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Posts posted by Ferangled

  1. For fear of being accused of flaming or baiting I will just say to the people posting on this forum "if the shoe fits wear it". If it does not fit then no problem.

    Phone rings: Hello, oh hello Worshipful Master how is the weather in Dubai? Yes I am logged on to TVF now.

    Yes my Lord I saw the article in the paper about Prem. Yes oh Majestic One let me get a pen and paper.

    Ok Sire I am ready. Ok..........OK.........OK..........OK.......yes my most Beloved Leader I have it and will post this on TVF so all the haters of your democracy will be ashamed hehe.

    Of course I agree with you my Gracious Hero, Prem is old and should be wearing adult diapers and is lost in the previous 100 years. I will surely convey your message my Blessed Khun Thaksin.

    Has the medication worn off?

    You are seriously suggesting that anyone sceptical of the situation in Thailand that does not conform hook line and sinker to the Nation/ Democrat/ PAD propaganda is doing so as a result of a direct line to Thaksin?

    No Sir, none of the sort. I am just saying if the shoe fits wear it. If not no problem.

    Are you putting a random fictional narrative out there and implying that for certain people that's a reality or auditioning for a job at Footlocker?

    Size 12, if you're buying... I'm a fan of the Adidas Stan Smith range, also like Puma runners for training and could do with a new pair of work boots, steel toes please...

  2. However, he threatened to mobilise red shirts from around the country within 24 hours - as many as 200,000 from Bangkok within two hours - to "protect the democratically elected government", if necessary.

    Suporn, now a deputy secretary-general to the prime minister, said Thaksin told the red shirts to be ready for possible unrest due to the Pitak Siam rally.

    Thaksin phone-ins to the Red Shirts have resumed. ermm.gif

    200,000 Red Shirts in 2 hours? blink.png

    The Deputy Secretary-General to Prime Minister Yingluck is taking his Red Shirt nickname, Issan Rambo, too seriously.


    The kind of guy I want as my next door neighbor.


    Rambo Isaan has his head shaved as part of the UDDs protest for democracy in Bangkok

    Real Rambos shave their own heads with Bowie knives.

    NB. Rambo is a fictional character portrayed by Sylvester Stallone in a popular yet dire series of films. While many US citizens do actually believe he is lurking in the woods, living like a hermit, ready to be called upon in times of dire need, he isn't, he doesn't actually exist, ergo discussing what a real Rambo does seems a bit infantile and irrelevant, much like discussing what the real Superman eats for tea.... he doesn't eat anything, he doesn't exist, he's not real...

  3. For fear of being accused of flaming or baiting I will just say to the people posting on this forum "if the shoe fits wear it". If it does not fit then no problem.

    Phone rings: Hello, oh hello Worshipful Master how is the weather in Dubai? Yes I am logged on to TVF now.

    Yes my Lord I saw the article in the paper about Prem. Yes oh Majestic One let me get a pen and paper.

    Ok Sire I am ready. Ok..........OK.........OK..........OK.......yes my most Beloved Leader I have it and will post this on TVF so all the haters of your democracy will be ashamed hehe.

    Of course I agree with you my Gracious Hero, Prem is old and should be wearing adult diapers and is lost in the previous 100 years. I will surely convey your message my Blessed Khun Thaksin.

    Has the medication worn off?

    You are seriously suggesting that anyone sceptical of the situation in Thailand that does not conform hook line and sinker to the Nation/ Democrat/ PAD propaganda is doing so as a result of a direct line to Thaksin?

    • Like 1
  4. No one seriously expects the US president to fly coach class and take a taxi to his engagements but perhaps some appropriate middle ground could be considered...

    What would you suggest? take a few millimeters of armour protection off his Caddy limo to improve MPG performance? Give a day off for a couple Secret Service guys to chase skirts?

    During my life, I've witnessed one President's assassination (JFK), his Presidential candidate brother (Bobbie Kennedy), and one attempted assassination (Reagan).

