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Posts posted by Ferangled

  1. Well as the reports continue the facts just get more obscured by all the conflicting information!

    It seems this was a veritable international ring of criminals - we have Mexicans, Turks, Russians, Canadians, Malaysians and Thais, although of course the Thai was just an innocent illegal taxi driver pressured into it!

    Seems amazing that such a wide diversity of nationalities were involved, considering this crime would appear to be an opportunistic snatch and grab... maybe not... maybe there is much more to this than meets the eye. To have such a diverse gang involved I'd suggest that this would have to have been planned, so how did they know this guy was even carrying the jewels, where he'd be stopping for breakfast and conveniently leaving the car unattended?

    Now it appears that the police have let not one but two suspects slip through their fingers, a large Malaysian women escaping the police station using the classic toilet disappearing trick I previously thought was reserved purely for Hollywood movies, and a Mexican lady who seems to be have been able to evade a police checkpoint on foot... this is becoming pure comedy!

  2. So i guess all the comments from yesterday of a set up or bogus 30million claim will now be removed and the shallow minded idiotic forum members banned whistling.gif thought not this is TV

    Why should anyone get banned for suggesting it may be a setup? Might well be, for all we know this might have all been planned by the "victim", who rather than planning an insurance fraud, was planning to take a cut from the robbery... sounds improbable but it's certainly plausible...

    I'll repeat my earlier question, does anyone actually know for a fact how many people have even been caught ie. numbers of men and woman and corresponding nationalities? Given that even this seems to be confused with conflicting information given, I don't see how anyone can be so clear as to what exactly has transpired...

    Suggesting that members be banned for posting opinions you don't agree with would seem rather contrary to the whole point of an internet forum/ debate... and to use your own words, a tad shallow and idiotic.

    • Like 2
  3. Is anyone else getting confused by the conflicting information here. First we are told that:

    "Police have arrested at least four people travelling inside the vehicle*: one Russian man, two Malaysian women and one Thai man."

    *Said vehicle was reported to be a Toyota Fortuner. Then the latest report:

    "There were five passengers on the pickup truck, including three men and two women of Spanish, Malaysian, Turkish, Russian and Thai nationalities."

    So this report states that these suspects were arrested in a pickup not a Fortuner... which makes me think perhaps this was a 2nd group linked to the first, but then it goes on to say about one woman escaping...?! So did they let one woman escape from each group or are they confusing the same incident with conflicting information?

    If there were 2x Malaysian women, as we were told then how could the three men be Turkish, Russian, Thai and Spanish... that would require at least 4 men, one of each nationality!

    Clear as mud this one... at least the standards of journalism here are fairly consistent....ly bad!

    Quite clear to me.

    Please enlighten us all!

  4. Is anyone else getting confused by the conflicting information here. First we are told that:

    "Police have arrested at least four people travelling inside the vehicle*: one Russian man, two Malaysian women and one Thai man."

    *Said vehicle was reported to be a Toyota Fortuner. Then the latest report:

    "There were five passengers on the pickup truck, including three men and two women of Spanish, Malaysian, Turkish, Russian and Thai nationalities."

    So this report states that these suspects were arrested in a pickup not a Fortuner... which makes me think perhaps this was a 2nd group linked to the first, but then it goes on to say about one woman escaping...?! So did they let one woman escape from each group or are they confusing the same incident with conflicting information?

    If there were 2x Malaysian women, as we were told then how could the three men be Turkish, Russian, Thai and Spanish... that would require at least 4 men, one of each nationality!

    Clear as mud this one... at least the standards of journalism here are fairly consistent....ly bad!

  5. From the OP "The German confessed that he did it out of jealousy"

    Let that sink in for a moment... then couple his confession with the weight of evidence presented. Are you seriously suggesting that any defense would advise a not guilty plea? Even Perry Mason would struggle with this one...

    You blindly base your believes on Thai media... What can one say? huh.pngsad.png

    Not true, but you blindly ignore any and all evidence presented yet present no evidence whatsoever to support your own beliefs... what can anyone say?!

  6. Let's make it simple for you:

    1. There were eye witnesses who recognized him

    2. He was a well known (and feared) "member" of the local community, so the eye witnesses do not mistake him for somebody else.

    3. He had a strong motive.

    DNA and fingerprints only make sense if he didn't use to hang around this place - which he did.

