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Posts posted by womble

  1. Do we just want to go on sabai sabai watching the world go by on TV because the world is too tough for our sabai sabai sanook sanook attitude? .......

    Sounds like it's written by a Farang that's been in the beer bars too much. :o

    If it was written by a Thai they more than likely grew up in the west. I have never met a Thai educated in Thailand that could empaphise with the problems affecting foreigners in thailand to that degree.

    yeah, growing up in the west is always better!

    Do you agree with me again?

  2. Do we just want to go on sabai sabai watching the world go by on TV because the world is too tough for our sabai sabai sanook sanook attitude? .......

    Sounds like it's written by a Farang that's been in the beer bars too much. :o

    If it was written by a Thai they more than likely grew up in the west. I have never met a Thai educated in Thailand that could empaphise with the problems affecting foreigners in thailand to that degree.

  3. criminal justice, and a phd, well he certainly did get it right :D:D:o:D

    If he has a PHD where are his published papers, his dissertation?

    I don't think he is cleverin the conventional sense, he is certainly from a well priviledged background and is exceptionally good at playing people off one against the other and building alliances with equally greedy people of priviledge.

    I doubt very much if he would have made much of himself had he not had the connections and concessions though.

    There are not many big Thai business that can cut it and compete on the world stage, I think the level playing fields and more honest ways of business are completly alien to them which they find difficult.

    Chang is an exception, this is probobally the best run large company in Thailand, they are very transparent.

  4. My two cents:
    • BKK Airways run a decent service
    • They ARE a monopoly
    • They HAVE ramped up prices far beyond all others in the region (including their own) and higher than similar flights in EU
    • A second airport for Samui would be ridiculous
    • Flight costs will deter a proportion of tourists from coming to Samui
    • I don't give a d*mn about whether they paint the local police station
    • If they were that concerned about the island, they would spend their efforts in influencing the major problems in infrastructure that threaten to drop Samui out of the top 100 islands in time

    In business, generally monopolies are good for the company and bad for the consumer. For those that are defending it, I wonder at what point the prices would rise to get even them p*****d off with it.

    Agree with everything you say there.

    They do run a very good service. If they really want to help the island with their charity and/or influence they should try to do something about infrastructure, they are afterall the ones most responsible for the growth, and how they and their supporters love to tell us that.

    I should imagine they will continue to raise prices until they reach a point where it effects their ability to fill the planes.

    Initially they were fantastic for the growth of the island, unfortunatley whilst they do provide a great service they are now detrimental to the islands growth. We are now in a different stage of developement to when the airport was built.

    This is the stage where they can exploit. That is what business and monopolies are about. You can't blame them, any good businessman would do the same if it was their company, you have a duty to your shareholders.

    This is where there should be regulatory organisations to protect consumers. Perhaps airline monopolies should only be allowed for a set number of years (so they can still profit but not beyond reason) after the building of an airports, after that they have to allow others to use the facilities for an acceptable fee.

    The main point here is there is nothing wrong with them making profit but there has to be a limit to how much.

    Charma has a good point.......

    How high do the fares need to be before supporters of the current pricing start to say to themselves.........you know what, maybe they are too high.

  5. Beerguy

    I am surprised you have started another thread on this subject. After your last posts on this subject, I PM'd you offering more information, but you did not reply. I also posted on the thread asking you to contact me. No reply. If you are really interested in finding out the situation, please PM me, otherwise it looks like you are just making the post to encourage speculation rather than fact.

    Not the nicest thing to do on an anonymous forum.

  6. If you're good at interpreting twisted English, their website is:



    TLM Campaign

    Since Thailand has had a reputation as land of smile while life goes easy and affordable. That why we, at TLM, vows to preserve this prestige live long and growing with an intention to see Thailand becoming a home and holiday paradise for all families who proudly select Thailand as their long stay holiday destination.


    And that is taken from a website aimed at attracting foriegners.......


    If they can't get the english right on something that is 100% aimed at foriegners what can they get right.

    Not much as has become quite obvious.

  7. The OP mentioned a 100,000 baht boat; be careful. Frankly I'd rather be in a brand new RIB with a new engine than a rotted wooden boat floundering off the coast burning up from the explosion. It is true that sailors have been killed by swordfish punturing the hull of their vessels, but far more frequent are sailors killed on poorly maintained and unseaworthy vessels. Recently I test drove a 300,000 baht boat and it was scary.

    It's a Marlin. :o

  8. This mag infuriates me. It doesn't have all the channels, it doesn't properly explain what all the programes actually are.

    One of the worst parts is that some channels the shows nbames are written in English, some in Thai and some both. This must infuriate Thai readers just as much. Why just write it in both languages or just do it all in Thai as that is the target market?

  9. Thailand has been colonised by the Chinesse. That is quite obvious.

    I should imagine the country has been invaded numerous times and many of these have been covered up over the years to save face.

    You won't find much truth in the Thai history books, most Thai's are completly unaware that they allowed the japanesse in and the letter declaring war on the allies was never delivered.

  10. It's a little odd the reaction to inflatable RIB boats. These are not toys at all; they can cost upwards of 3 million baht and easily go 50 - 60 mph.

    There is nothing wrong with RIB's, many coastguards and customs use them around the world, the bigger ones are often very sea worthy and fast.

    Perhaps not perfect for fishing tho..........

    Are you talking about the gaff or the chance of catching one of these? :o


    Yeah, + knives and hooks really arn't the best mixture on a small RIB. Bigger ones are stronger, but the small ones can be punctured more easily!

  11. It's a little odd the reaction to inflatable RIB boats. These are not toys at all; they can cost upwards of 3 million baht and easily go 50 - 60 mph.

    There is nothing wrong with RIB's, many coastguards and customs use them around the world, the bigger ones are often very sea worthy and fast.

    Perhaps not perfect for fishing tho..........

  12. "At 100,000 baht for a blow up dinghy with an 18hp ehgine I would imagine its still for sale. Thats a serious amount of money for a step up from a rowing boat. 18hp, I can swim faster!"

    really ?

    Just joking

    I have some experience in boats and would be happy to look and advise. Free. However, you get what you pay for (if you are lucky)

    Thanks, that would be appreciated. However first i need a advise on where to look, hahaha. I dont want a blow up boat. I want like a rowingboat in fiber or maybe plastic but with a smal engine. Maybe around 25 hp. Speed is really no issue, its just gonna be a relaxing hobby to go around to nearby small islands and beaches and catch some sun. Only in very calm weather!! But im happy for any help i get. Nice pic by the way!

    If you wanna go to to other islands you will need something slightly bigger. You'll need more fuel and also the safety aspect needs to be considered.

  13. NLA ad-hoc committee agrees to allow alcohol TV ads from midnight to 5 am

    The National Legislative Assembly's special committee on the Alcohol Control Act Friday decided to allow alcohol TV commercials to be aired from midnight to 5am.

    The Nation

    A big climdown from what the alcohol control bill contained originally and still they fail to get it through.

    Seems many parts of the NLA are trying to pass bills and failing completly. The foriegn business bill is another example.

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