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Posts posted by Ferangled

  1. I tell you now that within 2-3 years this tablet thing is cancelled. Let's see.

    Looking back through Thai political history you're quite probably correct. I sincerely doubt that this Government will get the chance to actually see any of it's schemes through before being usurped.

    Of course that's got beggar all to do with my post or the discussion here but hey, I'm getting used to you running off on tangents!

    Let's stick to the tablet scam. Are you saying that it will be the opposition’s fault if the scam gets cancelled?

    Nobody could successfully implement this major scheme in a short period without proper preparation. Just doing what you have promised doesn’t deserve credit when it costs the taxpayers billions of baht.

    Why is Yingluck constantly travelling the world with a plane full of business owners and executives? Correct "creating" business opportunities...

    Why is she not spending more time on improving education? Correct, no short-time political gain can be achieved.

    What all parties can do very well is promise and spend. Is that the correct way to educate your children??

    Such a great post you felt the need to post it in triplicate... oh and again and again! One too many coffees this morning perhaps?

    Nicky please try actually responding to the points I and others have raised rather than launching off on some nonsensical diatribe. You start by saying let's focus on the tablet scheme (for you scam; appears you've made up your mind already, facts/ results be damned!) then you do the exact opposite and launch off on a rant about the PM.

    Take a deep breath, read my earlier posts, reply to the actual context and we might be able to actually have a worthwhile discussion.

    • Like 1
  2. St

    Another sterling piece of anti propaganda from the Nation. A distinct lack of facts and a lot of speculative waffle. Nice to see the usual political neigh sayers have jumped on this thread to voice their outrage over a complete non article!

    I'm sure there's a real risk of electrical shock from a LV DC charger... far greater potential for electrocution than your average Thai shop/ restaurant with "professionally" twisted and taped mains joints open to the elements! A LV DC charger would not pass mains voltage to the device, it's virtually impossible - that's from someone with a degree in electronics and 15+ years professional experience. I have never seen it happen or heard of it happen.

    Given the incredibly poor state of Thai electrical installations generally the tablets would be the last of my concerns for my children getting electrocuted at school... far more likely to get juiced by a mains device with no/ poor earth or a miss-wired 3 phase install; Thai "electricians" commonly neglect to wire an earth and then put devices on different phases within touching distance giving you the potential for a fatal shock.


    One of many electrocutions that happen in Thailand... with mains voltage devices!

    Still defending this tablet thing. It was implemented to get votes. You still don't get it..

    Even when the tablet program is cancelled and the tablets are recycled, you will most probably still be defending it.

    Still favouring blanket disapproval based on political leanings rather than actually addressing any perceived issues with the scheme based on factual information and rational discussion... what a surprise!

    Clearly you haven't actually read my previous posts on the subject where I categorically state that I believe the initial conception of the scheme was a popular vote buying tactic. I'm afraid this is part and parcel of politics these days, perhaps you'd prefer a military dictatorship? "No more taxes"... at least these guys appear to be trying to follow through with their promises...

    It's like criticising an athlete for winning a race because they trained, studied their opponents and prepared for the race while your favoured runner just turned up and assumed that in the event he lost his connections would rig the results and forcibly remove the actual winner...

    I tell you now that within 2-3 years this tablet thing is cancelled. Let's see.

    Looking back through Thai political history you're quite probably correct. I sincerely doubt that this Government will get the chance to actually see any of it's schemes through before being usurped.

    Of course that's got beggar all to do with my post or the discussion here but hey, I'm getting used to you running off on tangents!

  3. What you'd want your children using a tablet for more than 1-2 hours a day? Seems pretty contrary to earlier posts you have made on the subject... I'd have thought 1-2 hours a day would be ample to supplement more traditional learning methods.

    I really don't understand the focus on internet use of the tablets though and the lack of wifi as an issue preventing their use... why would they need wifi connections to run learning apps that are already loaded into the devices memory?

    According to many of the government reports, the applications require information and updates from the internet. Isn't that why the free wifi is a big part of this project?

    Could you possibly provide a link to one of these many Government reports?

    Great news if they are planning to expand the internet infrastructure off the back of this scheme but I can't see that a tablet is unusable without wifi, especially not in the context of learning apps for primary school students. It would be helpful to clarify exactly what these apps require.

    Wifi keeps getting banded about but wifi can effectively be a single WAP creating a local network for local sharing of info... all that this would require is a cheap wap and a power socket. Obviously internet access requires slightly more legwork and cost as it would involve actually routing broadband to the schools to then be distributed via wifi.... or are we actually talking 3/4G?

  4. St

    Another sterling piece of anti propaganda from the Nation. A distinct lack of facts and a lot of speculative waffle. Nice to see the usual political neigh sayers have jumped on this thread to voice their outrage over a complete non article!