    Your suggestion to find some cost-saving middle ground sounds a bit stingy for the leader of the free world don't ya think?

    For the leader of the world debt...er... no, seems quite appropriate! Perhaps just the one private jet, couple of armoured cars and moderate security detail would be more appropriate?! I used the "leader of the free world" tag in jest, let's face it, it's a US title that holds absolutely no relevance or significance in the real world, and lost all credibility under the Bush administration/s when it became clear that junior had about as much geographical knowledge as an eggplant!

  5. I think a few people are taking the comments a bit too personally here. I'm glad Obama won the election, in a best of a bad bunch sort of way... To be perfectly honest the alternative was pretty worrying. I don't believe the sentiments expressed here are directed negatively towards Obama as a president but more at the ludicrous show of wealth and extravagance given the current economic climate, which let's face it the US have a considerable amount of accountability for.

    The US, as a lynch pin of the global economy but also a country with debts spiralling out of control, would do well to make a public show of taking the economic situation seriously and any jaunt like this with the obvious show of extravagance is OTT and will attract criticism. It is to be expected. No one seriously expects the US president to fly coach class and take a taxi to his engagements but perhaps some appropriate middle ground could be considered...

    I have worked for some of the most rich, powerful and influential people on this planet and none have this ludicrous show of extravagance when travelling. In fact most opt for the complete reverse, low key and off the public radar. The clip from the Dublin visit just shows how incredibly ridiculous all this expenditure and OTT security measures are when the "Leader of the Free World" is defeated by something as basic as ground clearance, making a complete mockery of all the extra security precautions as they drive off into the sunset leaving the president exposed to all manner of attack and ridicule until what appears to be a passenger coach is moved in to hide his blushes... farcical.

  6. do you realize how much wealth would be destroyed if the leader of the free world was to be attacked?

    The job of US President doesn't make you, in any sense, the leader of the free world. It's a position that has been held by a series of buffoons and war criminals whom are held in utter contempt by all right-thinking people (i.e. not Americans whose brains are addled from childhood by all that ludicrous saluting to the American flag and farcical nationalism. Shock revelation: America is not the greatest country in the world - not by far). Does any rational person have any respect for the likes of Bush, Bush Mk. II, Reagan, Nixon, Ford?

    As for the destruction of wealth, well America doesn't actually have much wealth left to destroy. It's ludicrously indebted to the rest of the world - particularly China.

    It's about time the USA learned its position in the world and stopped throwing its weight about internationally. It should out sort its own economic and social problems before trying to impose its "values" and its conception of "democracy" upon the rest of the world.

    according to this chart


    the US has about 57.4 trillion in Wealth as of q4 2011

    but according to you the USA is bankrupt so Obama should be flying coach on Delta Airways or rather, he should never leave American soil?

    i am really hoping you are like 12 years old or something otherwise it is just sad.

    And the small print from the same page...

    "The United States Federal Reserve previously published the figure total national wealth in the past. However, this figure ignores the current balance of accumulated borrowing and assets of the federal and state governments."

    These figures completely ignore the massive Government accumulated debts so perhaps not the greatest link to support your deluded statements...whistling.gif

  7. What really bugs me is the hypocritical way the police treat the driving laws. They all pile out every day for a couple of hours at the beginning and end of the school day. They help millions of kids get to and from school riding their motorcye WITHOUT WEARING CRASH HELMETS.

    Later in the day they then set up checkpoints and start to enforce the helmet law...

    In Surin at least they may have had some good effect as most kids now wear helmets. Many very young kids still ride bikes obviously without either training or licences.

    So true, before I realised that riding motorbikes in Thailand equates to suicide, I actually carried a photo of a policeman riding without his helmet on my phone in case I got pulled over... I then grew up and started putted my family first, sold the 2 wheeled death trap and never looked back.

