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Posts posted by nkg

  1. 19 hours ago, dunroaming said:

    Took my wife five years to get a residents visa and the right to apply for UK citizenship.  She declined that as she is happy to remain a Thai citizen.  Thai's and filipinos  have a hard time getting accepted in the UK because of historic and sometimes current problems and issues.  Is the system biased and unfair?  Yes it is.  Does it have anything to do with tens of thousands of US cities protesting about Trumps actions?  Nothing whatsoever. However might be worth reminding everyone that it is not tens of thousands of people but tens of thousands of cities which will probably mean millions of people.


    How did you work that out? There aren't "tens of thousands of cities" in the USA or any other country in the world.




    The article states "Tens of thousands in U.S. cities", not "Tens of thousands of U.S. cities".





  2. 2 hours ago, JaySonic said:

    Yet here we are, a bunch of foreigners, reading an English language story abiut it, with the feature image cintaining many branded relief bags. 


    This sort of false altruism makes me sick. If he was truly concerned it would have slipped below the media radar. 


    And there wiuld be no branding in sight. Im calling Chan a SCUMBAG for such a cheap and dubious marketing stunt





    Jackie Chan flew into Bangkok on Sunday to promote the movie, Kung <deleted> Yoga, in which he starred.



    It is PART OF HIS JOB to promote his movies. Are you criticising him for doing his job? Did you refuse to follow your contractual duties when (if) you had a job?





    He later participated in the “Tad Chuey Tai” charity event staged to raise fund to help flood victims in southern provinces.

    The super star joined a talk show with Wuthithorn “Woodie” Milinthachinda at the “Tad Chuey Tai” event during which he said he felt happy to participate in the charity event and to have learned that more than three million baht in donations had been collected.



    So you think it would have been better if the “Tad Chuey Tai” charity event had not taken place, and had not raised more than 3 million dollars, not including Chan's own 2.4M contribution? You'd be happy if flood-stricken Thais had 5.4M less to help them cope with the floods?


    Somebody is a



    ,but it isn't Jackie Chan.


  3. 29 minutes ago, JaySonic said:

    70k USD from a guy who is worth 350 million USD? This is pure marketing BS. As stated? Look at the care package bags, they are branded with his forthcoming film


    Shameful. Truly shameful. How about he cough up a million USD if he's really concerned? 



    The revenue from the Thai cinema industry is tiny compared to markets like China and the USA. That's why you don't see any foreign film stars promoting their films in Thailand. It's a waste of effort. Now we finally see a Hollywood star visiting Thailand as part of their promotional tour, taking part in a charity event, doubling the amount raised from his own pocket, and you have the nerve to complain about Jackie Chan's actions?


    Some expats on this forum really seem to believe that the world revolves around Thailand.





  4. 2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    Yes very dangerous and will no doubt make the USA less important.


    I realise this is dangerous communist talk. But.


    Why would it be so bad if the USA became less important? The USA already have the #1 military and economy in the world. You won.


    Fighting foreign wars (usually taking sides in a civil war) and "winning" economically (by giving Wall Street tax funded bailouts whenever needed) is helping who exactly?


    I could live with a "less important" USA with a wealthier working-class and middle-class.

  5. 22 minutes ago, gdgbb said:

    Well, they were B149,500 off to be precise,  off by a country mile, so to speak, and B150,000 is a huge amount for a van driver here in Thailand.  How much do you think he should have been fined (within the confines of the law and being rational, of course)?


    And yet he has already paid the fine. Not so huge after all. They should study the dashcam footage that is mandatory on every public bus/van and decide whether or not to proceed with a manslaughter charge.


    Oh, but dashcam footage isn't actually required by law at all, despite it being a very cheap and easy way to reduce the death toll on Thailand's roads.

  6. I have travelled on the bus in the picture, and I probably know the driver.


    I would suggest that ("the company in question") be forced to do the following:


    1) Speed limit the vans

    2) Fit a dashcam and GPS to all vehicles. This data must be submitted to the transport licensing authorities, who can randomly check the data for instances of dangerous driving. Any driver caught driving recklessly must be instantly dismissed.


    In fact, ("the company in question") should do the above voluntarily, because I won't be using their service ever again unless they do.



  7. 1 hour ago, possum1931 said:

    I would struggle to even name two of his songs. Hundreds of millions liked the Rolling Stones too, and surely you are not going to say Mick Jagger was even a good singer, never mind great. As far as singing is concerned, put Michael Jackson on the same stage as Elvis or Roy Orbison, and he would be greatly shown up no matter how many records he has sold.


    Don't forget Perry Como, and Vera Lynn.

  8. 23 minutes ago, grumbleweed said:

    Here we go again, my resident stalker

    Ever thought of lightening up and developing a sense of humour?


    Ha ha ha, Suradit69 develop a sense of humour? Suradit takes his duties as "Thai Apologist Number 1" very seriously.


    Every one of his posts must denigrate "farangs", or paint Thais in a favourable light. That's all he ever "contributes" to this forum.

  9. 4 hours ago, Suradit69 said:



    And you seriously don't think the problem is worse in Farang Land where every minor loss of face leads to school shootings, work place shootings, road rage shootings, riots, etc. ad nauseam?  Amazing how some farang are so blind to reality back in their "civilized" places of birth.


    Ah, here is our resident Thai apologist to explain everything. I prefer facts to opinions, don't you?




    Thailand is number 4 in the world with 313.99 murders with firearms per million population per year.


    So no, the problem isn't worse in "Farang Land" as you state. I love Thailand, and Thai people, but I am well aware that deadly shootings are relatively common in Thailand.



  10. 2 hours ago, simple1 said:


    The people you admire so much were the catalyst, among other factors, leading to the breakdown of their societies. I say "enough is enough!" of you & others to the right of centre constantly posting support for reviled dictators, including you constantly alluding praise for one of the most evil people in the 20th century.


    Liberals like yourself like to demand that we get involved in the affairs of other countries. "He is a brutal dictator" or "innocent people are suffering", you say. But time and time again, Western military involvement leads to disaster. Of course, liberals never ever admit their role in the decision to go to war. "Right-wing warmongers" were to blame.


    If we learnt to stay out of civil wars, and stopped trying to overthrow dictators, the world would be a much more peaceful place.

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