    I'm sure there's a real risk of electrical shock from a LV DC charger... far greater potential for electrocution than your average Thai shop/ restaurant with "professionally" twisted and taped mains joints open to the elements! A LV DC charger would not pass mains voltage to the device, it's virtually impossible - that's from someone with a degree in electronics and 15+ years professional experience. I have never seen it happen or heard of it happen.

    Given the incredibly poor state of Thai electrical installations generally the tablets would be the last of my concerns for my children getting electrocuted at school... far more likely to get juiced by a mains device with no/ poor earth or a miss-wired 3 phase install; Thai "electricians" commonly neglect to wire an earth and then put devices on different phases within touching distance giving you the potential for a fatal shock.


    One of many electrocutions that happen in Thailand... with mains voltage devices!

    Still defending this tablet thing. It was implemented to get votes. You still don't get it..

    Even when the tablet program is cancelled and the tablets are recycled, you will most probably still be defending it.

    Still favouring blanket disapproval based on political leanings rather than actually addressing any perceived issues with the scheme based on factual information and rational discussion... what a surprise!

    Clearly you haven't actually read my previous posts on the subject where I categorically state that I believe the initial conception of the scheme was a popular vote buying tactic. I'm afraid this is part and parcel of politics these days, perhaps you'd prefer a military dictatorship? "No more taxes"... at least these guys appear to be trying to follow through with their promises...

    It's like criticising an athlete for winning a race because they trained, studied their opponents and prepared for the race while your favoured runner just turned up and assumed that in the event he lost his connections would rig the results and forcibly remove the actual winner...

  5. Another sterling piece of anti propaganda from the Nation. A distinct lack of facts and a lot of speculative waffle. Nice to see the usual political neigh sayers have jumped on this thread to voice their outrage over a complete non article!

    I'm sure there's a real risk of electrical shock from a LV DC charger... far greater potential for electrocution than your average Thai shop/ restaurant with "professionally" twisted and taped mains joints open to the elements! A LV DC charger would not pass mains voltage to the device, it's virtually impossible - that's from someone with a degree in electronics and 15+ years professional experience. I have never seen it happen or heard of it happen.

    Given the incredibly poor state of Thai electrical installations generally the tablets would be the last of my concerns for my children getting electrocuted at school... far more likely to get juiced by a mains device with no/ poor earth or a miss-wired 3 phase install; Thai "electricians" commonly neglect to wire an earth and then put devices on different phases within touching distance giving you the potential for a fatal shock.


    One of many electrocutions that happen in Thailand... with mains voltage devices!

    • Like 1
  6. Wow, did someone put broken glass in your cornflakes.

    The amount of money that has been spent so far could have put a desktop PC and large screen projector into every classroom, every classroom in every school, that would have been beneficial for every child and every teacher, and would have also high-lighted the deficiencies in some schools, but that wouldn't have looked quite so good on an election poster would it.

    This election promise was ill-conceived and continues to be badly implemented.

    Shame that point scoring between political parties/ supporters seems to be the main attraction to posters here.

    Yes, isn't it.

    edit//this post was directed at the post before the last one.

    i wonder why the electrical brigade aren't sticking it up you like they have to others previously. Need power to all the schools they cry. Do that before the tablets they cry. Perhaps the prices you quote are for solar powered computers and projectors.

    I've learnt not to expect too much logical thought process in these ramblings!

    Seriously though a word of caution on using either desktops or projectors in a country with a notoriously unstable power supply:

    You will constantly lose work on desktops and be unable to work each and every time there is a power out (unless your rolling out generators and interim UPS to all schools!). Low voltages will burn out PSUs in no time. It is far more sensible to use a battery powered device where you have a flaky supply as less stress will be put on the device as it is only plugged in while charging and nuisance power outs won't effect you using them.

    Projectors here frequently blow lamps unless you opt for a decent LED model with short warm up/ cool down time between restarts... or again use an interim UPS/ power conditioner and back up generator to avoid rapid restarts.

    Perhaps tablets/ laptops would be a better idea... eh? Hang on a minute... whistling.gif

  7. Lets hope the Thais are forced to pursue this no matter how uncomfortable it may be. The family of the girls need answers regardless of how much the Ministry of Tourism want to protect their Miracle Thailand campaign.

    One suspects the Canadian Coroner already knows what killed them and it just hasnt been released yet, giving the Thai authorities another chance to come up with something other than the DEET..thumbsup.gif

    Well the Thai's do just seem to be passing it off as an acceptable hazard.."Oh well you know, kids try to get high drinking this stuff, silly things.......next"

    I hope you are right and the Canadians have a real idea as to the cause of death.

    Did the family not request that the information be withheld from public knowledge to respect their privacy?

  8. I'd hoped you might be able to actually read and comprehend what I have written here. Evidently you can not. Shame.

    Not many seem to comprehend what you have been trying to write the last couple of days.