    Let's make this simple for you:

    1 +2: Reported eye witnesses in Thailand.... call me not overly convinced in their reliability. rolleyes.gif

    3: Anybody could have had any motive... for one, she's reported as divorced... the ex-hubby with a bit of cash and sick idea of revenge?

    Innocent until proven guilty.

    Unfortunately in Thailand, even that doesn't garner much faith. sad.png

    From the OP "The German confessed that he did it out of jealousy"

    Let that sink in for a moment... then couple his confession with the weight of evidence presented. Are you seriously suggesting that any defense would advise a not guilty plea? Even Perry Mason would struggle with this one...

  7. Lets hope they lead by example. I have lost count of the number of Thai police riding motorbikes with a soft cap on, and using a mobile phone. Hub of crack ups.

    Ya but they don't have high heels do they?

    I have a photo on my phone of one of the local senior BiB riding a motorbike out of the police station with no helmet. I was once pulled over for not wearing a seat belt in my pickup, I showed this photo to the policeman who pulled me over and he grinned widely and then let me go without a fine.... you've got to love Thailand! Blackmail & bribery is just part of the currency here!

  8. Flirting on facebook?! Sorry I don't follow... what type of activity do you mean?

    Not the first time, nor will it be the last time, that people die over affairs of the heart & money in the land of LOS. Feigning love for money increases the risk that 'somebody will die'.

    Feigning love for money is called prostitution, the oldest profession in the world. I'm sure 99.99999999999 % of people don't get murdered as a result. The risk of murder comes when you add an emotionally dysfunctional, aggressive idiot to the mix...

    Incidentally I think you'll find the vast majority of relationships involve some money transfer between partners, and the vast majority of murders within relationships occur with married couples not prostitutes and punters...

    Since she was also feigning to be a committed couple, then this would fall into the marriage category of murders.

    No that would be reserved for people that were actually married... fairly straight forward really! Feigning love for money is called prostitution, not marriage.

  9. That's naive to the point of stupidity, like renting a car then losing the plot because you see someone else driving it a week later...

    But I returned it with a full tank of gas sorry.gif

    Yes, it was a poor comparison, but the responses it generated are interesting. The notion that by paying a girl money she somehow becomes your possession seems to be widely accepted and pretty indicative of the problems many (deluded) ferang have here with the fairer sex.

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  10. The general gist of many of these posts smack of utter hypocrisy, suggesting that girls working in prostitution "are asking for trouble", while these suggestions come from guys using the "services" of these very same girls.

    If you can't understand that by paying a prostitute you aren't "buying her out of prostitution" you are buying her services you need your heads testing. Whatever the girl says it's a method used to make her sale, whether that's suggesting that you are her one true love or simply that "you very hansum man", when plainly in most cases you are not, you are the exact opposite and generally repulse her, feigning attraction and deception is part and parcel of her profession.

    If a man truly falls for a working girl, sending money is no indication of love or commitment and the expected monogamy tends to be very one sided on the part of the punter. If you truly cared, you would treat her as an equal and take her out of the world she is living in and act like her partner, not continue the cycle of prostitute/ punter by simply paying money to her in exchange for a fictitious relationship and sex.

    Herman was a sandwich short of a picnic and fully responsible for his actions. There is no justification for stabbing your partner repeatedly with a knife, cheating or not. Interesting to see that no one is questioning the nutter's monogamy only the Thai girl, despite his reported history as a pimp...

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  11. Flirting on facebook?! Sorry I don't follow... what type of activity do you mean?

    Not the first time, nor will it be the last time, that people die over affairs of the heart & money in the land of LOS. Feigning love for money increases the risk that 'somebody will die'.

    Feigning love for money is called prostitution, the oldest profession in the world. I'm sure 99.99999999999 % of people don't get murdered as a result. The risk of murder comes when you add an emotionally dysfunctional, aggressive idiot to the mix...

    Incidentally I think you'll find the vast majority of relationships involve some money transfer between partners, and the vast majority of murders within relationships occur with married couples not prostitutes and punters...

  12. -Ferangled-

    Bum Bum for money and often mixed up with cheating from men and/or ladies. -Gand- ment, I think.

    Ah ok... bum bum for money and murder... no sorry, I don't see the connection.

    Insecure, aggressive guy who carries a knife + knuckle dusters and murder, yes I see that connection.

