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Posts posted by Ferangled

  1. Any responsibility taken for this by the US?

    Over 42,000 people killed and 60,000 injured by unexploded ordinance after the end of the conflict? Surely there needs to be some sort of punitive damages sought against those that liberally sprinkle explosive devices over the world with no thought for the future innocents to be killed by their carelessness.

    If these sorts of figures were banded around by media following a natural event, a tsunami or an earthquake it would be headline news, a catastrophe, aid would be flooding in. Why is this issue sidelined and ignored? Because it is far less palatable to admit ones mistakes and take responsibility for them?

  2. Glad I visited Phuket a few years ago now.

    Happy living in Bangkok with no ambition whatsoever to return.

    I am sure it will have no effect on tourism though.

    Just that there is much nicer and safer places in Thailand to holiday.

    Silly, off-topic post.

    No one cares where you're too scared to travel to, Noddy.

    What's "off-topic" here? The crime happened on Phuket - and he mentioned Phuket in his post.

    Phuket is really not a good and safe place to stay (regarding so many bad news about that island within the last years) - and he said that are there are safer places in Thailand. What's "off-topic"?

    It's off topic because it's a gross generalisation of the place. For millions Phuket is perfectly safe and for an unfortunate few it isn't. Same goes for virtually every place in the world. Far more murders in Bangkok and as a proportion of the foreign population, I'd say less foreigners meet their end in Phuket than the rest of Thailand...

    It's got more to do with what you get up to as an individual. If you run up large gambling debts, enjoy the company of hookers and have a mouth the size of a sink hole, your likelihood of getting into trouble will follow you wherever you go... if on the other hand you enjoy quiet nights in, meditation and reading, chances are you'll be quite safe no matter where you travel... thumbsup.gif

  3. While some posters try and point a finger a the government, I am wondering who was in government when all this happened, was it during the Dems stint?

    I think it's irrelevant who was in government. The local politicians and local rich business people control most of what goes on in the local government departments.

    it is not irrelevant when people are trying to blame the current government as thought they, and only they are corrupt and allow things to happen,

    my guess is all this was done under the Dem government with full knowledge of daddy, so the relevance is that when people start spouting about how the dems tackled corruption more than PTP well this matter can be highlighted, along with many others.

    Also if the local politicians control what goes on, and in the south that is mostly democrat, then why do the usual suspects constantly blame the current government?

    Not if several people on several occasions over several months have been telling the government that the rice scam if full of corruption and they did sod all about it

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect App

    I've seen some leaps of logic today but I think this one takes the biscuit... what has the rice scheme got to do with land encroachment? I guess Suthep's son was actually planning to build a large rice warehouse on that prestigious land to help out with storage space or perhaps some paddy fields...coffee1.gif

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  4. "How did you take it as the police about to beat the man?" ... "Yes at first glance it appears that the policeman is holding a baton above his head, ready to strike the man"

    ..and that is, how rumors and wrong accusations start!

    Yes, and it's probably why that photo was used.

    Do you believe it's coincidence that this photo was used by this particular news outlet, namely The Nation?

  5. I'm not sure what Ferangled angle is but he certaintly seems to just want to disagree and confront everyone reducing many of the threads he contributs to personal insults and slander, most people here give opinions and offer reasons reaching those opinions, that is a how a normal discussion progresses and the odd time there may be hard evidence provided also - he seems to like to listen to himself so perhaps if everyone just put him on ignore then that's what he will get - only himself, very disruptive person

    Moderator please delete if I have crossed the line, i just think it needed to be said

    I appreciate the attention Smedly, if it promotes you to actually think about things before posting and see past deliberate agendas it's all good.

    If you feel I have personally insulted anyone or indeed slandered anyone (really? are you actually reading my posts?) then I suggest you report it or hey, why not follow your own advice and provide some hard evidence to back up your own assertions? I take it you understand the term hypocrite?

  6. I'd just like to add that I think this response gives a very accurate glimpse of the real issue that Thailand faces today...

