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Posts posted by womble

  1. Since this morning my Thai visa layout has changed.

    instead if seeing all posts in a topic I now only see the first post and then see this.

    I then have to click on each one if I want to see the post. It won't let me view a whole page at once.

    whats happened?

    Tommurphy English Man Fathers Thai Child 2007-09-10 19:49:17

    pointofview QUOTE(Tommurphy @ 2007-09-10 19... 2007-09-10 20:18:15

    OxfordWill I wouldnt get involved, you can't hope to know... 2007-09-10 20:24:48

    lazeeboy QUOTE(OxfordWill @ 2007-09-10 20... 2007-09-10 21:02:23

    esbobes QUOTE(OxfordWill @ 2007-09-10 20... 2007-09-10 22:08:34

    unforgiven QUOTE(OxfordWill @ 2007-09-10 20... 2007-09-12 01:08:10

    unforgiven QUOTE(unforgiven @ 2007-09-12 01... 2007-09-12 01:11:01

    Briggsy "So, where did he come from?" "Bel... 2007-09-10 22:05:13

    Briggsy Would the OP like to tell us more about this case?... 2007-09-10 22:19:12

    Lucifer from the OP's story, it appears he's paid ... 2007-09-10 22:25:49

    Prakanong QUOTE(Tommurphy @ 2007-09-10 20... 2007-09-10 22:30:15

    britmaveric It might not be his, not to mentiion doubt he even... 2007-09-10 22:45:19

    Prakanong QUOTE(britmaveric @ 2007-09-10 23... 2007-09-10 22:50:42

    britmaveric Yes one should take care of ones offspring thats a... 2007-09-10 22:54:52

    Prakanong QUOTE(britmaveric @ 2007-09-10 23... 2007-09-10 23:08:18

    britmaveric QUOTE(Prakanong @ 2007-09-10 23... 2007-09-10 23:10:55

    jts-khorat I would think the 'social background' of t... 2007-09-11 00:08:14

    Prakanong QUOTE(jts-khorat @ 2007-09-11 ... 2007-09-11 07:18:13

    blizzard show the girl wot a real man is . op should becu... 2007-09-11 02:54:37

    JimmyCA A classic case of mind your own business 2007-09-11 03:10:07

  2. I learned one thing for sure , Never shake a thai's hand again. Im sticking to Wai'ing from now on.

    You can shake Thai's hands all day and not have a problem.

    But you might want to stop KISSING 16 YR OLD THAI GIRLS.

    Follow that golden rule or you going to have more problems in the future. :o

    Not just thai girls, any girls. Particulary when dressed in swimming atire.

    Incidently my mrs says he is in the wrong for sure, although I did think it funny that she doesn't blame him as she knows farangs kissing a pretty girls hand is normal in our culture.

    Think she's been watching too many old UK costume dramas........... :D

  3. I know, I have been living here for 2 years now, and so far I had a plesant experience untill this occured. So after I pay , when do you think I should move out? They will all look at me as the "Bad guy" and some security guards are still smiling at me.........

    I learned one thing for sure , Never shake a thai's hand again. Im sticking to Wai'ing from now on.

    I hope you don't start waiing service start as a result of all this. :o

    That would be really embarressing.

  4. If I were you I wouldn't bother going to see the police, i'd move out and leave no forward address.

    In order that she can get you in trouble she will have to start court proceedings, she won't have the cash to do that Also knowing Thai police, they won't be bothered to chase you.

    A variation on this would be to move out and then send your gf to see her with an envelope with the 5g in it. Or give her 3g and say this is it take it or leave it. Make it clear to her that once you have moved she'll never find you and so get nothing.

    Have a simple contract with her for her to sign so that it can be shown to police if she tries to claim you didn't pay.


    I think you are guilty and give all us farangs here a bad name. Would you kiss the hand of a 16 year old back home in your speedo's? You'd probobally get held up for sexual harrassment.

    Please answer one question................

    How old are you??????

  5. DragonQuest,

    Please give us the whole narrative, from when you first encountered this woman, how you know her, the scenario in which you ended up shaking her hand, etc.

