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Posts posted by Asiantravel

  1. The nazi party and the west were allies in the 30's, Hitler was even on the cover the cover Time magazine and hailed as a hero by the US, and UK, so your argument doesn't hold water. Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    But what I am commenting on here is that someone above approvingly quoted someone in the good books of the Nazi Party. And doing so in full knowledge of past history. And now you wish to continue providing a free pass. Have another go.

    Are you saying that we should only quote people who's politics we agree with? Or people whose politics you agree with?

    I think discussion of 1930s politics is a bit off-topic, and perhaps a deliberate attempt to derail the discussion - not a bad aim per se, but surely it could be done in a more constructive manner?


    It was someone else who approvingly threw in a quote from some Nazi policy sympathiser from the 1930s. Maybe they didn't expect to have pointed out to them the stink from the sh*t on their shoes. You must be rather naive if you don't realise that some of the conspiracy/gold bug theorists have an agenda to broadcast some of the old rubbish from the past. They daren't do it themselves so sling in some dog-whistle spokesman from the past. Re agreeing/disagreeing in principle with quotes you make a complete non sequitor of the issue and thoroughly miss the point.

    So you seek to disqualify the quote from a “ Nazi policy sympathiser from the 1930s “…….

    So what about the former Ranking Member of the House Banking/Financial Services Committee, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations to oversee the Federal Reserve and U.S. monetary policy?

    Specific reference to fractional reserve banking at 7.36 minutes into the video

  2. Anyone interested, research 'the hidden secrets of money' by Mike Maloney on YouTube. He explains it brilliantly (much better than me). You can also look up Max Keiser, Peter Schiff, Ron Paul, Gerald Celente to name but a few. I don't want all those rich elite b(w)ankers to get it all. Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    Fractional reserve banking is the greatest lie never told and should be in every school syllabus

    One can always rely on the Fear Brigade having studied very little except the End of the World websites pumping old nostrums as if they are the holy grail.

    They get sooooooo excited by the multiplier effect once they stumble upon it. They think its magic. Poor things.

    "Some [Most] people think the Federal Reserve Banks are the United States government's institutions. They are not government institutions. They are private credit monopolies which prey upon the people of the United States for the benefit of themselves and their foreign swindlers." --

    Congressional Record 12595-12603 -- Louis T. McFadden, Chairman of the Committee on Banking and Currency (12 years) June 10, 1932

  3. Anyone interested, research 'the hidden secrets of money' by Mike Maloney on YouTube. He explains it brilliantly (much better than me). You can also look up Max Keiser, Peter Schiff, Ron Paul, Gerald Celente to name but a few. I don't want all those rich elite b(w)ankers to get it all. Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    Fractional reserve banking is the greatest lie never told and should be in every school syllabus



    Once I was in one of the expats club. They were talking about availability of 45000 unsold property, 300 000 more under construction, most of those sold are not even inhibited. I wonder who is going to buy all these properties with new political problems, moving of expats from Thailand to cheaper places like Philippines, Cambodia etc. Is there a big bobble in property coming up???


    Perhaps Thai people looking for an escape from the heat and troubles of Bangkok.

    Many Russians are buying places to stay in Pattaya area.

    Expats are not the main market..... soon to be Expats perhaps.

    They are building huge places further and further to the South since Jomtiem 2nd Rd has opened it up more.

    Over supply doesn't seem to be a consideration yet.


    To drink milk you don't have to buy the whole cow. If Thai people from Bangkok would like to get away from the heat, they don't need to buy a condo. The rent a place for couple of days. 



    Yes and then they can just leave when the water supply runs outsmile.png





  5. Wow.

    I have heard of this minor trend in the west, of some LARGE stores demanding a "looking fee" if no purchase (but CLEARLY warned about before you enter the store). This is because many people test out products at stores only to decide what product to buy ONLINE and cheaper. You can't blame those stores.

    But it sounds like what you saw at Tukcom was indeed a scam.

    You can't do that unless you clearly inform people beforehand, and then customers would just walk to ANOTHER booth.

    Imagine if real estate agents start charging a " looking fee " ?ohmy.png

  6. I think the first bloke was a bit off-topic, but we seem to be straightened out now.

    Of course...this Macro-economic sh*t aint difficult, the OP was trying to make it harder to understand than it really is..thumbsup.gif

    I thought it was clear what i was pointing out, complete and utter fraud and theft. i also told you what is the ending result is, I'm just wondering why no one is discussing that at all...

    the fed is talking about tapering when the banks are funding the government at these low interest rates!!!! its its unbelievable, don't you see it?

    They have to know this, the people at the banks are not stupid, you just have to read the emails over libor, they knew EXACTLY what was going on

    or u just have to read the emails at the banks about the CDO's being issued to the public!! they are laughing at you people, and its all a made up game.

