibly end up severely injured or even worse or run away like a little girl but still stay in one piece.

    No one in Thailand would regard you a martyrgiggle.gif

  4. Buddhism of course, preaches that the only one who can achieve Nirvana is oneself - no-one can do it for you.

    Buddhism teaches that one should refrain from alcohol.

    The Thai government (of both persuasions) have used the religion as a vehicle for its own anti-alcohol campaign. Buddhism managed perfectly well without a legal ban on alcohol until 6 or 7 years go. Why does it need one now?

    Buddhism is not the state religion of Thailand and a number of Thai citizens are not Buddhists.It is wrong therefore, to impose Buddhist strictures on the population as a whole. Especially when the Abhisit government tweaked the law 3 or 4 years ago, to allow their mates who own big hotels to serve alcohol whilst free standing bars and restaurants are precluded. The law stinks and should be rescinded.

    " Buddhism is not the state religion of Thailand "

    that's right, because " Consumerism " is the state religion of Thailand nowsad.png

    • Like 1
  5. "let's be clear. The planet is not in jeopardy. We are in jeopardy. We haven't got the power to destroy the planet- or save it. But we might have the power to save ourselves." Michael Chrichton

    Honestly, how can anyone take anything this guy says seriously?giggle.gif A person who is now described as oil industry shill spouting his propaganda and lies for the oil industry.bah.gif


    Hey, be nice to the oil industry or you can sit in the dark, take cold showers and start to walk to work.

    yes , but when things go wrong , (as they often seem to do ) the COREXIT they use that gets into the food chain upsets my stomachsick.gif

  6. "let's be clear. The planet is not in jeopardy. We are in jeopardy. We haven't got the power to destroy the planet- or save it. But we might have the power to save ourselves." Michael Chrichton

    Honestly, how can anyone take anything this guy says seriously?giggle.gif A person who is now described as “oil industry shill “ spouting his propaganda and lies for the oil industry.bah.gif


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  7. this should also amuse Damrong Maslae giggle.gif.pagespeed.ce.AcGRO3FsZu.gif karma ............again

    'Dumb Starbucks' shop tests coffee giant's nerve in LA - but creators insist it's LEGAL

    A new cafe in Los Angeles is calling itself Dumb Starbucks Coffee and using the same logo as the global coffee giant, but staff insist they're not breaking any laws.

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  8. Where are you based ?

    That may be a factor in some of the costs.

    You may well be invited to have a 'red box'. That would involve paying the police 500 Baht + pm. Avoid getting involved with the police at all. Let your wife handle this (and almost all other things).

    Signs are charged by the square centimetre. All Thai wording is cheaper than a Thai/Farang mix and just Farang wording is most expensive. Get you wife to speak to the Amphur.

    Your wife should know the answer to all these questions as well as what days can't we sell alcohol..

    " You may well be invited to have a 'red box' "

    is that what those red boxes are for?laugh.png

    I used to live opposite a consulate and I watched as every now and again 2 policeman on a motorbike would pull into the driveway and one would get off and put his hand inside the red box and collect a small envelope. I often used to wonder what that was, and I just assumed it was some kind of neighbourhood watch reporting or something like that.

    But why would a consulate need to pay tea money?

  9. bullshit is that Faber announces since several years the "big crash" and that every other month,sometimes several months in a row. all what one has to do is looking how assets of all sorts have fared to recognise the rubbish he produces. somehow i have the feeling that CNBC and Bloomberg let him talk to ridicule himself.

    take a look at his monthly gloom&doom publications which nearly alsways start with quotes of people who are long dead and a long yada yada yakety-yak with what celebrity, where, and in which restaurant he had what kind of meal.

    a pathetic bald man with a pony tail.

    how can a bald man have pomy tail?blink.png

  10. i dont know if he is a kiddy fiddler or not,, its easy to blacken somebody with false accusations

    But i cant understand why his movies are so venerated ,AFAIK they arn't funny or interesting most are dead boring


    it depends on what you as an individual cinemagoer are looking for from a movie.

    And in any case you can't compare his work with many movies these days simply because Woody Allen’s movies were made on a tight budget.

    For example “ Blue Jasmine “only cost him $18 million, whereas a movie like Transformers 3 cost $200 million.

    but I know which I would rather watch.rolleyes.gif

  11. About Google,, i remember the day i started using Google after reading an article about it, it was the day the twin towers came down, 9/11 as the term goes, that was a long time ago and they have done well but in saying that for me Google is a bit on the nose,, read up all you want and make up your own mind,, just like Facebook, really on the nose, take your time and look at the new players and see why you should take notice,, for instance,, look up TOR browser.