    It would help us understand better. Maybe another poster will remember a similar situation.

    Can't you sue here for defamation or similar. I would get a lawyer and prepare a case against her. Then send the lawyer to see her with an offer that she eigher drops the charges or you will take her to court and she will have to pay all costs when you prove her to be a liar. I would also look into charges of wasting police time and any other offence she has made and explain to her that when you prove she is lying you will then look at having her held responsible criminally.

  6. Flood-mudslide warning towers to be installed in 144 locations

    The National Disaster Warning Center is preparing to install flood-mudslide warning towers in 144 locations, starting at the end of this year.

    Dr. Smith Dharmasaroja, the Chairman of the National Disaster Warning Center, says global warming has contributed to the flooding conditions in many areas. He says flood-mudslide warning towers will be set up in 144 areas in northern, northeastern and central Thailand. He says the towers will be installed in flood disaster prone areas during the initial stage.

    The towers will warn public members of potential flooding conditions 30 minutes or one hour before they occur.

    Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 12 September 2007

    Sounds like someone heard how much $ was made in construction for the tsunami towers...........

  7. Seems there is two schools of thought, one that believes they have the right to charge what they want and get paid for it as they buillt the airport........

    and others who believe monopolies should only be allowed to operate for a set number of years as they generally consider no one but the company and shareholders.

    We are not going to find a consensus on the issue, we shall have to agree to disagree.

  8. They are the last unspoilt Islands on the planet that havent been touched by mass tourism, it is inevitable that the property developers will start knocking up breeze block property there sooner or later.

    Being located only a few hours flying from India, China and Japan these Islands must have huge potential.

    A few glossy brochures and tails of high capital growth, the punters will buy.

    That won't happen anytime soon. The Andaman islands are a Union Territory of India which affords them special protection. Foriegners are not allowed to own property in India and they are much stricter on this than the Thai's are. Being a union territory makes it highly unlikely property developers will be able to profit from holiday homes.

  9. Highdiver,

    I don't like your patronising tone.........

    You are wrong in saying anyone can build an airport if they have the $. As i've already said there has to be enviromental studies and all manner of licences before you can even stat building the airport let alone operating it. I'm sure bkk air could use their power to stop any of these unless it was the government itself building the airport. That's if you could even find the land.

    You seem to be unsure of what a monopoly is, let me remind you......

    mo·nop·o·ly (m-np-l)

    n. pl. mo·nop·o·lies

    1. Exclusive control by one group of the means of producing or selling a commodity or service: "Monopoly frequently ... arises from government support or from collusive agreements among individuals" Milton Friedman.

    2. Law A right granted by a government giving exclusive control over a specified commercial activity to a single party.


    a. A company or group having exclusive control over a commercial activity.

    b. A commodity or service so controlled.


    a. Exclusive possession or control: arrogantly claims to have a monopoly on the truth.

    b. Something that is exclusively possessed or controlled: showed that scientific achievement is not a male monopoly.

    You seem to be under the illusion that it is something far more complicated, you seem to think that as people can take ferries or hyperthetically build airports and run services themselves that somehow that means it isn't a monopoly.

    The simple fact is at this moment in time they hold the monopoly for air travel to and from the island. If another airline wanted to fly to samui tomorrow they could only use that airport and only if bkk air allowed them. That means they have a monopoly because they have no competition on the route by plane.

    The fact is I actually agree with you in that as a business they are obviously going to try to exploit the situation to the fullest, they have a duty to their shareholders to do so, people don't go into business to make a bit of money, they do it to make a lot of money, that is also why we invest.

    My point is that initially it was benefitial to local business as it built the island up. At this stage now though the high prices are starting to have negative impact on the local economy.

    That is why I would like to see some kind of legislation that limited the level of profit they can make on the route or force them to open up to other airlines and charge resonable landing fees.


    no intention for patronising and I appolgise if you were ofended in any way.

    we are allowed to disagree.

    Monopoly in comercial terms is what you defined as item 2.

