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Posts posted by nkg

  1. On 01/09/2016 at 10:04 AM, dieseldave1951 said:

    why are they all looking like they are captains of aviation 

    piss and importance (me thinks)


    Also, why do they all have military ribbons? No doubt there's a few Victoria Crosses and Medal of Honors there (purchased from Soi Bangla).


    Or maybe the ribbons mean that the driver:


    Didn't crash the bus for a week

    Didn't crash the bus for a month

    Didn't crash the bus for a year (never awarded)

    Successfully fled the scene after crash



  2. 16 hours ago, Shot said:

    ^^^ You are asking much for little.


    I'm sure you'd agree that there isn't much point in me buying a bike that falls apart the first time I try to use it. The link to the bike you gave me at Lazada is great value, but it's probably only going to be suitable for somebody small and lightweight.


    I just want to spend about 5000 Baht on something that is relatively solid. I don't care if it's slow and heavy.

  3. 51 minutes ago, simon43 said:




    Going slightly off-topic.


    I wasn't aware that Thailand was a source of gemstones.  (Myanmar, Cambodia yes, but Thailand?)


    Just exactly what do these gem stores sell that has made them so profitable?


    I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that it's gems that they are selling :)


    I'm sure they are simply charging way over the odds. Very few people know how much gems and jewellry are worth off the top of their head, and a bunch of shopaholic Chinese tourists desperate to impress their friends back home are easy pickings.

  4. I looked on Facebook, there were a couple of bikes that would have been perfect, but they had been sold already. I asked about the bikes on Soi Ohlala, but he was asking 15,000, too much for my budget.


    I visited Tesco Lotus and Big C near the bypass road. The bikes were very cheap, and extremely flimsy. I spent 20 minutes at Big C with a helpful repair guy,  the display bikes had crooked wheels, non-working brakes which he tried but failed to correct. Also, most of the bikes at Tesco and Big C were tiny, presumably selling to Thais. I'm a big guy and I'd rather my new bike didn't fall apart as soon as I sit on it :)


    There are some promising looking bikes on Lazada, but ordering over the internet it's difficult to get a sense of size or build quality.


    Any further advice would be very welcome.

  5. The odds are that if these cats originate from the same local area, they are related. There are dogs around where I live that at a glance look almost identical to my dogs.

    How do they know these cats haven`t come from the same litter? Have they checked their family tree on ancestry.com?

    Well done Detective Cyberfarang.

    They were part of a litter of five kittens but three died.

    Although you could have come to the same conclusion by simply reading. A great tip for your next TV News Investigation! smile.png

  6. Apparently some volunteers were even asked to have at least 200.000B in their bank accounts, on top of all the other paperworks before they could help......can you imagine the discussion at the labour dept? "i no care 5000 people dead, you must pay money or you go away, money money money and no try to help if you no pay me because we put you in jail for 3 years and fine you too"

    So far, you've said they threatened to arrest some German volunteers if they didn't stop helping victims immediately, and that some volunteers needed 200K in their account in order to help.

    And you've posted a link to an article dated 1-1/2 months after the tsunami, warning that there may be a crackdown as early as the following month. No Germans, and no 200K mentioned in your link.

    Where did the info about the Germans and the 200K come from?

    Yes i am sure if Mr Impulse was there, he would have cleaned up and identified 5000 dead bodies in maybe 20 minutes or so, no need for help, just as the authorities....ohh well

    And Google is your friend too, don't look at the informations as your enemies, they are there to help you understand, ohh but maybe you don't want to understand?

    "NGOs wishing to register must have at least 200,000 Baht in cash or assets, which was not generally the case" http://www.ifrc.org/PageFiles/93720/report-thailand.pdf

    First you say the 200,000 Baht had to be shown by individual volunteers, now it's changed to "Some small local NGOs".

    A local NGO wouldn't have many problems getting work permits, would they? Last time I checked, the local people in Thailand are Thai, and can do as much volunteering as they like without any paperwork. They didn't need to register for anything.

    Here is your quote in its original context.

    Some organisations decided not to attempt registration . The director of a well know n INGO felt that the national registration process was too difficult and i nstead the organisation obtained a letter of sanction from the Nai Amphoe (chief official of the District, or Amphoe ). They felt this letter granted enough legitimacy to operate effectively in that district. However, they questioned the capacity of the Nai Amphoe to truly legitimize them, and were concerned that in the eyes of the national government , they were technically "illegal."

    Some small local NGOs also chose not to register, partly to avoid what was perceived as increased monitoring by government but also because NGOs wishing to register must have at least 200,000 Baht in cash or assets , which was not generally the case.

    Most organisations interviewed did not feel that the government was actively encouraging or requiring registration of NGOs and that the maintenance of operational transparency and discourse wit h local officials was sufficient to establish an informal legitimacy. At least two unregistered agencies have been invited to government planning meetings despite their technically ‘illegal’ status, which has provided some reassurance.

  7. Yet, I have never met a person or even read a post from a person who has had problems because the volunteered to do something good for the sake of doing something good.

    Then you never researched the aftermath of the tsunami in Patong and Phi Phi.