    If you can't read basic English then perhaps a tablet might help you out Nicky...

    It's really not that difficult it just takes some acceptance of the fact that some have views that differ from your own. Whether you agree or not is a different matter, each to their own. Debate is fairly pointless if when a point is raised that you don't agree with you simply discount it as incomprehensible because you don't agree. My 3 year old does similar when I tell him it's time for bed.

    My views are based upon my own opinions and thoughts on the matter, coupled with an understanding that writing something off before it has gotten off the ground or had a chance to be properly evaluated is incredibly narrow minded. I've made it fairly clear that I don't think the scheme is perfect and that the implementation is flawed but nevertheless I think it has had and will have some positive effects.

    Most on here seem to simply tow the Nation line and follow the herd with little critical thinking involved, those that don't have a habit of "disappearing". Ironic given the biggest hurdle Thailand faces in education is probably the lack of critical thought as children are force fed information with repetition and discouraged from thinking for themselves.

  9. Wow, did someone put broken glass in your cornflakes.

    The amount of money that has been spent so far could have put a desktop PC and large screen projector into every classroom, every classroom in every school, that would have been beneficial for every child and every teacher, and would have also high-lighted the deficiencies in some schools, but that wouldn't have looked quite so good on an election poster would it.

    This election promise was ill-conceived and continues to be badly implemented.

    Shame that point scoring between political parties/ supporters seems to be the main attraction to posters here.

    Yes, isn't it.

    edit//this post was directed at the post before the last one.

    Broken glass?! What are you on about now, the comments have gone from the bizarre to plain sinister!

    Yes, it's a crying shame that no one has bothered to make such investments in Thailand's education prior to this isn't it? Pandering to the military power brokers and doubling their budget is a much better way of improving the state of Thai education...

    Personally I prefer less military spending and higher education budgets as a route to improving general standards of education... crazy I know. In a work place dominated by technology it makes sense to me that children get exposure at an early age. Have you ever seen a young child pick up a PC and quickly gain familiarity with the controls? Me neither but I have seen many children instantly at ease with the use of a tablet...

    You seem to refuse to understand what other people write. Those same people that increased the military budget also for the 1st time in many years tried to tackle the parents increasing education costs by making education free up to M3 (previously P6) this included a uniform subisidy Phua Thai discontinued this uniform subsidy to help pay for the tablets. So ALL poor students and parents suffer. Also as has been stated the money COULD have been better spent. But I will put on your rose tinted glasses a second...... Wow. Some P1 kids have got cheap tablets .. great man. Now....uumm what happens next year and the year after etc etc etc. Are they REALLY going to spend 900 million baht a year on tablets..... Wow.. so cool man. PHUA THAI are great they have found the money tree smile.png

    Ps. Dont you think its kinda dangerous young kids picking up PC's?

    sent from my ..................#

    Really? That's strange I seem to the only one on here actually replying to the content of others posts while the points that I raise go unanswered in favour of gross speculation and childish snipes.

    You label me with opinions that I haven't voiced because I buck the trend of aged cynicism and political bias shown on this forum. It amazes me the amount of disgruntled old men on this forum.

    BTW PC = Personal computer. I realise that some of you are probably still struggling to put away the abacus and make use of a calculator so modern terminology for technology tends to confuse/ scare you. Understandable.

  10. Of course if any previous administration had cared one iota about raising the standards of education in the more remote areas, we wouldn't still have schools without wifi/ electricity; dam_n PTT for bringing education to the forefront!!!

    There hasn't been a single administration that has cared one jot about education standards, not even the MoE care.

    This handing out Tab Pc's promise was nothing more than a vote buying exercise, and it worked, well done.

    And now you try to claim that it has shown some holes in previous administrations, please, get real, a good by product of a failed experiment is still only a by product, and earns no brownie points at all.

    "And now you try to claim that it has shown some holes in previous administrations, please, get real, a good by product of a failed experiment is still only a by product, and earns no brownie points at all."

    Strange isn't it? I have also tried to explain to Fer that those billions PT is wasting on tablets (vote buying) could have been spend much better. He still believes that ONLY because PT is "trying" to implement this tablet scam, they now know that the schools infrastructures are not up to standard and have to be improved.

    PT should get credit for bringing these infrastructure issues to light….crazy.gif

    I'd hoped you might be able to actually read and comprehend what I have written here. Evidently you can not. Shame.

  11. Wow, did someone put broken glass in your cornflakes.

    The amount of money that has been spent so far could have put a desktop PC and large screen projector into every classroom, every classroom in every school, that would have been beneficial for every child and every teacher, and would have also high-lighted the deficiencies in some schools, but that wouldn't have looked quite so good on an election poster would it.

    This election promise was ill-conceived and continues to be badly implemented.

