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Posts posted by womble

  1. som num na.........

    If you wanna deal drugs don't touch them, make some other mug handle them and take the risk...........

    This fool will pay 1m baht+ or do 5+ years for being a <deleted>.

    where do you get that figure from ? I would have thought

    the penalty would be much stiffer than that ? :o

    It's not a large haul and he wasn't trafficking.

    Obviously he's dealing, he's admitted he gave it to friends (which is dealing).

    The sentance could really be anything, depends on political influence or bribes.

    For low level dealing of harder drugs tho 1m baht or 3-10 years (if you're skint or politics takes over) seems to be the norm.

  2. please post pic of said hole and amount of quote in general terms .

    Will Do, i have been told the hull is in a bad state and needs reinforcing, this I am told will cost 30,000!!! If I want the hole fixed simply in a more cosmetic way it will cost me 15,000. The boat is 16ft, but the hole is quite serious, the water went down where the boat was moored on a very low tide and the boat ended up on this rock, the rock punched a hole in the bottom and the water started flooding in!!!

    The thing is the guy is trying to sell me a new boat, which I was thinking of getting just before this happened. I have a feeling he is trying to put me off fixing the boat in order to sell me another one.

    If I buy a new boat I would want to sell this one first anyway, but I couldn't do that unless it was fixed properly as it would be dangerous.

    I would never go for the cosmetic option.

    I basically want to find out what it should cost to fix properly, get it fixed, sell and get another boat.

    you need to look at the big picture.

    if the the damage is only for the outer skin then fix it, if the it is structual samage. dont bother with it.

    at any case as you are looking at 15-30K repair cost. how much are you considering for your new boat?

    if the rate of fixing is to high then just buy a new one and sell the old one disounted for the damage.

    yeah but would anyone buy it with that damage?

    Maybe better to fix properly and sell.

  3. It's not a small percentage, it's the majority that are hopelessly shoddy drivers.

    I definatley wouldn't advise anybody to follow their example.

    Drivers here should make themselves familiar with the rules of the road in Thailand and also the unwritten "rules and customs" that local drivers follow.

    Aren't you totally contradicting yourself with these two statements? :o

    No, but I could have written it better I spose........

    What I meant to say was do not copy their bad driving habits, but learn and understand what may happen in order that you can better prepare yourself.

    Ie. Learn customs such as flashing lights when an on coming car is pulling out and overtaking (it basically means get out of the way), do not copy and do yourself, but be familiar with such customs in order that when confronted with them you can adjust driving to suit the situation. If you had no knowledge of such a custom how could you know how to deal with what the car is about to do. You could even pull out yourself thinking they were letting you out.


    I don't think I did contradict myself as I said do not follow their example, but learn what they may do. In other words learn in order to know what to expect.

    I didn't say do not follow their example but learn what they do and then put into practise what you see. (That certainly would be a contradiction) :D

    Perhaps I should have made it clearer on my 1st post. :D

  4. You're advising people to drive like Thais? :o

    They have a very high death rate on the roads for a reason.

    I’m saying just watch and observe how they drive and expect the unexpected.

    Go with the flow and use common sense, not all Thai drivers are maniacs, just a small percentage.

    Politeness is one thing but if you’re overly polite and stop for every Tom, Dick and Somchai you’ll end up causing accidents. The same goes for using unofficial foreign road signals.

    It's not a small percentage, it's the majority that are hopelessly shoddy drivers.

    I definatley wouldn't advise anybody to follow their example.

    Drivers here should make themselves familiar with the rules of the road in Thailand and also the unwritten "rules and customs" that local drivers follow.

    They should spend time learning these before they start driving and when they drive they should drive defensively, slowly and leave gaps whenever possible.

    I always try to leave gaps and I think this is very important in avoiding collisions, a large number of accidents here occur due to driving up the arse of other cars. The problem is when you leave a gap, the car behind feels impelled to overtake and fill the gap.

  5. please post pic of said hole and amount of quote in general terms .

    Will Do, i have been told the hull is in a bad state and needs reinforcing, this I am told will cost 30,000!!! If I want the hole fixed simply in a more cosmetic way it will cost me 15,000. The boat is 16ft, but the hole is quite serious, the water went down where the boat was moored on a very low tide and the boat ended up on this rock, the rock punched a hole in the bottom and the water started flooding in!!!

    The thing is the guy is trying to sell me a new boat, which I was thinking of getting just before this happened. I have a feeling he is trying to put me off fixing the boat in order to sell me another one.

