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Posts posted by Asiantravel

  1. Sounds like it may be looking for a SMS code the card-issuing bank sends your mobile phone for certain transactions. Some cards issued by certain banks have that SMS feature. Unfortunately, the SMS may only be sent to cell carriers within your home country.

    I don't have any problem receiving the SMS on my phone from overseas. And as an alternative you can request a small keypad device from your bank which comes on a key ring and that will also receive the one-time pin number

  2. Assault units? So he does want violence. Can't wait till he gets his cold plate of karma served up to him. What a sick, drunken parasite.

    What do to think would happen if a group of thugs occupied the White House or the Elysee Palace?

    Do you think other countries would send clowns to join the party and provide entertainment?

    Nope. Assault teams. And much sooner. They wouldn't wait 3 months.

    its thailand.why do you keep bringing up other countries which have nothing to do with this topic......stay on topic eh..coffee1.gif

    because the principles of democracy are universalsmile.png

    • Like 1
  3. I really would recommend you lodge a complaint with this organisation who, from past experience I have found to be very helpful. If you conduct all this through a government agency , I think it would be extremely hard for anyone to subsequently accuse you of defamation if you allow their officers to investigate it ?

    And I've noticed that if you tell any business organisation or individual that you are going to get these people involved they quickly change their attitude. I don't think anybody wants the OCPB on their back.smile.png


  4. Thank you for your replies.

    I am divided between 2 subjects at the moment. On one hand accounting (cost accounting, financial controller) is a licensed profession which has a pretty straightforward route and stable income associated with it. It does offer some interesting challenges, but is very technical and dry most of the time in my perception. On the other hand I like the idea of doing mathematical type of research for businesses (such as revenue management for big hotel chains, market research, logistical problems, statistics, modelling). If you were in my shoes in your twenties what would you go for? Math (operations research) or accounting?

    Looking 10 years into the future what do you think will be more in demand?

    Is it possible that accounting will be automated to a great extent and therefore there will be reduction in specialists needed for any business?

    In choosing a career path what would be a general advice to your own children?

    I think you're right about computers taking over many such functions in the future.sad.png

    I don't have any children but if I did I think I would be warning them that the likelihood of one particular job for life will probably not be so common in the future.

    Unfortunately I think they would need to have the attitude of being willing to do anything and accept any salary (as long as it's not unrealistic) to get a foot in the door and then hope to impress the employer to be able to advance. And from there to work hard and apply yourself diligently for whatever you do.

    • Like 1
  5. Khun Ginjag!

    Why do you assume I knuckle under, I don't. I have my own opinion as stated.

    That it happens to agree with most of my family/friends is probably because we live in a rural community.

    No we have not been made rich, but the PTP has done a lot more than anybody else for the rural community, health, education etc.

    The dems did nothing.

    And just taking your situation as one example , have your family and friends seen any evidence of specific pork barrelling by the PTP during these elections? I would have thought they haven't had the time to even think of any of that and they probably don't even have the money this time around.

    So from what I can see voters in the rural areas will simply be voting by who they prefer to be in power without the other side being able to throw around accusations that there has been any vote buying ?

  6. note:

    "The reason being we have an obligation to protect our customers, and to minimise the opportunity for financial crime. However, following feedback, we are immediately updating guidance to our customer facing staff to reiterate that it is not mandatory for customers to provide documentary evidence for large cash withdrawals, and on its own, failure to show evidence is not a reason to refuse a withdrawal. We are writing to apologise to any customer who has been given incorrect information and inconvenienced."

    case closed! saai.gif

    Naam in your haste to declare the matter " closed ", perhaps those with more inquisitive minds would at least like to question whether there is any possibility of a connection between these withdrawal restrictions and a $70 billion capitalisation shortfall in HSBC's accounts that was reported in the daily Telegraph

    on 16 January?ermm.gif


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  7. He has my empathy but no sympathy. Growing up isn't always easy and most of us hit a few bumps in the road.

    I hope he can get himself sorted out.

    growing up is learning about the difference between right and wrong. How can he possibly do that when his own father , who should be a guiding force at that age was there, aiding and abetting him and blocking off the road

    why doesn't the article mentioned that?