    Shame that point scoring between political parties/ supporters seems to be the main attraction to posters here.

    Yes, isn't it.

    edit//this post was directed at the post before the last one.

    Broken glass?! What are you on about now, the comments have gone from the bizarre to plain sinister!

    Yes, it's a crying shame that no one has bothered to make such investments in Thailand's education prior to this isn't it? Pandering to the military power brokers and doubling their budget is a much better way of improving the state of Thai education...

    Personally I prefer less military spending and higher education budgets as a route to improving general standards of education... crazy I know. In a work place dominated by technology it makes sense to me that children get exposure at an early age. Have you ever seen a young child pick up a PC and quickly gain familiarity with the controls? Me neither but I have seen many children instantly at ease with the use of a tablet...

  12. Of course if any previous administration had cared one iota about raising the standards of education in the more remote areas, we wouldn't still have schools without wifi/ electricity; dam_n PTT for bringing education to the forefront!!!

    There hasn't been a single administration that has cared one jot about education standards, not even the MoE care.

    This handing out Tab Pc's promise was nothing more than a vote buying exercise, and it worked, well done.

    And now you try to claim that it has shown some holes in previous administrations, please, get real, a good by product of a failed experiment is still only a by product, and earns no brownie points at all.

    Brownie points?! We're talking about educational standards in Thailand and a scheme that is bringing long overdue infrastructure improvements to remote areas. By product of a populist election promise which they appear to be following through on? Maybe, but personally I believe anything that brings public focus on the state of schools here & standards of teaching is positive. Shame that point scoring between political parties/ supporters seems to be the main attraction to posters here...

    This isn't a whole hearted endorsement of Yingluck's Government just an honest optimistic view. I'm not saying this scheme will be a roaring success or instantly solve all of the issues that the Thai education system faces but it's a welcome start. I'm afraid that in the face of overly cynical, negative and blindly politically biased people no policy gets judged on it's merits but simply attacked depending on political allegiances. Crazy stuff, if you can't see the obvious similarities between the system of power brokers backing each faction here you need to step back and look at things with a less slanted perspective.

  13. Yes, ideally by previous administrations... did it really need a tablet scheme in 2011/12 to highlight these necessary infrastructure improvements? I guess so...

    Begs the question if the current administration had not implemented this scheme would any of our esteemed members be posting about this lack of infrastructure, leafing through threads from years past it seems not, it just wasn't a pressing issue before I wonder why?!

    I would have thought that since it is the current administration that is giving tablets to the kids that they would have made sure that the infrastructure was there for them to use it.

    Next you'll be blaming previous administrations for not having the high speed trains when Yingluck has her lunch boxes ready to sell on them.


    Yes much better they continue where previous Governments left off, hand out PCs only to favoured schools that run corrupt enrolment policies for the privileged while completely ignoring the rural areas without electricity...coffee1.gif

    Of course if any previous administration had cared one iota about raising the standards of education in the more remote areas, we wouldn't still have schools without wifi/ electricity; dam_n PTT for bringing education to the forefront!!!

  14. Sorry B-U-C-H-H-O-L-Z, what personal issues I have dragged into this discussion?

    If you fail to see how starting a post with "Sorry B-U-C-H-H-O-L-Z" could not be taken as a personal slur, it does damage your credibility somewhat.

    Sorry you must have missed the countless requests by our dear member B-U-C-H-H-O-L-Z, specifically requesting that his name be spelt in this manner.

    Further damage to his credibility with a lie. coffee1.gif

    It was simply stated by me to those few repetitive posters who seemingly intentionally misspelled my ID on purpose


    Are you going to now join that troll crew with some other misrepresentation of what I've posted?


    Oh dear, I thought we were past the petty snipes. No lie, you specifically told me to call you B-U-C-H-H-O-L-Z in the future (I missed an H) as you have done on occasions to others.

    Any chance you could get over your incorrectly perceived slurs and actually address any of the points I've raised? coffee1.gif

  15. Yes of course nobody of us has ever realized before that the education system in Thailand is not producing results it should.

    Only now that PT has blown billions on computers we start to realize the infrastructure is a mess too.

    Thank you PT for highlighting the infrastructure problems by giving kids tablets (which the majority cannot use).

    Again thank you for educating us PT wai.gif .

    More speculative nonsense from the highly articulate Nickymaster; displaying your own education was somewhat lacking is not a great start on a thread where you take such a negative stance. One of my major hopes for this scheme is that they become a useful tool in aiding the learning of the English language; perhaps we need to start an initiative to role a few out to TV members...

    Majority can't use - total nonsense. A distinct minority of schools don't have electricity or internet access.

    Let us forget the fact that schools without wifi and electricity existed before PT took power and these basic infrastructure requirements have been ignored for decades.