    If he was "paying money for bum bum" then why get so insanely jealous about another man "paying money for bum bum"? That's naive to the point of stupidity, like renting a car then losing the plot because you see someone else driving it a week later...

  13. Why the hell are people going on and on about Nazi and White Power crap when it has absolutely nothing to do with his murder and the only thing to indicate this guy may have had these kinds of views was an earring whose origin and meaning to this guy we know nothing about.

    He killed this women out of jealousy plain and simple. Regretfully many people are killed around the globe at the hands of obsessively controlling people for this reason.

    While wanting to know more about the accused and victim, this is NOT about money, not about Nazis, not about her possibly seeing somebody else, not about Facebook, not about a type of bar or internet cafe, her friends, her past relationships, her house... this is about a guy who murdered his girlfriend because HE has serious control and rage issues.

    I believe the guys is also reportedly covered in tattoos of a Nazi/ White supremacist style.... IMO if he did indeed have such beliefs this may well have impacted on how he reacted in this case.

    His hairstyle has no relevance to this, a shaved head doesn't indicate racist tendencies, and it appears this was only a last minute effort to disguise his appearance, but choosing to cover your body in racist markings indicates some deep seated issues to me... born out by the fact he stabbed his girlfriend repeatedly for nothing more sinister than flirting on facebook.

    Nazi/ White supremacist or not the guys actions demonstrate him to be a violent b'stard that needs locking up.

    I saw the part on another German site of somebody saying he was covered in tattoos but missed anything about them being Nazi tattoos. Where did you hear this?

    I'm only curious about the above because IMO there is absolutely no connection what-so-ever (even in his own words) that he killed the girl he claimed to love for any reason other than a jealous rage. However, the issues that caused him to kill are no doubt the same that would lead somebody to join to become affiliated with Nazi beliefs ... all about control, insecurity and an inward hatred/rage.

    "Apparently has Nazi Tattoos over his Body and wore a knuckle duster on a chain around his Neck."

    Can't find any actual evidence of this, only reports from other posters in the original thread here... been mentioned a couple of times but no concrete evidence as far as I can see.

  14. Lovely couple, it is sad that this type of activity has claimed 2 more victims in LOS.

    In my experience the "activity" of stabbing someone 17 times with a knife will generally end in tears....

    Yes, of course, but I was more referring to the quite common activity in the LOS that led to this result.

    Flirting on facebook?! Sorry I don't follow... what type of activity do you mean?

  15. Why the hell are people going on and on about Nazi and White Power crap when it has absolutely nothing to do with his murder and the only thing to indicate this guy may have had these kinds of views was an earring whose origin and meaning to this guy we know nothing about.

    He killed this women out of jealousy plain and simple. Regretfully many people are killed around the globe at the hands of obsessively controlling people for this reason.

    While wanting to know more about the accused and victim, this is NOT about money, not about Nazis, not about her possibly seeing somebody else, not about Facebook, not about a type of bar or internet cafe, her friends, her past relationships, her house... this is about a guy who murdered his girlfriend because HE has serious control and rage issues.

    I believe the guys is also reportedly covered in tattoos of a Nazi/ White supremacist style.... IMO if he did indeed have such beliefs this may well have impacted on how he reacted in this case.

    His hairstyle has no relevance to this, a shaved head doesn't indicate racist tendencies, and it appears this was only a last minute effort to disguise his appearance, but choosing to cover your body in racist markings indicates some deep seated issues to me... born out by the fact he stabbed his girlfriend repeatedly for nothing more sinister than flirting on facebook.

    Nazi/ White supremacist or not the guys actions demonstrate him to be a violent b'stard that needs locking up.

    • Like 1
  16. Good posting this picture as it confirms that the suntanned guy in the initial picture is indeed the same guy in the arrest picture.

    People make bad judgement calls all the time and this murder is simply the end result of bad calls by both the victim and the perpetrator.

    After all the off topic debate about symbolism, white supremacy, the perception by some of the inherent deceit of Isaan women and whether the Thai police or the cellphone company nabbed this guy, I think this thread can take a sabbatical.

    Agree, good post, this picture shows the "missing link" between those two photos, still with the beard + hair but much paler than the original photo... it does appear to be the same guy throughout. Most people pick up a tan in Thailand but I guess those skin whitening products are getting stronger!