    As per the point you are making.

    BKA as you stated was very bebeficial to the island and promoted to tourist to Samui. then came the hotels and more hotels and more villas and development and everyone wanted a piece of the action. thus prises of land and value of property have risen. this construction and development was made with out any consideration of the ability of air travel and the fact that Samui's only airport is private..

    a developer looked at the figures and thought "wow" if I make a hotel i can easily fill it up.. the probem is that many many developers thought and are still thinking the same...

    so now that tere are so many hotels and resorts not getting enough occupency (even though there are more tourists then last year)because the rooms supply is huge they turn and adress BKA as the cause of the problem..

    the amazing thing is that the prices in most of the hotels on the island have risen very shrply over the past 4 years and with the strong baht its even more expensive.... but the tourist seesm to come anyway.

    if there were less hotels and developments there will not be a problem.... :o

    the main argument of those calling on govement "take over"of BKA private airport are those frustrated with the fact that they have not enough means to fill up all those projects and hotels and see returns on the investments.

    if the goverment did use its legislative power and 6 years ago decided that Samui can not support more hotels and developments thus not allowing construction od new projects can you imagine the land lords of Samui accepting it that they can not sell thier land for millions?

    Apology accepted. :D

    I'm not too bothered about the past, bkk air are a good service and the building of the airport in economic terms has been great for the island however.......

    Since the last price increase it has become obvious that bkk air are going to continue following a policy of increasing fares with little regard for it's effects on the future economy of the island.

    As a result I feel that it is the duty of the government to protect the businesses that it has allowed to develope. You could argure that the developement shouldn't have been allowed, but the government didn't opt to slow developement, locally government certainly did nothing to discourage the development so they should now be oblicated to come up with measures to ensure samui doesn't fall into decline.

    The people being discouraged are independant travelers, and they are the ones who tend to spend more in businesses that are run by locals, these travelers will switch to other destinations.

    Bangko air will always be able to fill the seats with package tourists, they won't even know the cost of the ticket as they are sold the whole package for one price, they will end up staying in one of the newly constructed 4/5* resorts and spend most of their time in the resorts.

    The smaller privatley run resorts often run by locals who have borrowed off the banks to build on their land are the ones that will suffer. I think the only real winners from the high prices are bkk air, and the big hotel chains who it makes no difference to.

  10. Been there three times, the islands are beautiful and mostly unspoilt.

    But utterly boring !


    No it not, what a stupid thing to say......

    Maybe your a boring person. Or you get bored easily.

    The islands have some of the most unspoilt beaches and reefs to be found anywhere in the world.

    I should imagine that gets quite a few people excited.

    Lots of things to do there but just not as obvious as what you can do in say Phuket or Pattaya.

    Longest I have stayed was 1 month and I was never bored.

  11. Highdiver - the TAT states still figures of imagination! I am here for 6 years now and I offered you once to send me a PM to discuss the problems Samui has! No reply means no sincere interest!

    Anyhow "a killer profit" as you call it now can also kill the people who want to make it or who are making it. And this seems to be the fact on Samui.

    Who has died so far? Of course I would like to see cheaper air fares but I can live with the existing ones. If you can't hack it try the alternatives.

    I can handle this, but if it goes up to 10g as they threatened it'll piss me off.

  12. Highdiver,

    I don't like your patronising tone.........

    You are wrong in saying anyone can build an airport if they have the $. As i've already said there has to be enviromental studies and all manner of licences before you can even stat building the airport let alone operating it. I'm sure bkk air could use their power to stop any of these unless it was the government itself building the airport. That's if you could even find the land.

    You seem to be unsure of what a monopoly is, let me remind you......

    mo·nop·o·ly (m-np-l)

    n. pl. mo·nop·o·lies

    1. Exclusive control by one group of the means of producing or selling a commodity or service: "Monopoly frequently ... arises from government support or from collusive agreements among individuals" Milton Friedman.

