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Posts posted by nkg

  1. 5 minutes ago, impulse said:


    You have, of course, read the stats that say the Chinese spend more on a daily basis than the Westerners?  They just don't stay as long on average, given it's a 2 hour flight to the south of China.




    That's strange, all the local business owners tell me that the Chinese spend almost nothing, unlike the Westerners. I don't know where this torrent of Chinese money is going, but it certainly isn't into the hands of normal Thais.


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  2. 3 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

    You can’t compare 50-70s America with Bangkok 2018 gridlock. If parents want their kids to have room to run around, they have to move out of the city. This is true anywhere in the world. 


    Anyhoo, I’m talking about people blocking tiny roads (sois) so they can have a party. If you’ve ever driven down the small sois, you’ll know what a pain they are to navigate. What they don’t need is anymore obstacles blocking them. 


    Yes, the tiny roads are what we in the West consider a residential area. You can use major roads to get to your destination - car drivers do not have a divine right to use residential areas as short-cuts. I do know what the traffic is like in the small sois. If the road is completely blocked, you can always turn around.


    I am biased - I like street parties, and I don't currently own a car in Thailand. I think it is sad that we must instruct our children not to play - the rich kids with big gardens in leafy suburbs win, and the poor kids, as always, lose. Moving out of the city is not always an option.


    I do take your point about Thais not caring about what impact their actions will have on other people, but I am broadly in favor of street parties. Thai people's fun-loving attitudes is one of the main reasons why I enjoy living in Thailand, although it can have unintended negative consequences.


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  3. 9 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

    Roads are for driving on. Pavements for walking on. It’s that simple really. What if someone else was trying to drive home that day? Someone in a wheelchair or elderly. 


    Kids aren’t playing on the street in the West anymore? Maybe you could campaign for kids to be allowed to play on roads again. Sounds like a great idea. 


    Growing up in the 50s-70s most countries (US excepted) would have children playing football and other games in the open space nearest their house (the road). They got exercise and there weren't so many obese children. The relatively small number of cars in those days drove slowly in those areas.


    Now we see modern drivers racing around residential areas, with far more people using cars. Naturally, modern parents forbid their children to "play out", and so kids stay indoors and fiddle with their mobile telephones.


    I don't believe that wealthy car owners have the right to speed down residential roads, at the expense of residents and communities. However, I can see that you feel differently.


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  4. 7 hours ago, tryasimight said:

    I am familiar with concept. All are miniaturised transistorised memory. Call them what you like.....they are ALL affected by electro magnetism.


    There is NO secure storage


    That may have been true in the early 80s (to an extent) but CDs and DVDs are clearly not affected by EM. If you want to go back to the 1950s and 1960s, punched tape would not be affected by EM either.


  5. My Thai friend has somehow gotten involved with a pyramid scheme. She says she has "invested" 38,000 Baht, and she is expecting to get paid more money later.


    I went looking on the internet, and sure enough there is news about a scheme that exactly matches the one she has joined:




    Ideally, what I would like is a Thai language version of the above story to use to help persuade her not to waste any more of her cash. Can any Thai Visa sleuths help me find a Thai language news web page to stop my friend from "investing" more money?

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