    "Love the photo, a man offering no resistance about to be beaten. But another lame NGO only able to offer a 'recommendation'. Chalerm knew what he was doing, knew he ordered retaliation with extreme prejudice (direct from a high ranking uniformed 'mate'). But again, nothing really will come of this, only more hatred and division of Thai people. We can just look forward to then next one or a future civil war."

    Far too many people are so blindly loyal to their chosen cause that they can create a situation out of nothing, not able to trust their own eyes let alone their brains. So quick to jump on every perceived slight that furthers their own rhetoric, reality be damned.

    Love a photo that you've taken to be an act of police brutality even though it quite clearly isn't? Love? What a strange word to use. Then alluding to the hatred and division this will cause with seemingly no conception of the fact that it is just this type of distortion of the facts that leads to this divide in the first place.

    Looking forward to the next perceived act of police brutality or a civil war? Why would anyone look forward to the country tearing itself apart and the ensuing bloodshed and loss of life that would come with that? Only a complete madman hopes for a civil war or someone that stands to gain greatly from the ruins of the country.

    We have a democracy in Thailand, a fragile one but a developing one. It's not perfect but neither are the more established democracies of the West. The Thai people are starting to grasp that they hold some modicum of power in their vote and it seems that even the established power brokers in Thailand are starting to realise that they ignore the will of the people at their own peril.

    What I find really depressing are that these types of comments on TV are from foreigners, supposedly educated foreigners; what hope do the Thai people have of seeing through all of this empty rhetoric and finger pointing if we can't? Until the quality of education in this country improves considerably and people are taught to question authority rather than being willingly led by various cretins with their own agendas at play, I doubt we will see any real change in the petty political infighting this country has been plagued with and the self serving nature of those that come to power.

    I'd just like to add that I think this response gives a very accurate glimpse of the real issue that Thailand faces today...

    "Love the photo, a man offering no resistance about to be beaten. But another lame NGO only able to offer a 'recommendation'. Chalerm knew what he was doing, knew he ordered retaliation with extreme prejudice (direct from a high ranking uniformed 'mate'). But again, nothing really will come of this, only more hatred and division of Thai people. We can just look forward to then next one or a future civil war."

    Far too many people are so blindly loyal to their chosen cause that they can create a situation out of nothing, not able to trust their own eyes let alone their brains. So quick to jump on every perceived slight that furthers their own rhetoric, reality be damned.

    Love a photo that you've taken to be an act of police brutality even though it quite clearly isn't? Love? What a strange word to use. Then alluding to the hatred and division this will cause with seemingly no conception of the fact that it is just this type of distortion of the facts that leads to this divide in the first place.

    Looking forward to the next perceived act of police brutality or a civil war? Why would anyone look forward to the country tearing itself apart and the ensuing bloodshed and loss of life that would come with that? Only a complete madman hopes for a civil war or someone that stands to gain greatly from the ruins of the country.

    We have a democracy in Thailand, a fragile one but a developing one. It's not perfect but neither are the more established democracies of the West. The Thai people are starting to grasp that they hold some modicum of power in their vote and it seems that even the established power brokers in Thailand are starting to realise that they ignore the will of the people at their own peril.

    What I find really depressing are that these types of comments on TV are from foreigners, supposedly educated foreigners; what hope do the Thai people have of seeing through all of this empty rhetoric and finger pointing if we can't? Until the quality of education in this country improves considerably and people are taught to question authority rather than being willingly led by various cretins with their own agendas at play, I doubt we will see any real change in the petty political infighting this country has been plagued with and the self serving nature of those that come to power.

    "Far too many people are so blindly loyal to their chosen cause that they can create a situation out of nothing, not able to trust their own eyes let alone their brains. So quick to jump on every perceived slight that furthers their own rhetoric, reality be damned". Read this to yourself several times and sit for a while and let brain engage. Anything?

    I know it was a good one but no need to quote it in triplicate!

