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Posts posted by womble

  1. <br />this topic has been done to death..................<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    It may have been done to death but new members arrive every day and some leave if all the old left what would they talk about. Just dont reply or read if you're not interetsed.

    But the OP isn't a new member ............

    so your point is?

  2. You guys that get harrassed by others for having a Thai wife, just tell them that yes, she is indeed a "professional" and treats you like no ordinary woman ever would or could. Tell them that you never fantasized that it could ever be so good with a woman and you pity the poor bastards who married a garden variety western woman.

    I don't think my gf would find it very funny if I told someone she was a "professional" even if it was said in a way that made her out to be better than the local ladies.

    And even if she was an ex pro (which she isn't) I doubt it would be seen in a funny way.

    You may find it amusing, but ex hooker or not I reckon most gf's would not see the funny side.

    Just my thoughts..............

  3. I should imagine he is grumbling more because with every resignation the election becomes less and less likely which means he will be unable to make a comeback anytime soon. It's quite obvious that the next election will result in a win for Thaksin through his proxies, the NLA an see that, that is what this is about, delaying the election.

    The future looks bleak...........

    I strongly believe that if Thaksin's proxies win the next election any gains they make will be overturned for being in violation of the election ban of the 111. I believe this just as I thought very early on that the TRT would be disbanded for exactly the same reasons. Thaksin and/or his proxies are not going to be allowed back in power during the next election, which will happen soon. Any delays will be short.

    I agree although if any proxy win is overturned it would leave us with another mess and an even shitier economy..............

  4. Too windy to get out much. King mackerel fishing has been very good out at the pinnacles. Running back from SW pinnacle a couple days ago there were tuna schools breaking the surface all the way back to Koh Tao. At one point dozens of seabirds diving into them. Finally hooked up with one, by far the biggest tuna I have caught here. I will post a photo of it grilling on my BBQ later, just under 3k.

    This month should be great fishing during the lull in between the SW and NE monsoon. I will update this thread with any decent catches.

    I might pop over during the lull with my jigging gear, what you think?

  5. Well we do get the occasional threadfin salmon in January, though no relation to the coldwater fish.

    To add to sbk's list,

    Black marlin, sailfish, rainbow runner, cobia, rays, various snappers most notable are red snapper(lutjanus russelli) and the huge gold snapper(lutjanus johnii), many different groupers, dolphinfish, at least a dozen species of trevally.

    King mackerel and squid are the most important commercial fish in this area.

    Not sure what the tuna are that we catch here. There are 2 kinds one with a very dark back and light meat(see photo) and another kind with wavy stripes on its back and red meat. Both are small with a big one being 2 kilos or so. Cant find a photo of that one.

    The tuna with the stripes is skipjack, threadfin are good eating and good sport.

    How is fishing at mo Mr Jaidam?

  6. Sat in a restaurant that import fish from europe to Samui yesterday and of course i had to comment on that! Anyway, interesting discoussions came up where i learned for instans that there are no salmon at all in Thailand?

    There were some people that said not even tuna lives in the shallow waters on this side of Thailand. And any cod you buy in samui is imported?

    In the seafoodrestaurants i seen small sharks a few times. Are they from here?

    For me it sounds strange that you import fish to an island but it would be interesting to hear some facts.

    I started a thread some weeks ago about buying a boat and after about tre posts it was only about the different kind of fishies there are in the water, hahaha! Seems like alot of the forumusers know alot about this subject.

    No salmon in Gulf, although I hear it is farmed in N. Thailand. Tuna is a bluewater fish, you will not find it around samui, but there are tuna around koh tao, generally very small. Never heard of anything sizeable caught.

    Cod is imported for tourists. Only Thai restaurant I have seen it in is seafood market restaurant.

    Small sharks are caught locally, small because they are overfished, almost to extiction. People should avoid eating shark due to overfishing.

    Barramundi can taste good, but the farmed ones often taste muddy. Wild ones are amazing...... Mmmmmm

  7. I should imagine he is grumbling more because with every resignation the election becomes less and less likely which means he will be unable to make a comeback anytime soon. It's quite obvious that the next election will result in a win for Thaksin through his proxies, the NLA an see that, that is what this is about, delaying the election.

    The future looks bleak...........

  8. It is possible to get it although very rare, it is more common in areas on the border with Burma.

    The Thai government always say malaria in Thailand is from burmese bringing it here. Defo not always the case, they love to cover up this sort of thing and blame it on their neighbours.