  8. I have seen lots of scintillating and crystal clear waters in Thailand. Admittedly, they were nowhere near pattaya, jomtien, patong, etc. I remember taking a half day snorkeling trip from Koh Chang, on some of the little islands we visited, one could see clearly to the bottom, in 20-30 feet of water. The water was teeming with fish as well. Also, on a day trip from phuket, to some little island just off the south tip, the water was stunning, the beach was clean and pure white sand. The bottom was covered with healthy corals, with thousands of beautiful little fish swimming around. One must get away from the centers of sleaze and sex tourism to see these beautiful places.

    But such scintillating and crystal clear waters are also easily accessible in Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Cambodia and soon Myanmarblink.png

  9. If someone really wants to dwell on the world's problem-countries these days, I would say Ukraine and Sudan and a few others might crop up well before Thailand for whom many the response is "Thailand -- where's that?"

    There is even deep-seated anger and resentment between supporters of the two political parties in USA

    which is also effectively split 50-50 except you only see it in the form of exceptionally dirty deeds and dirty politics instead of violence.rolleyes.gif

  10. Why would anyone think there is any virus going around? At any given time, some Pattaya tourists or residents have diarrhea from eating street food--and may call it influenza as well. There even may be a case or two of real influenza. smile.png

    Just another attempt to create a baseless rumor and stir the pot.

    for god sake what is your attitude problem ? huh.png

    Firstly, why are you attacking me for asking a simple question and possibly even alerting people that there could be a chance of this happening?

    And based on the comments already written by OMGImInPattaya and ROBINPATTAYA you already seem to be wrong as you so often are regarding anything you post on ?rolleyes.gif

    My comment includes those two. smile.pngI'm usually right.

    Actually no

    replies in this thread proves you are so full of sh*t


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  11. Do you really believe Iran would promote anything that might result in the majority Sunni population taking over Syria?

    Somehow I don't think so....


    I don't understand because I thought Iran and Syria were allies?blink.png

    No, Iran and Assad the Alawite are allies. The Alawis are a Shi'a sect and are in the minority in Syria. The Sunni majority of Syria would like to determine their own future, and it's understandable that they are not expecting a fair shake from the Iranian Shi'a.

    my brain hurts sad.png

  12. the GBP will continue to weaken as Britain advances towards becoming a banana republic. I predict that in 3 years time the GBP will be valued at 3 bananaskins and a rusty nail.

    You were probably predicting the same 3 years ago.

    Just because he was incorrect about the timing doesn't mean he is incorrect about the economic fundamentals? Great Britain is no longer anywhere near being great

  13. At this stage I think we have seen enough posting to see that the members of this site are just as bad as those protesting on the streets

    There are those who write here that are worried about the curruption in Thailand and the poor, that Taksin is meant to represent

    Those who believe their is a massive waste of money trying to save the faces of a palimentary system that has not worked, ripped of the poor thais they are said to represent.

    and want to make sure Taksin does not get his Get Out of Jail Free Card

    Then there are those who compare Thailand with the country they left, and want Thailand become like the country they left because it was no good

    Then there are those who thing only of them selves and what they can make out of Thailand Misery, true Taskin converts

    Then there are those who just want to stir the pot and cause trouble

    These people can be found on both sides so I an not just saying this about one group

    If we call our selves educated western falang

    What chance have Thais got when we can not see the truth for what it is

    Well you're certainly doing a good job presenting one side of the argument! Unfortunately you seem to forget it is only one side, and that those who are arguing against the protest and the vilification of Thaksin have equally valid arguments.

    But not at the cost of potentially living in a fascist state? No one has a clue as to the real agenda that Suthep and his followers really have for Thailand?

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  14. On the Thailand live website today it has a heading “Influenza and diarrhea not found among protesters “ .

    And then earlier on I was talking to someone in Pattaya who said they were looking after a family member who had fever and diarrhea . Does anyone know if there some kind of virus going around which we should be aware of?

  15. On the Thailand live website today it has a heading “Influenza and diarrhea not found among protesters “ .

    And then earlier on I was talking to someone in Pattaya who said they were looking after a family member who had fever and diarrhea . Does anyone know if there some kind of virus going around which we should be aware of?

  16. Makes sense. I can't imagine who would want to buy a house or condo in Bangkok now.. I wouldn't want to buy anything there, even if there were no political chaos. biggrin.png

    Bangkok is a place for short entertainment trips, and a few nights of clubbing and drinking. Not a place to live if you can avoid it. Shittiest city in the world!

    not only that it's actually physically sinking


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