    Do yourself a favor and read up on it otherwise just keep using Internet Explorer and Outlook and be happy. New players threatening the old ones all the time.


    as well as Duck Duck Go

    We believe in better search and real privacy at the same time.


  12. I find his statements very self serving or "Suthep" serving, it is of the utmost importance that Yingluck remain PM until after the official announced vote is made public.

    If she is not wanting to continue as head of state inform her party before the appointment of a vote for the new PM!

    Democracy in Thailand needs her, to survive the onslaught of the rich elites plans to take over with a Undemocratic unelected government with the backing of the military.. The only way that can happen (without a coup) if she resigns, and causes a "power vacuum" that can be exploited by the fascist!

    Hang tight, Yingluck you have much support in the country!


    I agree with one point you made. Yingluck will never give up her power as she is her brother's only chance at keeping his country. Make no mistake about it. Thaksin will fight tooth and nail to continue his quest to rape Thailand for his own personal gain. He has invested too much to loose now. Thanks to Suthep, the people are slowly seeing Thaksin's evil schemes that are devastating the country. Suthep might have some skeletons in the closet, but Thaksin is way worse. I can't understand how people think that Thaksin is a good leader for Thailand. Time is on the side of the people. Hang in there Suthep!

    even if you are right i think many people still think better the devil you know than the devil you don't ermm.gif

    How can you or anyone else possibly judge what would happen under Suthep or whether he is bona fide ?

  13. I've been trying to hold my tongue but I've reached that point. America has its problems. It's government is far from perfect and it's system of justice and government is the severely screwed up and yet it is still the shining light on the hill. We are the standard of freedom for the world. Do we have greedy individuals as well as corruption. You bet we do.

    Do we spend to much of our resources as world police? I think so yet those people we help might disagree. Name a free country that is better off without us. I can, Vietnam. Are we perfect. Hell no! Are we the standard of freedom? Hell yes!

    Are there better managed countries? Singapore comes to mind. Maybe some other micro states. I love Canada as well. I would love for my country to keep to itself for a few years. Put up the closed for business, be back in 50 years sign, but I know the world would suffer for it. I love the time I am spending here living and working in Thailand. Despite what most posters say the Thai people have been wonderful to me and I am truly sad as I leave for other parts of the country. I leave my new friends with vows to stay connected and I will hold them and this country in my heart forever.

    That being said, I also have developed a profound longing for the United States. Not simply my family and friends but for my home country. With all it's faults and follies, the greatest country in the world. A land of second chances and new beginnings for millions of citizens and transplants. A country I am proud to call home.

    Sounds like second stage culture shock. There is very little I miss about the US. Not the necessity to go through a list of providers for electricity, natural gas, insurance (health and home and car), telephone, and TV and then having your application for many of these public services scrutinized by a private sector credit ratings agency. I don't miss being fondled and inspected at airports or having cameras looking for your front tire to touch the stop line on the pavement so they can issue you a $500 moving violation and increase your insurance (see above). I don't miss the constant inspections, the laborious tax filing system, the obesity causing fast food chains, or the illegal aliens who break into your house, ram your car, or take the spot in front of you in the emergency rooms, all of which you pay for while they go scott free. I don't miss property tax rates that have become confiscatory or public highways being turned into toll roads. And most of all, I don't miss Jerry Jones and his band robbers who bought the Cowboys and became a symbol for everything wrong with American values and the American economy.

    Well you're in the right place with your man Suthep and all the rest of his dinks.

    You over here means one fewer tea party wingnut back home mucking things up even more. Your Suthep Ultraman views make life very difficult for you in the States, for sure.

    The US? It's all yours. It's a third world country with a first world infrastructure.blink.png And the latter will not last much longer. The US was destroyed by what Thailand is just now figuring out: democracy ends when the majority discover that they can vote themselves the right to plunder the treasury.

    " a first world infrastructure "giggle.gif


  14. I love this country !!!! So blocked roads, demonstrations everywhere, shootings, broke government

    from the rice scam, and now we can look forward to runs on the banks ? Wow......

    So as of right now, which bank was silly enough to loan money to a lame duck corrupt government?

    Is it only Krung Thai Bank ? I am pretty sure Bangkok Bank would not do this.

    How do you know bb will not smile.png

    well here is one clue ph34r.png


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