    Before I came to Thailand a dead body was a very rare sight for me, having travelled the world widely for my profession I rarely came into contact with human mortality. In one single spot in Phuket I have seen 4 fatalities, severed limbs etc. There is an accident there weekly. This is on a straight bit of ride with a slight hill. I have lost count of the number of accidents I have witnessed here on the roads.

    Another telling personal statistic for me is the number of people I actually personally knew out here who have recently died in road accidents... one neighbour, guy from cricket club, neighbour's maid, guy from local bar, wife's cousin, local family's son, one work colleague and wife's hairdresser. 25 years in the UK and I knew only one person that died as a result of a road accident.

    When you take to the roads here expect the unexpected. It's not your driving you should worry about, it's everyone else's Drive like you would in the West and eventually you will come a cropper. When you pull out of a junction, don't just look both ways, look in the sky, look behind you, expect motorbike riders to regularly try to kill themselves by ramming your pickup from all angles, they will!

    Now this is probably going to spark some controversy but I think religion has a lot to do with the bad attitude to driving safety and road awareness in Thailand. Every time someone dies here it is accepted so readily as "his time", "it was meant be" etc It's like hey I know he was driving drunk, twice the speed limit on the wrong side of the road but what will be will be and it must have just been his time to move on a come back as a butterfly... madness. Rant over.

    • Like 2
  8. Hopefully the facts will be revealed in the fullness of time to expose what really happened and put the family angst to rest. What a horrible shock to lose sisters from the same family. A tragedy I cannot imagine how one would cope with.

    Sisters tend to come from the same family in my experience. Brothers too.

    It's a natural phenomena found in breeding. That is, a male and a female have off spring. Those offspring are then related. It even occurs when male female are born. So you could have a brother and sister related. That is, from the same family. Family is a term given for a group who happen to be related. they tend to live together, adopting roles such as parent / child. The children in such families then relate to each other as brother / sister etc.

    Hope that helps.

    The sentiment that was being expressed is fairly obvious... as is your facetiousness.

    • Like 2
  9. Wouldn't this news item have been better as an 'extension' of the other thread?

    I'll get my coat........wink.png

    Have you seen Google ads is now offering do it yourself circumcision kits at the bottom of the page! How funny is that!

    I believe those ads are related to your internet search history... no circumcision kits being advertised on my screen, only glow in the dark dildos and anal lube... I'll get my coat thumbsup.gif

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  10. Why is the national anti-corruption commission involved in what seems to be just a trade dispute. Wouldn't they be better getting their asses down to Phuket and continuing the alleged theft of national park / forest land that has passed into the hands of 'influential' people. That seems a far more apt case for their remit!! And there are plenty more!!!

    Agree and perhaps while they are there they could focus on actually holding those who illegally sold the land and issued building permits responsible rather than simply pointing the finger at those that have bought it...

    I'm sure it does absolute wonders for the local property market and stimulates foreign investment in Thailand when those pesky foreigners are made subject of a land grab witch hunt.

  11. Perhaps the headline would more accurately reflect the views of the writer if it read: "Why focus on any wrongs committed by Abhisit when we can focus on the wrongs committed by Thaksin?"

    I love the reasoning of this article; any actual wrong doing is completely irrelevant if the focus on it is brought about through political agenda, any past slights should be forgotten in favour of reconciliation and then a few thinly veiled threats of violence on the streets of Bangkok!

    "But just because he "should" be sidelined doesn't mean sidelining or attempting to sideline him is a good idea. There are countless reasons why the government should think again. Abhisit's Thaksin's "victimisation" - as he's calling it - could easily break the already fragile "reconciliation" agenda. He has international supporters who can point to what's happening in Thailand and proclaim that it's not a democratic struggle, but politics of revenge, pure and simple. His domestic supporters are likely to renew tension on Bangkok's streets."

    Red/ Yellow, really, change the names and the tactics appear remarkably familiar. Total and utter hypocrisy given recent Thai history...

