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Posts posted by nkg

  1. On 1/4/2018 at 2:50 PM, EWBears said:

    I'm not sure if it's OK to post my own app here or not, but I wrote a 50,000+ word Thai language textbook that I've released as an app for phones and tablets called Pocket Thai. App store link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/pocket-thai/id1274490875?mt=8


    Most Thai learning apps are by developers that use the same template for every language and all that they teach you is common vocab but no real explanations of grammar or the finer points of the language.  I wrote my app for people that are more serious about learning Thai and people that live in Thailand or plan to live their for at least a few years.


    There are certainly lots of good free resources out there, but I consider this a similar level to Benjawan Becker's book but in a more convenient form than book + CD combo and with English explanations of what's going on.


    I wish I'd had this years ago, it's a great app for learning Thai properly from the ground up. The first 5 chapters are free, so I'd recommend giving it a go and see what you think.


  2. Thank you everybody for your information, it's very helpful.


    Looking at the link for vfs given by theoldgit, I read the following:




    8 Pick up your documents


    Return to the visa application centre to receive your documents

    After a visa application decision has been made, you can collect your documents from the visa application centre.


    Choose whether you would prefer to collect your documents in person or send a representative to pick them up for you.

    Collecting your documents in person; bring the receipt issued by the visa application centre and a form of Government identification.
    Sending a representative to collect your documents; they will need to present a letter of authorisation signed by you, bring the receipt issued to you by the visa application centre and their Government identification.



    It doesn't mention the possibility of having the documents posted out, only of collecting them either in person or by a representative.


    Can anyone confirm that having the documents posted back is definitely an option?


    Thank you.


  3. My Thai girlfriend is interested in coming to the UK for a couple of weeks. She would like to apply for a UK visitor visa. Because of her job, she can only book a limited amount of holidays in a year.


    My understanding is that she would need to go to the Bangkok VFS to make the application, and then return again when the visa is ready.


    She lives and works in Phuket, and would like to spend as little time as possible in Bangkok. How much time will she need to book off work in order to apply for and receive the visa?

  4. 2 hours ago, 7by7 said:


    Game, set, and match.


    It has been proven that drones exist. Although, isn't your post off topic? It doesn't have much to do with the terribly frightening drones at Gatwick Airport that really, really threatened the UK.


    I'm going to quote your link from the Independent newspaper:


    Drone-obsessed adults need to grow up and stop causing havoc for people with their flying toy



    Less than two weeks after apparent drone activity forced the closure of Gatwick Airport


    adjective: apparent
    1. seeming real or true, but not necessarily so.
      "his apparent lack of concern"
        seeming, ostensible, outward, superficial, surface, supposed, presumed, so-called, alleged, professed, avowed, declared, claimed, purported, pretended, feigned;
      "his apparent lack of concern"


  5. 1 minute ago, 7by7 said:

    One police officer said that they should consider the possibility that there were no drones.

    verb: consider; 3rd person present: considers; past tense: considered; past participle: considered; gerund or present participle: considering
    1. 1.
      think carefully about (something), typically before making a decision

    Think about, not take as a concrete fact.


    noun: possibility; plural noun: possibilities
    1. a thing that may happen or be the case

    May be, not definitely is.


    Yet you and others leapt on this one remark by one officer as definitive proof of your ridiculous conspiracy theories.


    It must have escaped your notice, but as soon as the army became involved the overflights stopped!


    Carry on living in your dream world, but unless you actually have something rational to say instead of your usual fantasy, I wont be responding any more.


    I am sorry you won't be continuing the discussion, as I found your comments interesting.


    My own comments were intended to be made as part of a good-natured discussion. If we all agreed with one another, life would be rather dull.




  6. 21 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

    These drones were not hovering at the terminal windows inviting people to photograph them!


    Have you ever tried to photograph or film a flying, erratically moving small object which is several 100 metres or more away from you? It is not easy getting such objects into shot and then keeping them there. As this video, taken at the time at Gatwick, shows.

    Although, as the police say they have no film of the actual drones causing the disruption, I assume they have discounted this particular object.


    Some, not all!