    You are more likely to die from coconut for sure, and motorbike also. come to think of it you are probobally more likely to be shot by a one armed midget lady boy than contract malaria on any of the islands in the gulf of Thailand.

  9. It's no excuse that it takes long time at other airports as well, they are just as bad.

    The thing is it's possible to cut down the time. I have traveled to Singapore hundreds of times at it normally takes no more than 15 min from you leave the plane until you sit in a taxi. That is with check in luggage, I've made it in 7 min without luggage!!

    Ah, but Singapore isn't intended to be the new 'hub' , of aviation in Asia ! :o

    the problem is the threat of terrorism everywhere ,better to be 10 minutes longer than dead ........

    Looks like you've bought the US and UK government scare tactics.

    This world isn't that dangerous, terrorists are only a small threat, don't believe everything you are told. Civil liberties are important you know.

  10. When I fall asleep on the sofa my nanny has a habit of touching my head and then walking off when I wake up. This is a very personal touch. It's a bit creepy so I was wondering whether anyone else out there has a similar experience.

    Apart from that she is very good at her job of taking care of my 1 year old.

    Hide a camera and film her doing it, then post it on here!

  11. who owns the magic wand that turns paper into money anyway? thats one to ponder, the few white middle aged guys(i'd put that at 99% prob) that run the federal reserve have their identities protected. what a wonderfull world.

    more on topic, as long as it says bank of england, with yer old womens head on it, its fine. maybe she has the wand? madam!

    Forgive my ignorance but.......

    What does colour and age have to do with it?

    Particulary when as you said their identities are not made public.

  12. Guess the sales are very much linked to many aspects such as price, size, location, contract..

    Some of the people (locals) involved in real estate sell as usual, they only smile at news like this.

    Same time new projects are are on the table and are going up.

    to finally allow foreign ownership or long term (60-99) years of lease would bring an unprecedented boom to the country - but it's entirely up to the powers to be.

    99 year leases would certainly kick start the buying and selling ,cant see it happening too soon though

    99 year lease and scrapping list 3 would be win/win for the country. Fristly it would seriously kick start the economy, secondly they are not selling off the land, it is still owned by Thai's.

    Huge amounts would be invested into the country as Thailand really does have strong Fundamentals, and no government that brings in this law could be accused of selling off the family silver as after 99 years it reverts back to the original owner.

    that could be nice..

    but if all those forigners pour in and lease the land for 99 years where will all the thai people live?

    in Samui the land prices dont seem to stop if they get any higher they will atill be viable to forigenrs but how many thais will be able to live here?

    and some of our members who are living here because its "cheaper" then the west will be left homeless and move to Laos or cambodia and we wouldnt want to have that will we???

    when looking at this from an economical point this sudden change can spark a huge inflation..

    Ofcourse that is a valid point, when land prices rise where will the locals live.....

    I'd say land prices are already so high that poorer Thai's or even average Thai's couldn't aford to buy land in Samui.

    So a further rise in prices will not stop them owning, merely it will make the price even further from what they could afford which is irrelavant as they don't have enough $ to buy it now anyway at todays market prices.

    As always with economics there are winners and losers, we can't keep everyone happy. As is normal in these situations all over the world, the poor move out and the rich move in. Central London is an example. Lots of foriegn money, locals sell up and move out to cheaper areas. This isn't something that only effects poor developing nations.

    My hometown Brighton in UK saw prices go through the roof as londoners bought second homes and europeans bought property. I sold out and moved here.

    Perhaps a tax could be levied when the lease is registered that goes towards subsidising cheap housing for locals (local samui not outsiders or local speculators who lost everything) who are disadvantaged and unable to pay the high rents.

    Personally I would have no problem paying an additional tax to help locals in return for the added security and benefits a 99 year lease would give.

  13. Guess the sales are very much linked to many aspects such as price, size, location, contract..

    Some of the people (locals) involved in real estate sell as usual, they only smile at news like this.

    Same time new projects are are on the table and are going up.

    to finally allow foreign ownership or long term (60-99) years of lease would bring an unprecedented boom to the country - but it's entirely up to the powers to be.

    99 year leases would certainly kick start the buying and selling ,cant see it happening too soon though

    99 year lease and scrapping list 3 would be win/win for the country. Fristly it would seriously kick start the economy, secondly they are not selling off the land, it is still owned by Thai's.

    Huge amounts would be invested into the country as Thailand really does have strong Fundamentals, and no government that brings in this law could be accused of selling off the family silver as after 99 years it reverts back to the original owner.

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