  17. So you feel the need to point out the incompetence of newspaper reporting here and the innocence of the guy reported to be the killer in the other thread, then you go on to accuse this Nazi of being the real killer, without a court case? I presume you are from a country where a suspect is innocent until proven guilty. Is this suspect guilty of murder because he chooses to wear a swastika earring?

    No, guilty because he has admitted it.... and there's an obviously incriminating pile of evidence that he did....and, yet again, he admitted it!!!

    Please point out where in any other thread I have tried to point out the "innocence" of the guy reported to be the killer - if not, kindly retract your BS post and try reading what people write before putting your fingers to keyboard.

    I have asked an honest question here. Do you know that these two photos are the same men? They appear to be completely different people to me.

    And no, I didn't "point out the incompetence of the reporting" I actually said that knowing the general level of incompetence in reporting it wouldn't surprise me if these photos were of two totally different individuals.

    If you can't understand fairly basic English, I suggest you try posting on a forum where you can follow what is being written...

  18. I thought this was a poll.

    I was mindlessly looking for a box to tick even though I have no interest in the subject.


    Which adds fuel to the fire that these sorts of figures are just total nonsense! How can anyone make any accurate assumptions about such a large group of people based on a poll of 400???!!!

    Not to mention that there's no evidence to suggest that the 400 surveyed were A. truthful or B. indicative of the rest of Isaan...

    For example if you surveyed a group of women in the beer garden of a pub, I'm sure a fair few would be drinkers compared to a group of 400 surveyed outside a wat...

  19. GPS's actually enhance road safety by ensuring the driver gets in the correct lane early and does not faff around on a busy road not knowing where to go

    Ever heard of planning ahead? That's what we did before GPS. A normal paper map works great. smile.png

    Ever heard of walking? That's what we did before we had cars... you'll find your legs propel you forward excellently. Similarly We could live in caves and bash women over the head to mate with them... thumbsup.gif

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  20. I feel sorry for the German , firstly he oviously dint know she was a prostitute (Ilegal in Thailand) but should have figured that out before.

    Secondly the press is siding on the girl by calling him "Jealous German Skinhead"

    The headline should have read: "German national suspected in killing of a cheating prostitute In Khon Kaen"

    But anyhow the media has conficted him already.

    By his own admission mentioned in the article, he said he did it out of jealousy, the other two are facts - he is German, and its patently obvious that he has shaved his head - he appears also to be interested in the Nazi movement, if we can judge by his wearing the symbol in his ear... I will double check to see which way around it is...(BTW thanks to Semper for clarifying the difference - I hadnt realised they were mirror images - even more symbolic when you think about what each represents).

    As Farangled said - how can a prostitute "cheat", but even more important - all she was doing was chatting on Facebook - hardly "cheating"...maybe "flirting", but so what? Even if there was an excuse for murder, which of course there never is, nor will be, is electronic flirting halfway around the world, an excuse...NO!

    Totally agree and you're right I should have made it clear that there is no indication that this poor lady was either "cheating" or a prostitute.

    Either way there is no excuse for this brutal murder; what she was doing and what she was like have no relevance.

  21. I always did think those aftermarket DVD players were madness. I nearly got sideswiped last week overtaking some moron in a pickup who wandered over the white line of a dual carriageway because he was watching the TV. At the risk of being a "Thai knocker" you definitely need both eyes on the road driving in LOS. At least with the factory fitted ones you can't watch them from the front while the vehicle is in gear. As it should be.
    Unless you pay to have it modified to be viewed from the front also. My wife insisted we do that in our Wish so she could watch from the front passenger seat. Doesn't bother me though, disciplined enough to keep my eyes on the road. Comes in handy at those 5 minute red lights though. smile.png

    We have a DVD player that we use as it then operates a DVD player in the back of the car for the kids. I can honestly say that in 4 years of driving the vehicle I have never looked at what is on the screen whilst the vehicle is in motion. That seems to be the difference, in that Thais have little concept of risk management, what is safe, what is not safe.

    Has anyone seen Thai women putting on make up in slow moving traffic in the morning? That was always a favourite one to observe when I lived around London with the Essex girls commuting in to town.

    I have fond memories of being shunted from behind on the A2 by a lass putting on her lippy - didn't half make a mess of her make up and created the perfect opportunity for me to get her number... one of my more memorable chance encounters!

    So if you're looking for an easy date, remember when you spot a fit lass doing her make up in traffic, get in front of her, short stamp on the brakes and you're set!

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