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Posts posted by Asiantravel

  1. Wow.

    all this talk about reform is code for 'reform the system to eliminate the possibility that most of the Thai people will have a say in how they are goverened.'

    You don't get it, do you? One of the major problems here is the fact that the government does exactly what you say is okay. To ignore those who did not vote for the ruling party. But that is not what good governance and democracy is about. It is not about the majority dominating and ignoring the minority. The government has the responsibility to work for all.

    But by the way, do you really believe the Thai people have a say in how they are governed? They have a say in who they put in power and after that is done, TS and his cronies run and do what they want. Sure, they give the farmers the illusion that they care for them (30 Baht scheme, rice pledging, etc.) but they do NOT work on real reforms that would change their life in the long-term. They empty the coffers of the state and ruin the country in the process just to make sure that they get the majority vote. I fear that in the not too far future Thailand will run into a major economic disaster because of this, but hey, (PTP and guys like you) just blame the opposition.

    Great democracy.

    “ To ignore those who did not vote for the ruling party. It is not about the majority dominating and ignoring the minority. The government has the responsibility to work for all.”

    Oh yes you must be one of those people who believe in the phrase “ dictatorship by majority “giggle.gif

    I wish someone would tell Obama that. I'm sure a lot of people in the Republican Party would love to get him out of office on that basis

  2. Things start from Bkk, don't they? Sent from my GT-I9190 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Not necessarily?

    As far as I understand for example nearly 2 years ago Chiang Mai seemed to be the first location in Thailand to impose an upper limit on applicants . I was told, language schools had sent e-mails to older applicants (above 50) that they were no longer able to obtain an education visa in Chiang Mai.

    And yet places like Bangkok and Pattaya didn't seem to have that restriction?

    I think that was another unfounded rumour. I know lots of people over 50 in CM with ED visas.

    It was also referred to in this thread and apparently Walen School confirmed it according to the original poster ? So apparently not a rumour ?smile.png

    I have read somewhere that Ed visa for an over 50 person will not be extended after the first year (I am 62). This was confirmed by Walen school as being the policy of immigration in Chiang Mai. Does this rule apply for the rest of Thailand?


  3. Things start from Bkk, don't they? Sent from my GT-I9190 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Not necessarily?

    As far as I understand for example nearly 2 years ago Chiang Mai seemed to be the first location in Thailand to impose an upper limit on applicants . I was told, language schools had sent e-mails to older applicants (above 50) that they were no longer able to obtain an education visa in Chiang Mai.

    And yet places like Bangkok and Pattaya didn't seem to have that restriction?

    I think that was another unfounded rumour. I know lots of people over 50 in CM with ED visas.

    So is what this guy says on his website is wrong?

    This is written in the section “ New Forms “

    NOTE: Education (Student) VISA's are no longer available for persons over

    50 years of age.


  4. Mob rule seems to be the order of the day.

    The police,security services etc do not seem to have the balls or the inclination to uphold any laws,serve arrest warrants etc.

    Indeed, a very sad time for Thailand.

    They are not a mob!!

    All they are doing is attempting to protect democracyohmy.png in Thailand by removing the Thaksin clan from politics.

    ermmm ............ermm.gif

    where is the democracy in running riot around Bangkok for weeks and breaking into buildings and then proposing a group of unidentified people run the country who haven't even revealed their specific policies yet? giggle.gif

  5. Things start from Bkk, don't they? Sent from my GT-I9190 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Not necessarily?

    As far as I understand for example nearly 2 years ago Chiang Mai seemed to be the first location in Thailand to impose an upper limit on applicants . I was told, language schools had sent e-mails to older applicants (above 50) that they were no longer able to obtain an education visa in Chiang Mai.

    And yet places like Bangkok and Pattaya didn't seem to have that restriction?

  6. The First Officer, usually in the right hand seat, obviously wasn't keeping a very good lookout; or maybe he didn't like his Captain!

    I was thinking the same thing.smile.png

    But many captains leave such menial tasks as taxiing to their first officers so he or she probably had their hands full. Although from the pictures it seems that building seemed awfully close and you would have thought the first officer in the right-hand seat would have had some sense of the size of the “ vehicle “ before exercising their turn?

    But then if they turned left onto the taxiway the captain could have had a better view of the proximity of the building before they turned?

    Anyway it is probably not as embarrassing as the pilots who landed the Boeing 747 Dreamlifter last month at Col. James Jabara Airport instead of McConnell Air Force Base. facepalm.gif

  7. Sadly enough after listening to the neo-facist Sutheps rants over the last couple of weeks, PTP seems like a not so bad alternative anymore!!w00t.gif

    I know, they are rotten to the core and corrupt beyond believe, but the lesser of the two evils!

    doesn't it get boring to write "fascist" in every posting, without ever give a reason?