    Yes, the police were using drones to try and find those flying the rogue drones. Anyone paying attention to the UK radio and TV news reports at the time knows that!


    They have now been eliminated from enquiries, yes. But that does not prove your theory that there were no drones.


    Tell us, if there were no drones, except the police ones, what do you think over 100 people saw flying over Gatwick? Little green men from Alpha Centauri?


    It was originally the police's theory, not mine. They may have later backtracked, but that doesn't mean that the original observation wasn't valid.


    As I pointed out before, when you ask a large number of people to look for something small, distant, and difficult to see, you will get a lot of false positives.


    As I also said before, the initial sightings may well have been drones. Once the airport was closed and the police and army were looking for them 24/7, I don't see how drones could have continued to fly into Gatwick without being photographed or videoed. I expect the army have rather good equipment for detecting and photographing/videoing drones.









  7. On 12/28/2018 at 10:39 AM, 7by7 said:


    As I said, it was

    about the possibility of there not being any drones. Possibility, not probability; a remote possibility. A possibility now discounted following the many reported sightings and discovery of the damaged drone.




    In further news:





    Two drones found by police during searches near the airport have now been ruled out of involvement.



    Police admit some Gatwick Airport drone sightings may have been police drones


    So some of the sightings were the police's own drones! Whoops. And the discovery of the damaged drones was meaningless.



  8. 3 hours ago, 7by7 said:

    So tell us, @nkg, what in your opinion caused the disruption; aliens?


    I think that it's entirely possible that the first sightings were of drones, or of some objects/animals/craft that resembled them.


    Once the airport was closed you had thousands of people in the airport looking for drones, and keen to report anything they thought they may have seen. So there were several mistaken sightings.


    So tell us, 7by7, why weren't there any pictures or video footage of the drones?

  9. 9 hours ago, 7by7 said:


    As I said, it was

    about the possibility of there not being any drones. Possibility, not probability; a remote possibility. A possibility now discounted following the many reported sightings and discovery of the damaged drone.





    What does the discovery of a damaged drone prove? How long had it been there?  Nowhere do the police claim that it was one of the drones involved in the incident.


    I am aware that there were 67 witness sightings of a drone - how come none of these 67 witnesses were equipped with a camera phone to corroborate their sighting?


    Thousands of people claim to have seen the Loch Ness monster, but unsurprisingly there is zero photographic evidence. If you believe in drones that cannot be photographed, perhaps you are also a believer in Nessie, Bigfoot and dragons?





  10. 5 hours ago, 7by7 said:

    It seems the conspiracy theory nutjobs have been having a field day over a cherry picked quote from an admittedly poorly worded remark from the police: Gatwick 'no drone' police comment 'miscommunicated'



    Conspiracy theory nutjobs? Here is the quote:




    But Detective Chief Superintendent Jason Tingley told the BBC that there was "no available footage" of the drones and it was "always a possibility" that sightings were wrong.

    "[There is] always a possibility that there may not have been any genuine drone activity in the first place," he said.

    "Of course, that's a possibility. We are working with human beings saying they have seen something."




    There is no conspiracy there. There were no photos or videos of the drones, therefore they may not have actually been there.



  11. 7 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    Making that information public may have exposed their source ?


    They could close down the runways for more mundane reasons too, like ice on the runway or a "computer glitch". At this point, I don't think we're going to get a full explanation of what happened, and it's interesting to speculate.


    I do wonder why the police would mention the possibility that there was no drone? Clearly there was no proof other than witness statements.

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  12. 8 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    There may have been something else going on .

    They may have suspected a terror attack was about to take place and so they grounded all the flights ?


    No need for a cover story if that was the case?


    As Napoleon once said, "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."

    • Like 1
  13. 2 minutes ago, Old Croc said:

    This death occurred in January. 

    As far as I can tell they never released her name nor the cause of death. The family would be aware of the circumstances and come to terms with it.  It's very unlikely any further details will be given to the public now. 


    Perhaps the speculation and trolling on Thaivisa should come to an end.

    There must be other, more recent, matters to theorize about.  


    Indeed. I searched for details, and the last we hear about her is this:




    Rest in peace, Sirja Ida Sofia Konttila.

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