    Yes, the flimsy case against Abhisit is total hypocrisy. The article is pretty good despite the nit-picking from a PTP/red-shirt supporter. Tulsathit is quite right to contrast a 26-year old alleged infringement with a 12-year old assets lying case and the damage that has done to this country ever since. Just as well that Thaksin's party hasn't (yet) been able to control the CC, Admin Court & NCCC. There's a good chance that at least one of those bodies will throw this facade out for good.

    Evidently hypocrisy only works one way in Thailand eh?! Isn't that the very point I was making, the very same objections/ reactions raised by Thaksin are now being levied by Abhisit... political agenda, victimisation, threat of public unrest etc.

    Feeble journalism and a very thinly veiled propaganda piece IMHO.

    To you, hypocrisy maybe only works one way. There was no victimisation etc of Thaksin in the assets lying case. In fact it was the reverse - he got away with it due to pressure (& very likely money) from his wife & Sanoh. But, of course, the hypocrisy here is not considered to the acolytes.

    Good article, as I've said, and needed as a response to PTP propaganda.

    Is this part of a Chuckle Brothers rendition... to me, to you... why are you replying to me? You can have an opinion without voicing it as a (non) reply to what I have written. We could go on all day like this but if you can't address what I actually write it would seem rather pointless and childish.

    The hypocrisy is clear to all without blinkers on both sides of this farce. I'm commenting on the article and the bias shown, you seem to be anchored firmly on Thaksin alone. Pretty ironic given that you are applying hypocrisy to a past response in respect to a current one... I guess logic be damned again.

    Crap and obviously biased article to all with 20 20 vision, as I've said, IMHO... coffee1.gif

  12. Perhaps the headline would more accurately reflect the views of the writer if it read: "Why focus on any wrongs committed by Abhisit when we can focus on the wrongs committed by Thaksin?"

    I love the reasoning of this article; any actual wrong doing is completely irrelevant if the focus on it is brought about through political agenda, any past slights should be forgotten in favour of reconciliation and then a few thinly veiled threats of violence on the streets of Bangkok!

    "But just because he "should" be sidelined doesn't mean sidelining or attempting to sideline him is a good idea. There are countless reasons why the government should think again. Abhisit's Thaksin's "victimisation" - as he's calling it - could easily break the already fragile "reconciliation" agenda. He has international supporters who can point to what's happening in Thailand and proclaim that it's not a democratic struggle, but politics of revenge, pure and simple. His domestic supporters are likely to renew tension on Bangkok's streets."

    Red/ Yellow, really, change the names and the tactics appear remarkably familiar. Total and utter hypocrisy given recent Thai history...

    Yes, the flimsy case against Abhisit is total hypocrisy. The article is pretty good despite the nit-picking from a PTP/red-shirt supporter. Tulsathit is quite right to contrast a 26-year old alleged infringement with a 12-year old assets lying case and the damage that has done to this country ever since. Just as well that Thaksin's party hasn't (yet) been able to control the CC, Admin Court & NCCC. There's a good chance that at least one of those bodies will throw this facade out for good.

    Evidently hypocrisy only works one way in Thailand eh?! Isn't that the very point I was making, the very same objections/ reactions raised by Thaksin are now being levied by Abhisit... political agenda, victimisation, threat of public unrest etc.

    Feeble journalism and a very thinly veiled propaganda piece IMHO.

  13. Perhaps the headline would more accurately reflect the views of the writer if it read: "Why focus on any wrongs committed by Abhisit when we can focus on the wrongs committed by Thaksin?"

    I love the reasoning of this article; any actual wrong doing is completely irrelevant if the focus on it is brought about through political agenda, any past slights should be forgotten in favour of reconciliation and then a few thinly veiled threats of violence on the streets of Bangkok!