    Let us forget that they'd exist even if the tablet scheme had never been conceived and, as you sarcastically point out, this scheme has brought the issue to the fore.

    Let us forget that this scheme has highlighted the necessity of improving infrastructure and has fast tracked these improvements.

    Let us forget the fact that you can use a tab without either, given they have "batteries" and can run the majority of apps without a wifi connection.

    "Majority can't use - total nonsense. A distinct minority of schools don't have electricity or internet access."

    It takes more than electricity and internet access alone to make the tablet worth its investment (can make proper use of it). Ever heard about curriculum, software, after sales service, technical life, economical life, educating teachers, educating parents, educating students. etc etc.?

    Don't bother. Keep it simple if it works for you and your environment. The sky is prosperous red. And you seem to have enough time to write crap the whole day.

    Expect a reply tomorrow. To busy today.

    Too busy Nicky, too busy.

    I love the way you raise these points as negatives with absolutely no evidence to substantiate whether any of these points are actually an issue or not. It is quite obvious that I have picked up on one pertinent point in my discussions here - the minority of schools without electricity. That is the point I have discussed at length and tried to reason with the unreasonable in a bid to help you understand that these issues are not intrinsically linked to this scheme and have always been an issue in Thailand... never mind.

    If you would like to actually discuss such topics as the curriculum, teacher training, economic life etc please start a reasonable discussion raising some factual information for us to discuss. I will be happy to oblige you with my considered thoughts on each subject. Please try and refrain from getting overly sensitive on the subject; I have no allegiance with any political party here, just a vested interest in the country as a whole. I understand that some of you have taken "sides" here, I have not, I remain optimistically sceptical but oppose abject cynicism and unsubstantiated speculation given as fact.

    This scheme is unprecedented in its size and scope, a national role out to the education sector. I'm sure there will be some issues that need addressing and I'm sure there will be some teething problems. I'd prefer not to just write it off without any rational thought process or even a chance to see the scheme implemented, especially not purely because of political "allegiances".

    • Like 1
  16. [

    They weren't "perhaps a poor selection" they were completely false and misleading

    Spared us your snipped over-personal rant. I admitted they were ultimately poor examples. More than once now.

    There's no need to be so desperate to make it more than that. There's also no need to get over-personal again,

    The point that there are extremely poor schools, some without electricity, and others in very bad shape in Thailand remains....

    even through your rants and my poor examples.

    That point is not moot.

    p.s. I'll take that as we're done here with this interlude. As you seemingly can't reply without dragging personal issues into it, I'm done.

    I think it's been demonstrated that others understand and agree with my point noted above.


    Sorry B-U-C-H-H-O-L-Z, what personal issues I have dragged into this discussion? You wouldn't be deliberately trying to detract from the points raised again would you?! Someone clearly needs a hug!

    Please try reading a few of the posts on this thread which have already addressed the concerns you raised so eloquently, and then try to reply to the content and not your perceived personal attacks...

    I don't know you, have made no comments about you personally, I simply address the content of your posts, try it, you might like it! thumbsup.gif

    If you fail to see how starting a post with "Sorry B-U-C-H-H-O-L-Z" could not be taken as a personal slur, it does damage your credibility somewhat.

    Sorry you must have missed the countless requests by our dear member B-U-C-H-H-O-L-Z, specifically requesting that his name be spelt in this manner. Too many discussions have been sidetracked by B-U-C-H-H-O-L-Z insisting that members spell his name correctly so I prefer to make it crystal clear who I am referring to.

    I appreciate that you have taken this as a personal slur on B-U-C-H-H-O-L-Z's behalf as I'm sure he does! Anything to detract from the actual discussion eh?!

    Personally I had a habit of forgetting one of the Hs and having been picked up for this numerous times I prefer to simply copy and past his own spelling from his own post. Take that as a personal attack if you will but I'd have to say you are being overly sensitive. Had I called him a (edited out, not wishing to break forum rules or actually offend someone) I might understand your concerns...coffee1.gif

  17. Yes of course nobody of us has ever realized before that the education system in Thailand is not producing results it should.

    Only now that PT has blown billions on computers we start to realize the infrastructure is a mess too.

    Thank you PT for highlighting the infrastructure problems by giving kids tablets (which the majority cannot use).

    Again thank you for educating us PT wai.gif .

    More speculative nonsense from the highly articulate Nickymaster; displaying your own education was somewhat lacking is not a great start on a thread where you take such a negative stance. One of my major hopes for this scheme is that they become a useful tool in aiding the learning of the English language; perhaps we need to start an initiative to role a few out to TV members...

    Majority can't use - total nonsense. A distinct minority of schools don't have electricity or internet access.

    Let us forget the fact that schools without wifi and electricity existed before PT took power and these basic infrastructure requirements have been ignored for decades.