    No to be honest having read that back a few times I think it holds true. If you are suggesting that I am somehow blinkered in my opinions then I would refute that and say I call foul when I see it and certainly don't do so based on any political leanings.

    If you feel I am somehow prejudiced please cite something specific that you are basing your view on; I try to come across pretty neutral here but am aware that I often end up debating points with our less democratically leaning comrades on TV. If you've taken that as a political affiliation one way or the other then you are way off mark but are of course, entitled to your view. wai2.gif

    Edit to add. Do you actually have an opinion on the article or photo used in the OP or just me?! wink.png

  7. Yingluck and Chalerm make a mockery of the government daily without the help of anyone.

    A functional Government needs a functional and constructive opposition and while I'm not going to pretend that they achieved this when they were waiting for their turn at the trough, Abhisit and company certainly haven't even tried. The focus is on one thing alone, discrediting the ruling party and regaining power.

    It really is tit for tat, childish antics and IMHO is one of the biggest hurdles that Thai politics faces... when both sides act like infants when the rattle is taken away (one tends to cry to Mummy, the other to big Brother), how will we ever have anything but a parody of a playground scene rather than a functioning Government?

  8. While some posters try and point a finger a the government, I am wondering who was in government when all this happened, was it during the Dems stint?

    I think it's irrelevant who was in government. The local politicians and local rich business people control most of what goes on in the local government departments.

    Actually I believe that these recent encroachment investigations are acting on orders from the top... a few have however been "suspended" on orders from the side, perhaps where coming a little too close for comfort to some of the real powers that be. I'm afraid I can't point fingers for fear of disappearing into the abyss along with some of my less controlled outbursts on here!

  9. The sooner these law-makers stop trying to impeach each other and start trying to govern and improve the country and its political system the better...

    The longer these Muppet's (both sides) keep playing childish play-ground tit-for-tat games like this the longer this wonderful country will suffer and the deeper is will spiral down the pit of oblivion!

    Been thinking same. The only people wasting more time living in the problem than the politicians are the posters on here. If Abihist spent like 20 percent of the time he spends on his witch hunt crusade doing his job . . . . Thai politics cannot address any real issues or agendas because they spend so much time focusing on discrediting the other side.

    Bringing issues like this to the public's attention IS Abhisit's job.

    Surely bringing substantiated allegations of corruption to the NACC is a part of Abhsit's job, public mud slinging just makes a mockery of the entire Government.

  10. I'd just like to add that I think this response gives a very accurate glimpse of the real issue that Thailand faces today...

    "Love the photo, a man offering no resistance about to be beaten. But another lame NGO only able to offer a 'recommendation'. Chalerm knew what he was doing, knew he ordered retaliation with extreme prejudice (direct from a high ranking uniformed 'mate'). But again, nothing really will come of this, only more hatred and division of Thai people. We can just look forward to then next one or a future civil war."

    Far too many people are so blindly loyal to their chosen cause that they can create a situation out of nothing, not able to trust their own eyes let alone their brains. So quick to jump on every perceived slight that furthers their own rhetoric, reality be damned.

    Love a photo that you've taken to be an act of police brutality even though it quite clearly isn't? Love? What a strange word to use. Then alluding to the hatred and division this will cause with seemingly no conception of the fact that it is just this type of distortion of the facts that leads to this divide in the first place.

    Looking forward to the next perceived act of police brutality or a civil war? Why would anyone look forward to the country tearing itself apart and the ensuing bloodshed and loss of life that would come with that? Only a complete madman hopes for a civil war or someone that stands to gain greatly from the ruins of the country.

    We have a democracy in Thailand, a fragile one but a developing one. It's not perfect but neither are the more established democracies of the West. The Thai people are starting to grasp that they hold some modicum of power in their vote and it seems that even the established power brokers in Thailand are starting to realise that they ignore the will of the people at their own peril.