    2. Law A right granted by a government giving exclusive control over a specified commercial activity to a single party.


    a. A company or group having exclusive control over a commercial activity.

    b. A commodity or service so controlled.


    a. Exclusive possession or control: arrogantly claims to have a monopoly on the truth.

    b. Something that is exclusively possessed or controlled: showed that scientific achievement is not a male monopoly.

    You seem to be under the illusion that it is something far more complicated, you seem to think that as people can take ferries or hyperthetically build airports and run services themselves that somehow that means it isn't a monopoly.

    The simple fact is at this moment in time they hold the monopoly for air travel to and from the island. If another airline wanted to fly to samui tomorrow they could only use that airport and only if bkk air allowed them. That means they have a monopoly because they have no competition on the route by plane.

    The fact is I actually agree with you in that as a business they are obviously going to try to exploit the situation to the fullest, they have a duty to their shareholders to do so, people don't go into business to make a bit of money, they do it to make a lot of money, that is also why we invest.

    My point is that initially it was benefitial to local business as it built the island up. At this stage now though the high prices are starting to have negative impact on the local economy.

    That is why I would like to see some kind of legislation that limited the level of profit they can make on the route or force them to open up to other airlines and charge resonable landing fees.

  13. does private business have any responsibility for the environmental damage it causes ?

    how was the compensation for the original Thai's who live on the island , with regard to diminished quality of life , disbursed ?

    I got lots more ..............................


    by opening an airport and bringing in richer tourist BKA has made many thais very rich when they sold land for prices that compare with manhatten.

    I am sure those Thais would rather not have an airport or tourist and just go on fisshing and coconut colecting.

    Maybe but i'm sure they didn't open the airport to make the locals rich............

  14. No, I believe Bangkok airways has an airport on samui. But I also believe there should be legislation that prevents them raising prices beyond what most would deem reasonable.

    In Uk and many other more transparant countries we have quasi autonomous non government organisations that try to protect the consumer. Pricing and monopolies are one thing they often deal with.

    Bkk airways having an airport is not just a simple business, a countries infrastucture is of utmost importance and it is important that it isn't used to exploit. Just because a company built it, it doesn't give them the right to use it in ways that are detrimental to the people, that is why western countries have regulatory authorities.

  15. no its not a Monopoly as they dont have the only acess to Samui.

    ifyou wish to build an airport you can...


    And what makes this different from any other airline that has exclusivity to any destination??

    So how does that not make it a monopoly? Just because you can take a boat instead? Or spend millions building your own airport? Well if that's the case there isn't a single monopoly on the planet.

    They have the monopoly on access by air from bangkok then. There are many people who simply would not ever get a bus down, I certainly wouldnt so I have no choice but to pay the fare.

    Last week I flew to Singapore. I was going to go on bkk air, price was 14,500 rtn. I decided to drive to phuket with the mrs instead of going on my own, tiger air 5,300 baht rtn, I had a night in Phuket the day before the flight as it was early, had a nice meal and took the mrs to singapore with me and after my night in Phuket still ended up spending less than I would have for just 1 ticket for myself on bkk air.

    That is evidence of how the island is loosing out to phuket, I spent $ in Phuket that would have been spent in samui had the flights been more reasonable. I wonder just how much Samui is loosing in this fashion.

  16. It doesn't seem to be taken seriously by some on this side of the ocean. The headline of the story here was titled "Just Another Manic Monk Day"

    Must admit it gave me a chuckle when I first read it, but having read some of Kat's background info on the subject I'm thinking it's rather inappropriate. Shall give the editor a call.

    Just another manic monk day...........

    thats' great,

    Is that the sun?

  17. Permanent Secretary of Justice sees no benefits from allowing EU observers into Thailand

    The Permanent Secretary of Justice has yet to determine possible benefits from allowing European Union representatives to observe Thailand's election process.

    Permanent Secretary of Justice Charan Pakdeethanakul (จรัล ภักดีธนากุฃ) said that the Election Commission of Thailand will handle the European Union's request for Thailand to enter into a memorandum of understanding to acknowledge the European Union's request to send officials to observe the election process in the nation.