    Just repeat it often enough in the hope something will keep sticking....

    the term could have been coined just for Suthepgiggle.gif


    A reactionary or dictatorial personfacepalm.gif


    you know a person who wants an unelected “ People's Council “ to run the country and who has a track record of not wanting to give up power once he's got itph34r.png

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  8. I really can't see why Jonathan Head is getting so much abuse on here. I find his reports very carefully and accurately worded to provide a concise report without glaring omissions or bias for the international viewer. In summary, the work of a competent and professional correspondent for a major news organisation.

    Some of the comments here are just hysterical and many lack supporting details, information or examples.

    I have met a number of the leading BBC reporters around the world from the any questions program , the then political respondent for the BBC and had a long conversation with the US correspondent, he of the shaven head, now reporting from Germany.(can't remember names off hand)

    I also had photojournalist friends at the Daily Telegraph ( a UK "right wing newspaper editorially but not the staff).

    As a then tory i found they were as apolitical people as I have ever found.

    I guess if you shoot porn all day you might get a state of ennui!

    They say, well in UK politics, when you've been around long enough you get to see and understand both or all sides of an argument.

    To see from the other side.

    it doesn't mean you have to agree.

    I think Jonathan Head is doing an excellent job. More coverage please.

    Agreed. Jonathan Head was spot-on this morning when he talked about the opposition sabotaging the democratic process. He also raised the very salient question being if sorely needed reforms are to take place they could take months or even years and who is going to govern the country during the meantime ?

    Surely not Suthep and his band of anarchists because if they get into power they may never give it up again based on their past track record

  9. JT - any comments on the high season income of a baht bus driver at an implied 1,500 Baht per day? rolleyes.gif

    If he works every day he will still make 28000 baht, not bad, almost the same salary as an expat teacher .

    Sent from my SM-P601 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    But he needs to pay either a rental fee or a payment to purchase the vehicle out of that plus fuel and maintenance which would be a hefty sum

  10. What kind of penalty will this person received for this offence? Killing somebody by drunk driving.

    In many Western countries you would receive a prison sentence plus being banned from driving for 3 to 5 years and be made to sit the driving test again

  11. I think the anti-govt speakers are actually quite acceptance of foreigners involved. Few of them take the extra effort to explain and deliver some important key points in english speaking to let the foreigners have a better understanding about the actual situation, their goal and also to clear misunderstanding of their motive of taking down the current govt. This shows that they appreciate our concerns and supports. So is it consider pleasant? smile.png

    I think so .

    like the journalist who was beaten? after Suthep's thugs told the mob to do so from the stage? you should be ashamed posting such garbage


    German photojournalist attacked

    initial reports say a speaker from the stage singled him out, triggering the assault. The incident was also featured on Blue Sky TV, and Internet comments continued to target the journalist.


  12. If they are not going to partake in the elections then that is entirely up to them. Come the 3rd of February don't throw hissie fits and tantrums like spoilt little rich kids. Accept the outcome and move along don't try to overthrow another democratically elected government.

    It is very disturbing to read this post, but not unexpected as we all know your preferences.

    But you still don't seem to get it. Throwing away 3Bn + baht on an election that will count for nothing is yet again another testiment to this government's mentality.

    The people will not accept it, in case you hadn't noticed, the Dems will have lost none of their voters during this farce. But the PTP definitely have, and they have acknowledged this many times. That makes potentially 15 million + people not willing to accept the election or its results. Thius is not about the Dems throwing 'hissy fits', they don't need to. The people will demonstrate for them without any need for a push.

    Truth also that you are blind to, is that these elections will NOT be held, they will be disrupted before that date and on the day they will be disrupted... There is a potetial for mass violence, and the government are keeping the powder keg safe and dry and inviting the fuse to be lit.

    Reform BEFORE elections is what the protests are about.... wake up!

    “Under Yingluck's plan, all parties would have to pledge that the new government holds power for only two years, to see through the national reform process. “

    So the people who you seem to be supporting-do they have the guts to set a firm timeline?ermm.gifwhistling.gif

    Yes, they said 9 to 14 months actually.

    Or are you a 'Johnny come lately' and not been following the commentary over the past 6 weeks?

    9-14 months ? But the voting public doesn't even know WHO exactly “ they “ are yet ? ph34r.png

    I think it is time for you to wake upgiggle.gif

    • Like 1
  13. If they are not going to partake in the elections then that is entirely up to them. Come the 3rd of February don't throw hissie fits and tantrums like spoilt little rich kids. Accept the outcome and move along don't try to overthrow another democratically elected government.

    It is very disturbing to read this post, but not unexpected as we all know your preferences.

    But you still don't seem to get it. Throwing away 3Bn + baht on an election that will count for nothing is yet again another testiment to this government's mentality.

    The people will not accept it, in case you hadn't noticed, the Dems will have lost none of their voters during this farce. But the PTP definitely have, and they have acknowledged this many times. That makes potentially 15 million + people not willing to accept the election or its results. Thius is not about the Dems throwing 'hissy fits', they don't need to. The people will demonstrate for them without any need for a push.