    Let us forget that they'd exist even if the tablet scheme had never been conceived and, as you sarcastically point out, this scheme has brought the issue to the fore.

    Let us forget that this scheme has highlighted the necessity of improving infrastructure and has fast tracked these improvements.

    Let us forget the fact that you can use a tab without either, given they have "batteries" and can run the majority of apps without a wifi connection.

  18. Teachers haven't been trained to use them/ teach with them - really? Seems to be contrary to reports posted on here and articles I've read but I guess I should jut take your word for it eh?! Maybe not....

    The training by PESA in Pang Nga will be attended by 45 teachers of computer science from eight provincial networks in the province and another 20 educational personnel, 159 school administrators from Pang Nga, 9 private school administrators, 7 local school administrators, 1 special education administrator, 180 Grade 1 primary teachers from schools supervised by OBEC, 19 teachers from private schools, 17 teachers from local schools and 3 teachers from special education institutions. All of these participants will train their students after the completion of their course.


    That's impressive. A year after the scheme began, and four months after the start of the school year, they thought to start teacher training in August 2012.

    How long will it be before they finish and actually began teaching their students?

    As for other school districts that haven't had teacher training, try Korat school district.

    The Scopads are still in boxes because of it and other reasons .

    Seems there's been a new problem developing with the OTP10C tablets....

    Students' tablets still in boxes

    NAKHON RATCHASIMA: -- Most first graders in Nakhon Ratchasima have not used their PC tablets for studying even though the devices were delivered to their schools a month ago, according to a survey by a reporter.

    More than 3,600 tablets are now available at schools in Muang district under the Nakhon Ratchasima Primary Educational Service Area Office 1's supervision.

    The schools decided to leave the tablets in their boxes because of many reasons. Their teachers have not been trained on how to use them to teach in class. The Internet connections for the tablets are not ready. A meeting of the schools and school committees and parents to forge understanding among the stakeholders has not taken place. And the schools are ready to close for semester break.


    perhaps as part of that repackaging, they could address the inaccuracy that the pledged 11 million children will not be receiving a tablet.... only about 1 in 10 will.


    Wow, the very same Nation article that Whybother just posted and I addressed already, point by point! You really are clutching at straws now... here's my earlier response for your comment:

    Did you even read that article? Here's the actual summary and not a carefully chosen quote...

    Boonsiri Kannoot, head of the ICT centre at Sukanaree School, said her school received 382 tablets on September 3 and immediately let the students try using them. However, it could not teach all of them how to use them in class, as only half of the teachers had been trained. Next semester, they would fully use the tablets.

    So a few teething problems in an isolated incident involving a tiny fraction of schools in a national scheme of epic proportions... damning stuff indeed! Funny it also contradicts your quote even though from the same article - claiming that the tablets have been left in their boxes when actually the students immediately tried them, insinuating that teachers hadn't been trained then admitting that actually half of them had.... The Nation really is a quality, impartial rag eh?!

    I particularly like the snippet about a single tablet experiencing battery problems (despite never leaving it's box!) and then being fixed within 24 hrs; suggests the after sales support and service network is working well! That seems pretty contrary to the concerns raised by TV's own resident experts on the subject eh?!

    One of the tablets could not recharge its battery, but the problem was fixed in one day by an after-sales service company, she said.

  19. [

    They weren't "perhaps a poor selection" they were completely false and misleading

    Spared us your snipped over-personal rant. I admitted they were ultimately poor examples. More than once now.

    There's no need to be so desperate to make it more than that. There's also no need to get over-personal again,

    The point that there are extremely poor schools, some without electricity, and others in very bad shape in Thailand remains....

    even through your rants and my poor examples.

    That point is not moot.

    p.s. I'll take that as we're done here with this interlude. As you seemingly can't reply without dragging personal issues into it, I'm done.

    I think it's been demonstrated that others understand and agree with my point noted above.


    Sorry B-U-C-H-H-O-L-Z, what personal issues I have dragged into this discussion? You wouldn't be deliberately trying to detract from the points raised again would you?! Someone clearly needs a hug!

    Please try reading a few of the posts on this thread which have already addressed the concerns you raised so eloquently, and then try to reply to the content and not your perceived personal attacks...

    I don't know you, have made no comments about you personally, I simply address the content of your posts, try it, you might like it! thumbsup.gif

  20. "As to your position please explain it by evidencing how this Government has actually removed infrastructure that previous administrations had already provided to these schools without electricity............"

    My position???.

    Where did I say that this Government has actually removed infrastructure that previous administrations had already provided to these schools without electricity ?

    Come on!

    Wow, slowly you appear to be getting it!

    So do you accept that those schools without electricity are a result of the infrastructure improvements in remote rural areas being sidelined by previous Governments?

    Do you then also accept that this lack of infrastructure can't rationally be blamed on the current administration or the tablet scheme (the actual topic of this thread)?

