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Posts posted by Asiantravel

  1. Yes it is safe. I even drink tap water sometimes and have never been sick from it. I use in my water heater (for coffee etc.)

    I do mean city water.

    Just because you have never been sick doesn't mean that the water is safe?

    How do you know there are all kinds of residual chemicals even in the smallest amounts that are slowly building up in your body each time you drink the tap water?sick.gif

  2. Lucky he borrow a bike not motorbike which might cost his life, Don't drink and drive even a bike !

    I am a keen day time cyclist and unhesitatingly I would say you would have to be more super alert on a bicycle than any other form of transport (including wearing a helmet) because other road users have no tolerance for you whatsoever. It's definitely ride to survive and its a war zone out thereph34r.png

  3. Why stop with Yingluk there are plenty of wealthy people in Thailand and you can take their assets also to fill your vault. It is becoming very clear what your real aim is. Lets not forget your dislike for farangs also, you can take their assets also, condos bank accounts etc.

    Suthep is following the “ script “ perfectly…………………bah.gif

    But when people wake up as in all other earlier examples ………….it will be too late…………

    Fascist ideology consistently invokes the primacy of the state. Leaders such as Benito Mussolini in Italy and Adolf Hitler in Germany embodied the state and claimed undisputable power.

    Under fascism, men retain the semblance or pretense of private property, but the government holds total power over its use and disposal....


  4. This article says that there is even worse to come in the form of a rare 'polar vortex' due in the Midwestohmy.png . And it will be the coldest temp experienced in almost three generations. What people have experienced so far in terms of freezing temperatures were simply a warm-up and that next will be a big chill for 140 million people.

    Minus 31 in International Falls, Minnesota but because of the winds, 'It may feel as cold as negative 50 to negative 60 sick.gif


  5. What Jatuporn is doing is encouraging Thai citizens to use their democratic right to vote for whatever government they want! And the best the haters here can come up with are some stupid comments about the picture in the OP!!w00t.gif

    If a majority of the Thai people want to see the country run by the Shins and their cronies, it is their choice!

    They then have the government, they deserve!

    If the government they have choosen continue to rob the country blind or bring it to the brink of bankrupcy, then they have to live with the consequenses of having made a bad choice.

    And hopefully choose wiser next time??whistling.gif

    IMO the solution is not madman Sutheps "peoples council"!

    But that is just me!coffee1.gif

    Of course it is wrong to want a few of the other features of a democracy in place before people exercise their democratic right to vote, otherwise we might end up with something that more resembles a democracy. Thaksin wouldn't like that.

    Yes but whatever you say at least the present government had the courage to go straight to an election?

    How does any one know if Suthep or any of this mob seized power, how long they would then hold on to that power with the excuse of we are carrying out reforms? 10 years later they will still be working on them.rolleyes.gif

    Just look at what Abhisit said and did in numerous television interviews when he was in power.coffee1.gif

    Anyone who trusts the other side to voluntarily give up power once they have got it are delusionalbah.gif

    • Like 2
  6. How can any of these government officials be taken seriously when some of them gave moral and financial support to the protesters that shut down Bangkok in 2010?

    In 2010, they were forced to resort to such means just in order to win their democratic right to vote because it was clear from all the interviews he was giving on such new channels as CNN and BBC that Abhisit was going to postpone elections for as long as he could using any excuse that he couldbah.gif

    And the same thing would happen again if they were to overthrow the democratic process again

  7. For many days now, you can hardly even see Koh Larn Island when you are standing at the lighthouse at the end of the road where the big Pattaya sign is. Yesterday was really bad and you couldn't see any features on the horizon

  8. I can respect anybody, and I mean anybody, when their arguments are logical and they are willing to sit down and speak with the opposition. This, however, is madness. From my point of view, the only "argument" I can see is "we want Thaksin out". That does not really pass as legitimate, sensible discourse. Then, demanding that things happen, without talking or compromising, all while threatening the city's well being and safety of its people? Why is this even being tolerated? I don't understand any of this. At the first sign of Suthep breaking the law, he shuld have been thrown into a jail cell, and a few of his followers who were occupying should have been thrown in for a while as well. Let's see how passionate these people are when they start getting thrown into prison cells. From what I saw on the streets, these are not passionate people, they are people wanting to have a good time and blow whistles on the street, and they have nothing better to do. It is sad to say, but I think the entire state of current affairs in Thailand is perfectly representative of this illogical and non-reasoning country.

    " Why is this even being tolerated? I don't understand any of this."


    compare how the government and authorities in Thailand are pussyfooting around with this guy to how they are currently dealing with a similar situation in the Ukraine right now and previously in Egypt

  9. I just have a question about re-entry permit when you have a retirement Visa. Yesterday I just completed my 90 day reporting which allows me to stay until 1 April. My Visa itself expires on 13 October .

    I wasn't planning to leave the country during this time but because of the political situation I would like to have a single re-entry permit available as a contingency.