    • Like 1
  7. Democrat Party leader Bhichai Rattakul called on Yingluck to show courage by stepping down in order to turn crisis into opportunity.

    He said Yingluck can avoid plunging the country into chaos and Thailand becoming a failed state by quitting, postponing the February 2 election, paving the way for a new Cabinet that would not serve longer than 18 months

    but who exactly do the Democrats propose would form the new Cabinet?

  8. That road scares me almost as much as Sukhimvit. At least two roads that lead into it from Pattaya side should have proper traffic lights.

    My sentiments exactly BugJack. thumbsup.gif

    people are like lunatics when they travel down that road and particularly motorcyclists .

    I watched someone the other day in the centre of the road just like this person Khun Alinyar was doing here in this example on a motorbike and they were also waiting to turn right and I thought I simply wouldn't have the nerve to be a sitting duck in the middle of that horribly busy road.

    I would pull over on the left of the road and wait for the traffic to clear before exercising a right turn.

  9. About three years ago I was taken to visit a place not that far from Pattaya ( to the South ) and on the other side of Sukhumvit Road, which was a kind of park with small bridges crossing a lake and where people go to feed the fish.

    But I can't remember where it is or how to get there?sad.png

    Would someone be able to please point me in the right direction

  10. Didn't take long for someone to come along and blame the victim.

    I don't regard what andreas said as being the same as blaming him?ermm.gif

    Everyone needs to exercise common sense and it is simply imprudent to walk around with large sums of money in the early hours of the morning?

    large sums


    I'm saying large sum in terms of the time of day.

    Okay, what would you spend 50,000 Baht on at 4 AM in the morning? You can't drink that much and no woman is worth that much. And there aren't that many shops open at that time of day?

  11. I came through Swampy two weeks ago. The Thai immigration guy carefully peeled off two Cambodian visas which were becoming a bit loose at one end and stapled them to the up front pages. At the time I thought <deleted>, but thanks to your post I now understand. Un-glueing visas must be a recognised problem in SE Asia.

    I've also had the same problems but only with Cambodian visas rolleyes.gif

    • Like 1
  12. Idiot!! Walking 4 am with that much money on the street !!!!!

    Didn't take long for someone to come along and blame the victim.

    I don't regard what andreas said as being the same as blaming him?ermm.gif

    Everyone needs to exercise common sense and it is simply imprudent to walk around with large sums of money in the early hours of the morning?

    What you are saying is that if he had only had 3-4000 bht, they would not have robbed him?

    These gangs are looking for lonely elderly, and this time They got the jackpot.

    That's exactly why I said it's imprudent to..............

    1. walk around
    2. with a large sum of money

    in the early hours of the morning ( And especially as you say if you are lonely elderly)

    That way you wouldn't risk losing even 3-4000 bht would you?ermm.gif

  13. Shouldn't every American be exceedingly angry about this?


    I think American taxpayers should be exceedingly angry over quite how big and how divisive and how expensive the US Government has become.

    All of this nonsense costs a fortune. It's no wonder the US debt ceiling keeps being pushed through the roof.

    But I'm not talking about the money? More of that can be printed at any time.

    I'm talking about the very private information about individuals being made available to an entirely different country. It is scandalous

  14. Dose any one knows what ever happened to all of those guys that are getting caught

    with those crimes? are they ever prosecuted? if so, what punishment is matted to them?

    Just wondering.. you get to here how these guys getting arrested on a daily bases, but

    never know what ever become of them?

    You never hear about these people again because the Thai courts are extremely slow in dealing with all cases. If they plead not guilty they will be in jail for years before receiving a "trial" and then will be found guilty, and a guilty plea may take over 3 months to get finally sentenced. I think they will receive about one year for each card, a maximum of 20 years for a quick guilty plea, no parole but the chance for the occasional King or Queen's amnesties. Fraudsters get very heavy punishments in Thailand, no death sentences but many many years instead. Therefore these two guys are going to be long time residents of this sunny land.

    WOW ! I had no idea about this. Perhaps if they published these facts in the media a bit more and showed an example of what happens to them as they go through the system, it might act at least as a bit of a deterrent to others ‘ would be’ fraudsters.

    Anyway, I agree with the previous poster and have stopped using ATMs in Thailand now and always go inside the bank for counter service.

    • Like 1
  15. Idiot!! Walking 4 am with that much money on the street !!!!!

    Didn't take long for someone to come along and blame the victim.

    I don't regard what andreas said as being the same as blaming him?ermm.gif

    Everyone needs to exercise common sense and it is simply imprudent to walk around with large sums of money in the early hours of the morning?

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