    Once you've arrived at this logical point in your thought process please proceed to read my previous posts on this subject...we're getting there, albeit slowly and sporadically!

    The issue of infrastructure isn't being blamed on the current administration or the tablet scheme. The problem is that the current administration is handing (a few) tablets when the infrastructure isn't there to support it. This isn't just the couple of thousand schools without electricity, but also the schools that don't have the ability to charge 30-50 tablets, the fact that a lot of schools don't have access to wifi, and that the teachers haven't been trained in how to use the tablets, and especially how to teach with them.

    All these valid issues should have been addressed months and months ago and ideally before the scheme began.


    Yes, ideally by previous administrations... did it really need a tablet scheme in 2011/12 to highlight these necessary infrastructure improvements? I guess so...

    Begs the question if the current administration had not implemented this scheme would any of our esteemed members be posting about this lack of infrastructure, leafing through threads from years past it seems not, it just wasn't a pressing issue before I wonder why?!

  21. Wifi - not the be all and end all of the usage of technology. Why do the children need to be connected to Wifi to use the tablets? Do they need internet access 24/7? Could they not set up a small LAN for the cost of a single WAP for local network sharing/ teacher support? Wifi/ internet access is widely available... I guess you're talking about the distinct minority again, clarified by your precise statistics, I quote " a lot" !!!

    Charging facilities - you mean power outlets and/ or extension sockets. At best a few hundred baht on extension leads at worst some cable, breakers, a few outlets and a few hours of cheap labour. Yes, what an insurmountable obstacle, never mind tablets, these children are clearly to be deprived of any electrical device!

    Teachers haven't been trained to use them/ teach with them - really? Seems to be contrary to reports posted on here and articles I've read but I guess I should jut take your word for it eh?! Maybe not....

    The training by PESA in Pang Nga will be attended by 45 teachers of computer science from eight provincial networks in the province and another 20 educational personnel, 159 school administrators from Pang Nga, 9 private school administrators, 7 local school administrators, 1 special education administrator, 180 Grade 1 primary teachers from schools supervised by OBEC, 19 teachers from private schools, 17 teachers from local schools and 3 teachers from special education institutions. All of these participants will train their students after the completion of their course.


    The schools decided to leave the tablets in their boxes because of many reasons. Their teachers have not been trained on how to use them to teach in class. The Internet connections for the tablets are not ready.


    Did you even read that article? Here's the actual summary and not a carefully chosen quote...

    Boonsiri Kannoot, head of the ICT centre at Sukanaree School, said her school received 382 tablets on September 3 and immediately let the students try using them. However, it could not teach all of them how to use them in class, as only half of the teachers had been trained. Next semester, they would fully use the tablets.

    So a few teething problems in an isolated incident involving a tiny fraction of schools in a national scheme of epic proportions... damning stuff indeed! Funny it also contradicts your quote even though from the same article - claiming that the tablets have been left in their boxes when actually the students immediately tried them, insinuating that teachers hadn't been trained then admitting that actually half of them had.... The Nation really is a quality, impartial rag eh?!

    I particularly like the snippet about a single tablet experiencing battery problems (despite never leaving it's box!) and then being fixed within 24 hrs; suggests the after sales support and service network is working well! That seems pretty contrary to the concerns raised by TV's own resident experts on the subject eh?!

    One of the tablets could not recharge its battery, but the problem was fixed in one day by an after-sales service company, she said.

  22. "As to your position please explain it by evidencing how this Government has actually removed infrastructure that previous administrations had already provided to these schools without electricity............"

    My position???.

    Where did I say that this Government has actually removed infrastructure that previous administrations had already provided to these schools without electricity ?

    Come on!

    Wow, slowly you appear to be getting it!

    So do you accept that those schools without electricity are a result of the infrastructure improvements in remote rural areas being sidelined by previous Governments?

    Do you then also accept that this lack of infrastructure can't rationally be blamed on the current administration or the tablet scheme (the actual topic of this thread)?

    Once you've arrived at this logical point in your thought process please proceed to read my previous posts on this subject...we're getting there, albeit slowly and sporadically!

    The issue of infrastructure isn't being blamed on the current administration or the tablet scheme. The problem is that the current administration is handing (a few) tablets when the infrastructure isn't there to support it. This isn't just the couple of thousand schools without electricity, but also the schools that don't have the ability to charge 30-50 tablets, the fact that a lot of schools don't have access to wifi, and that the teachers haven't been trained in how to use the tablets, and especially how to teach with them.

    Please speak for yourself and not others.

    Reading the posts here and on related threads you can see quite clearly the illogical conclusion being drawn; ie. that technology advancements in Thai schools are laughable because a distinct minority of schools don't have the infrastructure to support it.

