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Posts posted by nkg

  1. 3 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    But he IS a philanthropist. Can you seriously refute that FACT? Of course you can't. You can hate on Soros all you want, that's your right, but you cannot refute that FACT. 


    I despise anti-semitism, and I like your posts. But come on now. An 88 year-old man giving all but $8 Billion away to a foundation that he set up himself isn't being philantropic, he's getting his financial affairs in order.


    You may be interested to know that Tony Blair is also considered to be a philantropist - he even won the GQ Philantropist of the Year award in 2014:





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  2. 12 hours ago, oilinki said:

    If you ever visit the last day of vegetarian festival, you'll understand that it's inevitable that there is going to be some people who get hurt.


    It's an spectacle which I have not experienced anywhere in the world. Really worth of visit.



    You're right, I have been a couple of times and it is an amazing experience. Dangerous, yes, but this is Thailand.


  3. On 9/9/2018 at 10:47 AM, FritsSikkink said:

    Just throw in a bit of racism. Get all overstayers out, start with the ones who think they are better than the others.  


    It doesn't mention Western in the article, but he, another one who thinks westerners are special. 


    I don't think Westerners are in any way special.


    Many people have responded to this story making the assumption that the 200,000 overstayers are tourists.


    That's fine. It may be true.


    I was advancing an alternative theory, that many of the 200,000 may be migrant workers from neighbouring countries.


    If you don't agree wih that, that's fine.

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  4. 15 hours ago, Expatthailover said:

    So do you choose who you let in based on nationality, colour, religion?

    Seems to me the worst tourists are from developed western nations who have a skewed impression of self entitlement as soon as they step foot in what they regard as a 'lesser nation'.


    Last time I checked, Portugal was a developed western nation, populated mostly by white Christians.


    It seems to me that SirDude's post had nothing to do with nationality, colour, or religion. What was your reason for mentioning them?




  5. Book a flight to Udon Thani yourself. At the airport, you can buy a bus ticket to the border for 200-300 Baht.


    There are numerous trip reports on thaivisa that can help you with the details of the trip - here is one of them:



  6. 23 minutes ago, Happy enough said:


    "I'd also prefer to avoid TVS, as I've already had the unpleasant experience of showing up to their meet point only to be told they're not going to do the run"

    he does his runs and has a good rep. perhaps you got there late. 


    TVS did the same thing to me. I got there early, rang them repeatedly, and was eventually told that they wouldn't be coming. Given the danger involved in using the buses, I will never use any of these services again.






  7. On 7/16/2018 at 9:56 AM, atyclb said:


    given the police mentality and infamy this is farrrrrrr . from being an urban myth.


    OK then. Why don't you post some links to the news stories about tsunami volunteers being arrested?


    Let's see all the news stories.


    Relax, you don't have to bother. There are no news stories online about tsunami volunteers being arrested. Want to know why? Because it didn't happen.

  8. 9 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

    What are you his publicity manager? He personally got to where he was by sucking the puds of the Obama Outfit (the Chicago Way) and taping the taxpayers. Hope for change, Elon?





    Analysis shows an estimated 2020 cost of $422 million per ULA launch if the Air Force selected United Launch Alliance to conduct them. That combines costs for launches using ULA’s large Delta rocket as well as its smaller, less expensive Atlas V rocket. SpaceX has been awarded two Air Force contracts at far lower per-launch costs of $83 million and $96.5 million.




    And yet some people complain that Musk's SpaceX is claiming taxpayer subsidies. Presumably you would be happier if the US government paid 4 times as much to have their rockets launched by ULA (Boeing and Lockheed).



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