    "But just because he "should" be sidelined doesn't mean sidelining or attempting to sideline him is a good idea. There are countless reasons why the government should think again. Abhisit's Thaksin's "victimisation" - as he's calling it - could easily break the already fragile "reconciliation" agenda. He has international supporters who can point to what's happening in Thailand and proclaim that it's not a democratic struggle, but politics of revenge, pure and simple. His domestic supporters are likely to renew tension on Bangkok's streets."

    Red/ Yellow, really, change the names and the tactics appear remarkably familiar. Total and utter hypocrisy given recent Thai history...

  14. Err quite, so by the same token anyone that accepts the land case against Thaksin as justice but sees this as a politically motivated decision must also be a one-eyed hypocrite?!

    You've got to love the complete hypocrisy vented on this forum, talk about foot to mouth logic...whistling.gif

    Abhisit hasn't been found guilty by a court of law. A decision has been made on the matter of his conscription by a committee, set up by the government.

    Suspicions about the committee and their motivations aside, my own feeling is that Abhisit probably was guilty of some form of dodging, as if you have lived in Thailand any amount of time, you would know this is common practice. The rightful thing to happen would be for an independent committee make a ruling on him - not a committee hand selected by the government - and then, in the interests of avoiding that age-old bug bear of the red shirts, double standards, the committee should trawl through the papers of all MPs and politicians and make sure they have all fulfilled their conscription duties, because i'd put my mortgage on a large percentage, including some of those who have been pushing this case against Abhisit, also having similar "issues".

    And with regards your friend Thaksin, he was found guilty by a court of law, and at a time when his own party was in power. He tried bribing the courts and when that failed and he was found guilty, he declined to appeal and has never pursued any of the legal channels that he could to try and clear his name. Instead he continues to push for a whitewash. i don't think innocent people need whitewashes. He should be calling for a retrial, not that he necessarily deserves one, especially with his history of bribing, but that is surely what an innocent man would be doing. He never has.

    So rather a case of apples and oranges.

    You miss the rather obvious fact that I haven't ever stated that Mark has been convicted by a court of law.

    You were talking about the hypocrisy as you see it of people who accept the case against Thaksin as just, but who do not see this case against Abhisit also as just. In doing so you were making an erroneous and misleading comparison, because one was a case in a court of law, and the other was a case in a committee meeting. I was just pointing that out.

    No actually I wasn't. I was commenting on a post made that suggested the exact reverse in a very hypocritical fashion. You might have noticed that I actually posed the post as a question back to OzMick, that is if your political fervour hadn't blinded you into a hasty response...

    The vultures are descending!!!

  15. Err quite, so by the same token anyone that accepts the land case against Thaksin as justice but sees this as a politically motivated decision must also be a one-eyed hypocrite?!

    You've got to love the complete hypocrisy vented on this forum, talk about foot to mouth logic...whistling.gif

    Abhisit hasn't been found guilty by a court of law. A decision has been made on the matter of his conscription by a committee, set up by the government.

    Suspicions about the committee and their motivations aside, my own feeling is that Abhisit probably was guilty of some form of dodging, as if you have lived in Thailand any amount of time, you would know this is common practice. The rightful thing to happen would be for an independent committee make a ruling on him - not a committee hand selected by the government - and then, in the interests of avoiding that age-old bug bear of the red shirts, double standards, the committee should trawl through the papers of all MPs and politicians and make sure they have all fulfilled their conscription duties, because i'd put my mortgage on a large percentage, including some of those who have been pushing this case against Abhisit, also having similar "issues".

    And with regards your friend Thaksin, he was found guilty by a court of law, and at a time when his own party was in power. He tried bribing the courts and when that failed and he was found guilty, he declined to appeal and has never pursued any of the legal channels that he could to try and clear his name. Instead he continues to push for a whitewash. i don't think innocent people need whitewashes. He should be calling for a retrial, not that he necessarily deserves one, especially with his history of bribing, but that is surely what an innocent man would be doing. He never has.

