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Posts posted by nkg

  1. I wouldn't go so far as calling him a "hero", but Ubonchinda deserves a standing ovation nevertheless. It's selfless people like him who still give me hope for this country.

    'I wouldn't go so far as calling him a "hero"'

    Yes, that's the important thing to take away from the story ... whether or not the semantics meet your approval,

    " ...people like him who still give me hope for this country. "

    How patronizing and egocentric.

    And here comes Suradit69 yet again, to add his usual brand of negativity to this feel-good news story.

    May I ask you why you choose to post on this forum, Suradit? You seem to have nothing but contempt for the people who post here.

  2. Is it just me, or does there always seem to be someone grinning or sharing a joke when we are presented with these dreadfully tragic images?

    I was thinking the same thing, so, no, it's not just you.

    Doctors and nurses wouldn't be able to do their jobs if they were personally affected by every tragedy that they see. They see hundreds of deaths a year, and they have to learn to carry on as normal so that they can do their duties in a professional manner.

    I agree that Thai people sometimes act in a way that a Westerner would consider "insensitive" when confronted with death. But criticising medical staff for smiling as they do their jobs is very harsh. They are not posing for the camera. Thai people smile a lot, it is natural to them.

  3. Yes, it would be a good idea to carry a sample of your medication with you, and any paperwork that you got.

    Yes, Ritalin can feel very strong when you start the medication. From my experience, you quickly build up a tolerance to it, and you get used to the effects. If it feels too strong, stop taking it and go back to your doctor.

    Be careful when driving!

  4. "Police seized from the four 124 playing cards, dice, a game board, B7,300 cash and casino chips worth B540,000."

    Really? Based on what? Maybe they should have just sold the chips and divided the money

    Good point - which casino did the chips belong to? Thailand doesn't have any casinos.

    More likely, they were plastic discs with numbers written on them - 10,000 Baht, 20,000 Baht etc - with no real value.

  5. It seems perfectly feasible to me, given the outright junk I see children fed on.

    I remember listening to a radio programme in the UK on this subject. The speaker was arguing that there was no genetic reason for Asians to be so much smaller than Europeans other than a poor diet. Having seen an increase in stocky Thais and Chinese over the last few years, I can well believe it.

    I hope the Powers That Be do enforce healthier eating at school and don't just treat health as a fad.

    The Japanese are pretty small too, but they live longer than almost any other nationality in the world (87 years for women, 80 for men).

    • Like 1
  6. Sorry, but a grip on your life. Your wallet is nobodies responsibility but your own. This guy just made himself look like a dummy.

    Sorry, you are heartless.

    Losing your wallet can happen to anyone.

    It might render you total helpless, in particular when you are in a foreign country and find yourself suddenly without money and without passport.

    You cannot get on the aircraft, you cannot stay in a hotel, cannot buy food, cannot do a phonecall to get some help.

    And in Phuket nobody helps you.

    What would you do?

    + 1. Those without mistakes are allowed to throw the first stone.

    "+ 1. Those without mistakes are allowed to throw the first stone. "

    But wouldn't that be the end of Thai Visa forums?

    It's strange - you continually mock other TV posters, and yet you have made over 6000 posts. If you were as clever as you claim to be, wouldn't you have something better to do?

  7. The standard daily death toll in Thailand is about 70 per day.

    25,000 dead per year divided by 365 days.

    So normally 210 people would have died. So with only

    121 dead in three days, Songkran has saved 89 people !!!!!

    That's what I was going to post.

    Perhaps Thailand should consider a year-round road safety campaign. As things stand, every year there is lots of publicity for one week, and then everything goes back to normal.

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