    What I find really depressing are that these types of comments on TV are from foreigners, supposedly educated foreigners; what hope do the Thai people have of seeing through all of this empty rhetoric and finger pointing if we can't? Until the quality of education in this country improves considerably and people are taught to question authority rather than being willingly led by various cretins with their own agendas at play, I doubt we will see any real change in the petty political infighting this country has been plagued with and the self serving nature of those that come to power.

  11. I personally can't think of a bigger crook than Thaksin.

    Exactly Nicky, you're slowly getting there. Why is that I wonder?!

    "By creating a devil for everyone to point fingers at and focus on - namely Thaksin, some of the biggest crooks in this land have been given free reign to plunder to their hearts content and past sins go unnoticed. Truly amazing Thailand."

    Frengle please help me out by providing some names of those biggest crooks.

    I know it is all our fault, we have created Thaksin and have given the biggest crooks free reign..coffee1.gif

    Nicky you can't even get my name correct when it's spelled out in every single post I make, what chance that you'll actually be able to engage your brain and think outside of the carefully worded news articles that are force fed to you daily?

    The real crooks don't make headline news, they sit back and enjoy the confusion they create amongst the masses and reap the rewards. I'm afraid that as a people we have become so lazy and so dependant on others to do our thinking for us that we only accept what is written in black & white and put directly under our noses. Engage your brain and with any luck your mouth might follow...

  12. most people here have a good idea what is going on, I'd say TS has already tripled his confiscated funds, it is seriously annoying that the majority of thai people can't see further than 500baht, they wouldn't know how to count all the zeros (billions) that are being currently raped from their pockets by the nice men they think are wonderful heros - makes me sick to watch it happen - what a ***** this country is

    and to the falangs here that think it's ok - shame on you - of all the people that have an educated chance of seeing it - what is your excuse - you are even worse than the thai perps of this routing because you should be able to see what's going on and yet you come on here backing these thugs and thieves - Dick Turpin wore a mask <deleted>

    Yes much more palatable when those stealing from you hide behind a mask isn't it?! blink.png

    I fail to see anyone defending corruption here, some are just a tad more realistic about it and don't have blinkers on with regard to who's been helping themselves to the cookie jar over the years. Some also realise that until corruption is stamped out at the bottom and most Thais aren't willingly participating in it, the corruption rises all the way to the very top.

    Some also prefer concrete evidence rather than massive speculation and witch hunts - Thaksin has tripled his confiscated funds? Is that just a figure you've plucked out of the air based on your own prejudices or do you have even the slightest shred of evidence to back that assertion up?

    By creating a devil for everyone to point fingers at and focus on - namely Thaksin, some of the biggest crooks in this land have been given free reign to plunder to their hearts content and past sins go unnoticed. Truly amazing Thailand.

    Sorry to burst your bubble but TV did not create a devil. Thaksin was and is a creation of his own actions. One conviction and he goes into self imposed exile and becomes a citizen of another country. He is welcome to come back only he faces a jail term here along with many other charges. We had nothing to do with that.

    Many of these other biggest crooks are in his employ. Look at the list of people who go to visit him when ever their is a plum position open. He calls into cabinet meetings. Name one other person who can take part in a Cabinet meeting who is not in it by calling in from another country. When the red shirts came to an agreement for the end of hostilities it was Thaksin who said no deal on the agreement.

    No we did not create him he did it himself. It was easy for him to do there are so many uneducated Thais that can not see what is happening only hear promises and when they don't appear not remember them. For instance they were all going to be rich 6 months after his return. It has been 15 months.

    The education level in Thailand is to low to see what is happening too them and it is backed up by a few gullible farongs.

    Hellodolly my inference was not that this ploy has been created by Thai Visa! It is however being merrily sucked up and spouted by quite a few members on here who are happy to swallow the deliberate media tit bits they are fed and react as intended. When someone questions what they are being force fed by the media day in day out, they are branded "red-shirt supporters" or "Thaksin apologists" despite doing nothing of the sort. It seems keeping an open mind and questioning what we are told is not acceptable to TVs finest, we must all just repeat the mantra the media are putting in front of us without question or thought.

    "The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."