    Truth also that you are blind to, is that these elections will NOT be held, they will be disrupted before that date and on the day they will be disrupted... There is a potetial for mass violence, and the government are keeping the powder keg safe and dry and inviting the fuse to be lit.

    Reform BEFORE elections is what the protests are about.... wake up!

    “Under Yingluck's plan, all parties would have to pledge that the new government holds power for only two years, to see through the national reform process. “

    So the people who you seem to be supporting-do they have the guts to set a firm timeline?ermm.gifwhistling.gif

  14. Warhammer, this thread is not about how nice a person Judd is, or how big a heart he has, or even how amazing his family is.

    We are discussing the life choices that he has made over the past decade or so that have lead him to his current situation, and possible ways he can get himself back on track. Please read what I wrote in post #67.

    It's easy to see how he got stuck here. Probably came here on holiday, met a hot girl, got married, and had kids without a thought in the world about how he's going to make money and support them. Fast-forward 10 years and he's now woken up to reality and is going through a mid-life crisis.

    The sad reality is that Judd should have never settled in Thailand in the first place. First, he should back home to deal with his health problems. Then go back to school to gain an employable skill, then start sending money back to Thailand to support his family. Also, he should probably talk with a therapist to gain some life and financial planning skills at the same time.

    That sounds like a much better solution than sending his wife through other people garbages to find items they can fix up and sell, as he mentioned in another video.

    He had a good job as an actor and voice over actor. He's in Bangkok Revenge and a Samsung commercial. He ran into hard times when he was let go and he feels trapped because the job that once gave him a fair income and he doesn't have a degree. My problem is that some members here are making fun of him instead of providing real advice like some are.

    How can you say he had a fair income? Acting is not a steady job? How many commercials would he be making in one year or how many contributions to Bangkok revenge would he have made in one year let alone all the years he has been spending here?

    Are kind of income from such sources should be no more than a stepping stone to look for something more permanent because it can dry up at any time

    • Like 1
  15. Is the Democrat Party boycotting the Feb 02, 2014 election to avoid being proven wrong if they do not perform well?

    If Suthep and the Democrat Party are so sure of their position - why hesitate to let the people speak?

    If they do not - the that is a sure sign of the Tyranny of the Minority!

    Whoever wins the election on 2 February would have won again as a result of being voted in by the majority which is surely the way normal democracies are meant to run?

    At least the Prime Minister had the guts to call an election quickly (unlike Abhisit who when he was PM used every excuse under the sun as to why an election should not be held rolleyes.gif ).

    Some one has to govern the country while reforms of being debated. Who are the Democrats proposing should do undertake this role? If the Democrats were trusted with this they might do the same again as they did last time i.e. looks at every excuse possible why now " wasn't the right time to hold an election " and stretch out the reform process for years. facepalm.gif

  16. Looks like a Golden Tree Snake can bite but harmless

    The only good snake is a dead one, then it's harmless.huh.png

    Mate; how can you say that ? ? ? A snake, like any other living creature, does have the right to a life ! ! - Simply (and carefully) catch the serpent, put it in a safe container (garbage-bag; box; plastic-bin etc.) and take it some distance away from your home and release it; - I'll just bet that you will feel a lot better about yourself for NOT having killed a little creature for no good reason at all.

    One day you will come to understand [regular people may take a while; Aussies take a bit longer !]


    I don't like them all but I would never kill one unless he is potentially going to attack me. If he is happy to go one way and give me time to run the other way everything will be fineermm.gif

  17. I got an idea...why don't all you wingers go back to wherever you came from. There you can play hide and seek with the coppers and their traffic cameras, radar guns, and $500 tickets...but hey, youll be so much safer!

    All the driving habits you complain about are just SOP for driving a vehicle in Thailand. Most of them are adhock mechanisms to make up for the lack of enough road surface area to handle the traffic volume. It's the only way to get anywhere and besides, they make driving in Thailand a thrill a minute.

    Oh dear, then if they haven't got “enough road surface area to handle the traffic volume “they are clearly not qualified to be the “ hub “ of everything under the sun?sad.png

  18. Go to "cats 4 you", check out their web site. They re home cats, and have a variety to choose from. Most if not all have their shots and are well taken care of, so you wont be getting a "wildcat".

    Paul and Sandra take care of these cats and kittens as if they were their own. They are on the east side, and if you cant find their place, they will meet you somewhere! The cats are free, but please give a donation to help them take care of more cats and kittens. You wont go wrong, if you get a kitten from them.

    " We can arrange for neutering and vaccinations if required (most cats are already neutered)."

    but the OP doesnt like that?

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  19. 2006 all over again! Coup time!

    Bye bye Shinawatras!

    Bye bye Shinawatras? How come they're still here then after the 2006 coup? Ghastly as it may seem to you lot ,coup or no coup, eventually there will have to be elections and PTP will be returned with a bigger majority than ever.

    Does anyone know what is the legal situation regarding an opposition party refusing to participate in a general election? Does this nullify any result even if there is an overwhelming majority for the PTP?

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