    Mr. Charan said that the Election Commission of Thailand is soley responsible for effectively managing Thailand's elections and the European Union has no duty in such matters. Mr. Charan added that he sees no benefits from entering into a memorandum of agreement over election observation with the EU.

    Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 04 September 2007

    I love the way they make out they are completly capable of running the elections properly and how dare someone say otherwise. Have they forgotten what the old EC got up to?

    Ofcourse there would be benefits, if the EU reported elections went well it would give the international community confidence and help with investment.

    Anyone who plays the nationlistic card here as many close to the Junta seem to be has something to hide.

  18. Gatorade wrote:
    The fares compare favourably with similar operations in Europe.

    Uh, so?

    We're not in Europe.

    This comparison is worthless.


    Why? I am going from LHR to Brussels next month and the fare on British Midland is much more expensive than BKK Air -Samui to Bangkok.

    The distance to BRU is shorter and the service non-existent.

    Therefore a comparison is perfectly valid as I am paying for the air fares.

    Not sure where you are getting your prices from, but you are not getting a good deal! Even the standard BA fare is only £78.00. In any case, perhaps it is better to compare an EU "holiday" destination with Samui.

    If I booked today for a few weeks time, these are the prices I can get:

    London to Malaga with Easyjet - £57.00 inc taxes

    London to malaga with BA - £56.00 inc taxes

    Bangkok to Samui with BKK Airways - £120 (7,800 baht) inc taxes

    Now Malaga is twice as far and the European airlines will be paying European wages for all staff, inc airport workers.

    Now work out where the profit is being made.

    you are comparing apples with oranges.

    1.if you want to compare easy jet then comare it with air aisa or any other budget airline.

    i made the mistake of flying easy jet once.... the plane was dirty there was no service and there was no food or drinks anything you wanted was at extra price and the terminal looked like something from world war 2.

    BKA is a botique airline and it says so in every publication they put out. so you cant compare them with a budget airline.

    2. those "cheap airlines" you are referring to dont have the same costs as bangkok airways as they dont own and opperate a private airports. yes bangkok airway has a few private airports well maintained and well serviced and if you fly with them you need to pay.BKA is a botique airline. and you pay accordingly.

    Bangkok airport is not a Monopoly as if you wish you can buy land on the other side of Samui and apply for a new airport.

    3. they can take waht ever price they feel like its a private businness with only profits in mind.. they dont anyone any explenations if you dont like it take the ferry or build a new aiport and land there with your own plane.

    It is a monopoly. You don't seriously believe you could just buy the land and build an airport if you had the money. You need licences. Do you not think Bkk Air with all their power may do a deal with the government or anyone else in order to hold onto their monopoly. I expect all future transport ministers could make a few bucks by threatening a second airport then doing a deal with the boss to forget about the idea.

    You are right that those cheap airlines cannot be compared in quality to bkk air. But on a short flight the majority of passengers are only interested in price. When flights are longer for many of us service starts to become more important and you will pay more for it but, If there was a choice between air asia and bkk air 3000 baht rtn and 7500 rtn respectivley no prises for guessing who would be full and who would have nearly empty.

    The extra on our tickets here allows the airline to engage in price wars on other routes. It is true that we are subsidising those routes. The fact Samui and Trat are the only flights that are not discounted proves this.

    Simple question to highdiver.....

    If bkk air announced tomorrow that fares are to rise to 15,500 rtn due to 'increasing operational costs' would you be ok with that?

  19. Actually womble, I got the photo off bigmarinefish.com where they stated it was a swordfish. Unlikely to catch one off Samui but my husband did catch one a few years ago when we had a really strong La Nina. I think the thing got lost myself.

    Anyway, if you are interested in looking for secondhand boats and don't mind to travel (and can read thai), thaisecondhand.com has a huge boat section.

    Fair enough, I assumed it must be marlin as the bill looks a bit short for a sword + the pic is in daylight and 90% of swords are caught after dark.

    We don't have swordfish here, water is too shallow, they like really deep ocean water.

    what fish is that Jai Dam, barracuta?

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