    We all are force fed information daily pointing the finger at Thaksin and his cronies; the convenient national scapegoat. We are only too well aware that particular devil exists, to the point where the real puppet masters are free to act with impunity. Think about it.

    People need to start trying to think for themselves and stop following each other like sheep. Anyone with a decent Western education should be able to read between the lines and not simply swallow the text fed to them hook, line and sinker. Look at the source, question the source, look at the motivation behind each piece, who's writing it, what side their loyalties lie etc. Remain particularly wary of those that react to such free thought by name calling and branding thumbsup.gif

  13. The land department do not have political affiliation.

    sent from my Q6

    No but the people working there do as do the wealthy families in these areas. They are all eligible to vote as are all civil servants and amart in Thailand. It must just be a coincidence that the most obvious acts of land manipulation and encroachment in the most lucrative tourist areas of Thailand are centred around loyal Democrat constituencies...

    Phuket, Krabi, Koh Samui, Koh Phang Ngan, Phang Nga bay to name a few...

    Corruption is rife on both sides of the fence but if we keep repeating Thaksin long enough the sins of all the others will be absolved and forgotten.. .sick.gif

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  14. Poll gives opposition better scores than govt

    "Some 68 per cent said they still trusted in PM Yingluck Shinawatra to carry out her duty"

    I guess that headline only works when thinking selectively... Christ, even Chalerm got a marginal vote of confidence from the polls!

    "56 per cent said they trusted in Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm"

    And perhaps the most insightful statistic from yet another poll...

    "In-depth interviews of those who oppose and support the government revealed that although the majority believed the opposition had delivered a well-done job in the debate and had convinced them that corruption exists in this government, interviewees still accepted that corruption was acceptable as long it was done in moderation."

    Amazing Thailand!

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  15. "The fact that government MPs jumped at every chance to exercise their right to defend allegations against them showed that they were extremely worried about the information exposed by the opposition, he added"

    My that's quite some leap of logic there. Defending yourself from allegations is now a sign of guilt?! Amazing stuff. I guess if they'd not defended themselves from allegations that would have been taken as a sign of innocence... coffee1.gif

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  16. The rampant corruption will continue unabated but 6 Dems could be banned for exposing it?

    I believe the complaint is that had these MPs actually had any sound evidence of corruption they would have sought an impeachment. It seems that they have made allegations of corruption but if they don't have the evidence to back these up they face impeachment themselves... at least that's my understanding of it.

    What I don't understand is that given the defamation laws in Thailand, even if what they said is true and they have evidence to back it up, they could still be prosecuted successfully for defamation...

  17. most people here have a good idea what is going on, I'd say TS has already tripled his confiscated funds, it is seriously annoying that the majority of thai people can't see further than 500baht, they wouldn't know how to count all the zeros (billions) that are being currently raped from their pockets by the nice men they think are wonderful heros - makes me sick to watch it happen - what a ***** this country is

    and to the falangs here that think it's ok - shame on you - of all the people that have an educated chance of seeing it - what is your excuse - you are even worse than the thai perps of this routing because you should be able to see what's going on and yet you come on here backing these thugs and thieves - Dick Turpin wore a mask <deleted>

    Yes much more palatable when those stealing from you hide behind a mask isn't it?! blink.png

    I fail to see anyone defending corruption here, some are just a tad more realistic about it and don't have blinkers on with regard to who's been helping themselves to the cookie jar over the years. Some also realise that until corruption is stamped out at the bottom and most Thais aren't willingly participating in it, the corruption rises all the way to the very top.

    Some also prefer concrete evidence rather than massive speculation and witch hunts - Thaksin has tripled his confiscated funds? Is that just a figure you've plucked out of the air based on your own prejudices or do you have even the slightest shred of evidence to back that assertion up?

    By creating a devil for everyone to point fingers at and focus on - namely Thaksin, some of the biggest crooks in this land have been given free reign to plunder to their hearts content and past sins go unnoticed. Truly amazing Thailand.

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