    What is the procedure? Do I just purchase one at immigration and can that be “ activated “at any time to suit my own needs? And then I can stay out of Thailand as long as need be but my visa until October will still remain active. Is that correct?

  10. and if there are political problems or disturbances, who will want to holiday in thailand, even with a low thai baht?.

    Me. But I liked Belfast in the early nineties, too.

    Sent from my SGP312 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    you are definitely the exception. When people realise that all the neighbouring countries have got just as much to offer in their own unique way, Thailand will be severely knocked off the perch it has occupied rather arrogantly for so longunsure.png

  11. we are not allowed to post links here from Bangkok Post but I just read a politics opinion article today about powers to stave off civil war. Its diresad.png

    after reading that I think will make some contingency plans to hop over the border to Cambodia to spend some time there if things get bad here ermm.gif

    As I sat in the queue to do my 90 day reporting at the immigration office yesterday, I sat next to an elderly American who said he had been advised to get out before 13 January

    what I find strange is that I have discreetly asked so many Thai’s the question surely the army would step in before it got anywhere near a civil war situation and impose martial law to maintain peace and order? But not a single person gave me a decisive yes. They all gave a doubtful response in one way or another.

  12. Don't you worry they will be back again soon.giggle.gif

    There will be some music events or Chinese New Year or something as an excuse for another beach road marketsaai.gif . As if there aren't enough retail activities without crowding beach Road with stalls all selling the same kind of things.sad.png And then right outside Royal Garden Plaza they even spread their crap all over the pavement and if you don't watch carefully, you could end up stepping on some remote control toy truck.

  13. Sounds like the CM bahtbus drivers have been taking lessons from the Phuket TukTuk mafia.

    But in Chiang mai the red songthaews dont operate on the same basis as they do in pattaya.

    The ones in Chiang mai don't follow a fixed route. You stop them and tell them where you are going and they will decide if they are prepared to make the necessary de-tours after dropping off the passengers that may already be on board to go where you want to go and charge you accordingly. You may end up going on an enormously long journey but they will get you to your destination.

  14. Germany started building a good highway system as early as the late 1930's. The USA didn't start building an interstate system until the early 50's.

    Thailand has had plenty of time to observe and realizes the cost for a safer and more efficient system is far to expensive. Dividing corruption costs with infrastructure expense outlays is likely far too much for most countries and especially Thailand.

    Thailand will need to wait many more years for a safer and overall better road system.

    The problem is not the roads. In fact I consider the roads to generally be excellent.

    The problem is the loony tunes behind the wheel or handlebars.

    And nothing will ever change in that department.

    Agreed. In fact I have often wondered if the roads are too good for the standards of driving? What I mean by that is look at the farce of what they call the driving test for a licence in this country? Thailand now has many multilane highways for high-speed driving but driver education and driving tests haven't adequately kept up with advancements in infrastructure.

  15. There is no correct answer to this - I got hospitalised in Pattaya some yeas ago due to a foreign object being thrown off a high rise balcony which knocked me off my motorbike - even though there were many witnesses and the balcony was identified, it was just simply too tedious to pursue.

    but if the solution is to simply say ‘ mai ben rai “ to everything like this it's the hospital visits themselves, which would become tediousblink.png

  16. Be smart - walk facing traffic!

    Okay, you seem to infer that will solve all the problemsrolleyes.gif

    let me tell you about another incident three weeks ago where I was walking in a huge area of vacant land near Big C Extra. I don't know the name of this area but it is where they park huge numbers of tourist buses at night. So i was walking carefully on the extreme right-hand side of the road which passes through this area and facing traffic. as I just happened to be walking alongside a speed bump a motorcycle taxi rider came straight towards me . In a split second I thought <deleted> ? He was centimetres from me and then I realised it was all because he wanted to avoid going over a speed bump.

  17. I'm just interested to know what is the legal situation in Thailand as a pedestrian you are innocently walking down a soi (without sidewalk) and you are injured by a motorcyclist who is riding quite fast overtaking cars on the inside.

    Today I was very lucky not to have been injured, even though I wasn't even walking on the road itself. Today I was actually walking on the forecourts of several shops away from the road and yet a motorcyclist came tearing down this section because he was overtaking a motorist in a car which was weaving a bit so he had less room to overtake on the road itself and simply decided to mount the forecourt area.

    Obviously you don't expect fast-moving vehicles in this area and with my back against this motorcyclist had I changed my direction of walking in any way I'm sure I would have been hit.

    If you are injured in the circumstances can you sue the motorcyclists insurance company?

  18. History is consistent with evacuation of sub dural hematoma. Can have good prognosis/recovery. A SDH can cause loss of consiousness = coma.

    Sad for a guy that spent much of his life at 200 mph.(approx)

    That wasn't the case with Natasha Richardson who also had a similar skiing accident in 2009 and even got up and laughed directly after it but sadly died two days later

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