    What aftermath? How many tsunami volunteers went to jail? It's strange that there are no newspaper articles online about tsunami volunteers who went to jail.

    Find me ONE newspaper article documenting the trial of a farang tsunami volunteer. I bet you can't. You've been fooled by anecdotes and bar talk, and the rubbish that gets spouted on this forum.

    You're the one who said jail and trials. Read the post again and stop exaggerating.

    So this "aftermath" that you are telling us to research - what was it? How did it affect the farang tsunami volunteers?

    You've admitted that no farang volunteer went to jail or was put on trail - was somebody arrested? Was somebody spoken to in a stern tone of voice?

    Or did nothing happen at all? Your "aftermath" amounts to ... nothing. What were we supposed to research again? I'm sure you have some BS anecdote for us, but I'm betting that it isn't backed up by any evidence whatsoever. It's an urban myth.

  8. There are lots of places on the web which deal with work permits and the consequences of not having one. Foreigners being deported or extorted in order to get another chance do not generally make the news, but there's no shortage of anecdotal evidence.

    Google is your friend.


    There are dozens, maybe hundreds of newspaper articles detailing foreigners being deported due to working for money without a permit.

    What a news story it would have been if someone from Europe or the US had been deported while they were doing voluntary work after the tsunami. Thaivisa would have been in a frenzy. It would be the front page story in the Phuket Gazette, Phuket News, Phuketwan etc.

    But there is no story. It never happened. No tsunami volunteers were jailed or deported. It's an urban legend that gets repeated on this site all the time. The anecdotes are BS. Where is the hard evidence?

  9. Yet, I have never met a person or even read a post from a person who has had problems because the volunteered to do something good for the sake of doing something good.

    Then you never researched the aftermath of the tsunami in Patong and Phi Phi.

    What aftermath? How many tsunami volunteers went to jail? It's strange that there are no newspaper articles online about tsunami volunteers who went to jail.

    Find me ONE newspaper article documenting the trial of a farang tsunami volunteer. I bet you can't. You've been fooled by anecdotes and bar talk, and the rubbish that gets spouted on this forum.

  10. They don't look like coveralls to me, more like a (thawb) thobe. After all it was mosque.The person must be a foreigner since the cap is being worn with the brim to the front as intended by the designer and not back-to-fron with brim over the neck or worse; to one side with brim over an ear, all an indication of low intelligence.....

    Your comment certainly made you sound bright.

    This should clear things up.

  11. So, did you have to go get it translated into Thai?what was the fee and how long will it take to get the record of no criminal returned to you?

    Did you only need a criminal record check for Thailand and not your home country? You leave many questions unanswered here

    Here we go again. There's a guy who took the time and posted a very important information and instead of thanking him for doing so you blame him that he left many questions unanswered?

    OP, thanks a lot for this very useful information. wai2.gif

    The thaivisa teaching forum is one of the most hostile, unfriendly forums anywhere on the internet. How many teachers are put off coming to Thailand by reading the posts here, I wonder? A few bitter, opinionated loudmouths are allowed to ruin the atmosphere on this forum. Which is a shame, because there are some excellent posters here too.

  12. They need to remove all the teachers without degrees immediately.

    It is an absolute joke to allow someone without a degree anywhere near a classroom.

    Do you see any Thai staff without degrees? No.

    How about in your home countries? No.

    Native speakers

    Accredited universities from NES countries

    Subject or traditional liberal arts degree

    Hard sciences, Math.

    The Thai govt simply must rid itself of all these dodgy teachers.

    Thaivisa rules:

    5) You will not use Thaivisa as a platform to gather support to effect changes on religious, political, or governmental issues.

    24) Multiple accounts by the same person are not allowed. If you have access issues contact support at http://www.thaivisa.com/contact

    You continually press for changes in the Thai government's education policies using multiple handles (Rocketsurgeon and Mencken). Sounds like you are trying to gather support to effect changes. Very bad. Tut tut.

  13. I will be so happy when the government finally gets a clue and demands without exception all teachers to have a BA/S degree period, end of story.

    What is keeping the non degreed teaching flotsam afloat is indifference, corruption, disconcern and laziness.

    At 18/42.5k Thailand could change its education system overnight.

    It's not just the nondegreed riffraff, it's the Africans, Filipinos, etc... with 'degrees', virtually any drifter that washes ashore that will work for 22+/32-35k can get hired. TOEIC 600 no plomplem.

    I think the government should create a database of all teachers cleared to work in Thailand. Public schools hire out at rates according to provincial pay scale. Quality assurance for students (F the school admin) and decent pay for degreed teachers.

    Schools don't care. They just want a cheap zombie. If students don't complain, it's all good and more money for Directors slush fund or Thai teacher conference in Phuket.

    Thai administration will not do the right thing. This is what keeps all the contractors alive. Degreeless teachers are part of the corruption as are feckless teachers from 3rd world countries.

    You're breaking the rules, sunshine. Mencken and rocketsurgeon are clearly the same person. I would invite any moderators to check their respective IP addresses to confirm this,

    24) Multiple accounts by the same person are not allowed. If you have access issues contact support at http://www.thaivisa.com/contact
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