    The addled logic implies that the majority should be held back in favour of the minority while ignoring the obvious conclusion that these infrastructure advancements are long overdue, while the current administration have yet to complete their first term... It also ignores the massive benefit of this scheme in bringing this issue to light which in truth is seeing the implementation of these long overdue improvements.

    My posts have been addressing a specific issue and misrepresentation of this issue. The laughable cries for anyone defending the scheme to "get out more" made the outburst even more ironic in the face of our prolific posters inability to provide actual examples of even 2 Thai Government schools that don't have electricity.

    You speculate about a bunch of other issues in a reply directly to me, that aren't pertinent to the issue I've raised and have been discussed at some length already... jeez, if in doubt just go around in circles eh?! Well if you insist...

    Wifi - not the be all and end all of the usage of technology. Why do the children need to be connected to Wifi to use the tablets? Do they need internet access 24/7? Could they not set up a small LAN for the cost of a single WAP for local network sharing/ teacher support? Wifi/ internet access is widely available... I guess you're talking about the distinct minority again, clarified by your precise statistics, I quote " a lot" !!!

    Charging facilities - you mean power outlets and/ or extension sockets. At best a few hundred baht on extension leads at worst some cable, breakers, a few outlets and a few hours of cheap labour. Yes, what an insurmountable obstacle, never mind tablets, these children are clearly to be deprived of any electrical device!

    Teachers haven't been trained to use them/ teach with them - really? Seems to be contrary to reports posted on here and articles I've read but I guess I should jut take your word for it eh?! Maybe not....

    The training by PESA in Pang Nga will be attended by 45 teachers of computer science from eight provincial networks in the province and another 20 educational personnel, 159 school administrators from Pang Nga, 9 private school administrators, 7 local school administrators, 1 special education administrator, 180 Grade 1 primary teachers from schools supervised by OBEC, 19 teachers from private schools, 17 teachers from local schools and 3 teachers from special education institutions. All of these participants will train their students after the completion of their course.


  23. "As to your position please explain it by evidencing how this Government has actually removed infrastructure that previous administrations had already provided to these schools without electricity............"

    My position???.

    Where did I say that this Government has actually removed infrastructure that previous administrations had already provided to these schools without electricity ?

    Come on!

    Wow, slowly you appear to be getting it!

    So do you accept that those schools without electricity are a result of the infrastructure improvements in remote rural areas being sidelined by previous Governments?

    Do you then also accept that this lack of infrastructure can't rationally be blamed on the current administration or the tablet scheme (the actual topic of this thread)?

    Once you've arrived at this logical point in your thought process please proceed to read my previous posts on this subject...we're getting there, albeit slowly and sporadically!

  24. Priorities my friend priorities. What comes first, second... Nevermind if you don't get it.

    Sorry what priorities are you alluding to? What a bizarre response to my post. Did you not understand anything I wrote or did you hit the reply button to the wrong post perhaps? Not the strongest case to prove logical thought....

    You have a class of 100 students. 1 of them is behind the learning curve, was clearly neglected as an infant and is holding back the entire class. What would the logical thing to do be in this situation, hold back the entire class so that this lone student is not left behind or take the lone student as an exceptional case that requires attention but not at the expense of the 99% majority's education?

    To make that analogy easier to understand I have included a simple key for you:

    Class of 100 students = Thai schools

    1 student behind the curve = Thai schools without electricity

    Neglected as a infant = Thai schools that have no electricity because of the lack of action by previous administrations not because the current one have simply turned the switch off!*

    99 students = Thai schools with electricity

    * Something that the anti-brigade keep skipping over but is quite pertinent, ironically given the intention behind B-U-C-H-H-O-L-Z's post, is that these infrastructure improvements are now being motivated by this very scheme! Schools that B-U-C-H-H-O-L-Z informed us have been ignored and kept without electricity under previous Governments have actually been "switched on" under this administration! This scheme has highlighted the neglect of these areas by previous Governments and is bringing about the change.

    As I see it the modernisation of Thai education is a good thing, whether or not that was the intention of the scheme is irrelevant; a constructive by product is that as the neigh sayers bring such hurdles to the light, the present administration is forced to address them. This is something that previous Governments haven't accomplished; perhaps you would be happier if education had been ignored and all schools simply kept in the dark...

    You just don't get it and then make a dirty cheap comment like:

    "This is something that previous Governments haven't accomplished; perhaps you would be happier if education had been ignored and all schools simply kept in the dark..."

    Shame on you man.

    Oh dear, is it time for your mid afternoon nap perhaps?

    Nothing dirty or cheap about that comment I'm afraid, it's what's known as a fact! As to your position please explain it by evidencing how this Government has actually removed infrastructure that previous administrations had already provided to these schools without electricity............ or continue simply trolling and making irrelevant one line replies to posts that go beyond your train of rational thought! thumbsup.gif

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