    If I buy a new boat I would want to sell this one first anyway, but I couldn't do that unless it was fixed properly as it would be dangerous.

    I would never go for the cosmetic option.

    I basically want to find out what it should cost to fix properly, get it fixed, sell and get another boat.

  6. There's only one end-all to the story (unrealistic as all other attempts): level alcohol with yah-baa and cigarettes with ganja as far as the law is concerned. Sheeesh, that would benefit me -- sort-of -- as a non-drinking smoker

    I disagree - alcohol is much worse than 'yaa baa' and opium. Cigarettes are much worse than ganja.

    I agree cigarettes are more damaging than ganja, and most likely opium in an unrefined state.

    Not sure about yaa baa tho, for the individual adicted to eigher I would say they are both as bad as each other in their own way.

    Sure Alcohol is a bigger problem due to higher numbers of addicts and users that have accidents and fight etc, but if you look at it on a case by case basis they are two equal evils IMHO.

  7. There's also a huge difference between oil prices and cigarette prices - oil is essential to people's livelihood and the prices will need to go much, much higher in order to really affect demand in the short term. Smokes are not essential to anyone's livelihood, You don't have to smoke, you can just stop.

    Believe me, if it was that easy, we wouldn't smoke.

    Petrol and cigarettes are similar in that they are both inelastic goods.

    Cigarettes are essential to those addicted to them, ask any of the smokers on this forum to confirm that for you.

    It's not as simple as just giving up, which is why the government can raise the taxes knowing full well it will have little effect on demand. A rise in price will have an effect, but a small effect in relation to the rise in price.

    Womble, sorry but who are you responding to? You have messed up the original quotes :o

    sorry replying to nikster, i messed up the quote!

  8. There's also a huge difference between oil prices and cigarette prices - oil is essential to people's livelihood and the prices will need to go much, much higher in order to really affect demand in the short term. Smokes are not essential to anyone's livelihood, You don't have to smoke, you can just stop.

    Believe me, if it was that easy, we wouldn't smoke.

    Petrol and cigarettes are similar in that they are both inelastic goods.

    Cigarettes are essential to those addicted to them, ask any of the smokers on this forum to confirm that for you.

    It's not as simple as just giving up, which is why the government can raise the taxes knowing full well it will have little effect on demand. A rise in price will have an effect, but a small effect in relation to the rise in price.

  9. "Cigarettes have inelastic demand curves, price changes have little effect on demand."

    That is simply untrue. How do you account from the huge drop in smoking in the US, education? Baloney! As with most other commodities, higher prices lead to lower demand. I'm not sure that a 3THB increase is sufficient. Regardless, congratulations to the Thai government for getting this one right.

    The demand curve for Cigarettes is inelastic. Higher prices for commodities do not always lead to lower demand it all depends on the elasticity. Take a look at petrol, oil fetching near record prices and demand is the highest it has ever been.

    A persons income has an effect on the elasticity of cigarettes as they are normal goods, as a persons income increases the demand curve will shift to the right, basically they are able to afford more cigarettes. As a persons income decreases they can afford less cigarettes, they will then start looking for substitutes of which for cigarettes there are many, as consumers start to buy substitutes the demand curve will shift to the left.

    Higher prices will put off new people taking up smoking, but those who smoke already will be forced to pay higher prices or substitute. Over the long term price hikes will effect demand as old smokers die off and new smokers take up the habit in smaller and smaller numbers. This is very long term. In the short term the effect are small and hardly felt.

  10. claim they are doing so to reduce consumption and hence benefit the community.

    fewer smokers = fewer deaths , disabilities and family bereavements from lung and heart disease.

    lower alcohol consumption = fewer road deaths and fewer alcohol related crimes (such as rape , crimes of violence and spousal abuse.)

    community benefits dont come much better than that.

    Cigarettes have inelastic demand curves, price changes have little effect on demand.

    Governments the world over love to claim they are trying to help us, but economic theory proves they are bullshitting us..............

    If we all stopped drinking and smoking they'd be in a right mess when it comes to tax collection.

  11. what do kasikorn need for their internet card?


    Seems straightforward.....

    You go into branch and join, sign up for internet banking then log on and apply for an e-debit card. I think they email the details for you and you can start shopping online suing a 3 digit code they email you and also an expiry and other details which is emailed.

    I think.......

    Can anyone explain exactly how it works?

    Do any other banks have similar systems, this is the first i've heard of it.

    I don't have credit card and if this works it would be very helpful, I think i'll open an account there tomorrow.

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