    So rather a case of apples and oranges.

    You miss the rather obvious fact that I haven't ever stated that Mark has been convicted by a court of law.

    The rest of your post seems to just be the usual dribble turning this into yet another Thaksin thread; it isn't please read the topic! Nicky please apply your calls of offtopic.gif with a modicum less hypocrisy, here would be a good start!

    Please stop with the overly simplistic tendency to label people as Reds/ Yellows, friends of Thaksin, Thaksin apologists etc etc The reality is I am/ have done nothing of the sort. Please stick to the facts, reference what I have actually written and save the speculations for your investments.

    If you really need to vent about Thaksin I'm sure you could find any one of 100 threads all about him...

  16. Wouldn't it necessitate a finding of the hyped "Guilty" to be from a court of law instead of a panel from Pheu Thai Party MP Sukumpol?


    In a normal world yes. But it seems that most Thaksin supporters give more credibility to a judgment from their own PT clan then from a court. But we knew that already.

    The usual leap of logic that acknowledging any flaw on the part of the Democrat party is a show of support for Thaksin. Does every topic have to be a platform for you to vent about Thaksin? Did he force Mark to lie? Read the topic and stay on it... coffee1.gif

    Still interesting because I can't find anything in the topic that relates to your story.

    A gentle reminder: Jatuporn Sticks By His Allegations Against Abhisit (concerning his time in the army).

    For those that struggle to understand the term, a perfect example of rank hypocrisy! clap2.gif

  17. You seem to be making the assumption that the only Chinese you can sell to are rich consumers. What about all the Chinese businesses that need to buy all sorts of things. Thailand does well in auto manufacturing and other engineering. There is plenty of scope in just that sector to do a huge amount of business with China. I don't think you realise how much trade actually takes places between these countries already. You seem very short-sighted, as are many others. But that is ok, as others are willing to make the effort, and it is them that will reap the rewards.

    Also there is opportunity for Thais to work in China and other Asian counties. I know a Thai pharmacist who works in China and earns multiples of what he could earn here. Being able to speak Chinese was crucial to him getting the job.

    Too many (like you) have an overly simplistic view of the business world. It's not all about selling to consumers; that is only a small part of it.

    Sorry but I think the overly simplistic view was already made obvious by this comment... "As for not learning English - Thais would do better to learn Chinese."

    I really wish there was a flourishing middle class of Chinese eager to buy products and engage in business with foreigners, unfortunately the reality is slightly different. You also seem to miss the fact that "Chinese" as a language is actually made up of various different languages: Mandarin, Cantonese, Wu and Min to name a few. Quite a simplistic generalisation no? Should they be learning all 4 major languages to succeed in China or perhaps by learning the one common language currently used in international trade with China (namely English) they'd be better positioned?

    Yes Chinese is in use by c.1/5th of the World's population but the vast majority of these people reside in China alone. As a global language for business English is a much wider spoken language and globally recognised as the common ground language. English is spoken daily between millions of people as a 2nd language that forms a common form of communication. Mandarin is not. Neither is Cantonese. Neither is Wu or Min or even "Standard Chinese".

    Auto manufacture in Thailand & SMEs? Right-o, the Japanese giants like Toyota are actually small business enterprises eh?! I'm glad your pharmacist friend is doing well in China, there are always exceptions to the rule. Most I know that have set up concerns in China have only horror stories to tell.

    Yes, there is money to be made in China but mainly via big corporations not SMEs and I'm sorry but suggesting that "chinese" is preferable as a 2nd language to English in Thailand is madness. Most Thais that will ever do business in China are from Thai-Chinese families that already have a foot in the door and already have Chinese as a 2nd language.

    IMHO SMEs in Thailand would do better to focus on English proficiency as a route to communicating with a GLOBAL market, not solely China. That would be a very short-sighted approach and quite a simplistic summary of the situation don't you think?!

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