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Posts posted by thenervoussurgeon

  1. Some people come here to try to get away from something,others come here to try and find something.I used to feel misplaced in a lot of places i used to live in(different countries).Been in Thailand for nearly ten years now and i feel i am finally at home.

    I dont think it's a bad thing that people want to change.The thing that gets me with men moving to Thailand is that they seem to leave there commonsense and honesty in their home country plus try to change and become something they never could be or indeed were.For example:- men who claim to be SAS, Navy Seals or other ex special forces, Men who cant seem to tell the truth, men who suddenly claim to be zil,lionaires living on a basic budget, men who think they have turned into male models that the ladies cant resist, Men who claim to be airline pilots, men who are quite young claiming to have retired.Chaps, all I can say is that if you fit the above or another category of which there are many, you make yourselves look like complete tossers, don't do it and be true to yourself.If you were a builder, say that, if you cleaned toilets, then that's OK too.Don't sell yourself short and if your mate is being a cock, tell him, he may not know how stupid he looks!

    God i must lead such a sheltered life ,i read about these charectors in books and on here ,but have never ever met anyone who has claimed these things , i know a builder , a bus driver and guys from other assorted proffesions ,a copper but no one who has ever been a navy seal or an ex sas fighter .

    why dont i meet them? also i dont know (although i have seen old guys with young women ,but they are usually tourists with bar girls) any guys who are married and do as they are told by young wives ,most of the men i know are married to women in their thirties and fortys and believe me are very switched on.

    • Like 1
  2. This really applies to any country but as we are in Thailand i address it to us .

    Are we different ,more adventurous? every time i go home i see old friends that have,well grown old,are we a different breed us men who pack up and live a life of adventure ,some getting married and having children in their 60'S,to be honest many seem to take on a new lease of life and seem healthier than the "old" guys who just eek out a living in their homes worrying how they are going to heat them and not having transport because of the cost.

    I really dont include the married guys in this as they can hardly up sticks ,but just the single ones .

    what do you think boys?

    • Like 1
  3. Well

    I'm surprised this doesn't happen more often with U turns in dangerous and illogical places and of course the mindless motorcyclists who will cut across the road by the shortest, most direct manner.

    Well why waste the gas to go to a further u-turn point so that you have plenty of distance to safely cross all lanes of traffic when you can make a direct b-line across the hwy during rush hour? Same logic applies for not using headlights.. don't want to waste the battery.

    I was reliable informed that using your lights uses up more petrol. Mind you if you get knocked off and killed you use no petrol at all

  4. I use Thanachart over 1 mill 3%, under 2.75 % claim back tax at years end ,two withdrawls a month ,use Ayudda for day to day . have debit cards with both.

    As a rule 15% of tax is payable on banking interests, thus a 3% interest is 2.55 % of net interest. I have several fixed a/c's with several banks and the 15% tax is deducted by all of them when ever interest is added to the account.

    You stated that you claim your tax back at the end of the year, please clarify the procedure in order to achieve this,

    my wife did most of it ,but we got a letter from the bank showing how much we paid in tax ,then took it to the tax office, (its just by our house in Banglamung,Pattaya) she gave this to the guy there who filled it out ,it took a couple of journeys ,but my wife is determined , a few weeks later we got a cheque from the govt ,it was really easy ,but to be honest if my wife was not as switched on as she is ,i doubt i would have bothered.

  5. When i came to Pattaya 20 odd years ago ,Jomtien really was a day out ,you had to hire a baht bus to get there up a winding road ,only Buddah mountain was built on and the beach was all open with just a few shops and no hotels ect .

    then it was nice ,now its just part of Pattaya.

  6. Do you believe in Aliens O.P ? personally i think that anyone that believes someone is travelling hundreds of light years and billions of miles to land in the outback and give people an anal probe has a screw loose.rolleyes.gif

    I believe Steven Hawking no less has proclaimed that with the billions of stars and galaxies out there,it would just be mathematically impossible for no other life to exist.Who am I to argue?whistling.gif

    Oh i believe there is life out there ,i just think anyone who thinks they travel for light years and billions of miles to get to earth and then just fly around us are crazy.

  7. tongue.png

    Thing is, you guys that are saying you dont care what people think you look like etc,which is fair enough.. BUT, on the flip side, i bet you would care if the women walking around you shared the same attitude!

    Who says that? Not me!

    I overheard two Thai ladies talking about me in a market. They were wishing their husbands were 'as good a shape' as I was. They didn't realise I could understand Thai.

    Funny you should say that ,but when i first went to meet my wifes mum ,a lot of old ladies came to the house and were all sitting around chatting and one said to the others ,the Thai version of "i wouldnt mind his shoes under my bed" she didnt realize that i understood, she is dead and gone now .

    • Like 1
  8. I always feel that 2nd Rd is a b@stard to cross at any time of the day or night.

    It also angers me that the local authorities didn't implement the traffic light scheme thoroughly. Instead the crossings are left there as an embarrasing and dangerous white elephant; blinking away with nobody noticing or caring that people might occasionally want to cross.

    Come on ,dont be silly ,everyone has made a nice bit of money out of these lights ,why should they care if they work or not ,silly boy. T.I.T.

    • Like 1
  9. Yes we went shopping in Lotus today (i wore my new trousers) and i took a really good look at the guys there and to be honest at least 60% looked like rejects from the thrift shop

    are "new trousers" such a watershed event that you need to go on on about them?

    since when is a new pair of pants a big deal?

    good god, i own about 20 pairs of jeans, whats the BFD?

    No amount of trousers could have contained my beer gut. 20 pairs of jeans would not be enough. Perhaps Benny's dungarees might be up to it, or a smart pair of dress trousers in cavalry twill with appropriate striped braces. Out of interest, what does one do with 20 pairs of jeans? I'd have thought a more rational approach would be to have a variety of trews, though



    Yes i was wondering that ,20 pairs of jeans? when do you get to wear them all and why in Gods name would anyone want 20 pairs?

  10. Yes we went shopping in Lotus today (i wore my new trousers) and i took a really good look at the guys there and to be honest at least 60% looked like rejects from the thrift shop

    are "new trousers" such a watershed event that you need to go on on about them?

    since when is a new pair of pants a big deal?

    good god, i own about 20 pairs of jeans, whats the BFD?

    I was taking the piss ,or dont you understand such things.

  11. i once posted about how happy me and my thai wife are for the years we have been together here, and how we are pretty much never apart. i got shredded on here.

    Actually i made a similar post some time ago and got a massive amount of good replies ,if you marry a decent woman and treat her well no matter what race she is from you should have a happy life.

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  12. My first bike was a Daws double blue ,i went to buy it with my father and it was second hand ,then he baught me a bell for it ,but to be honest the cut out cardboard strips that went clackety clac when the wheels revolved made it sound like a motor bike ,i think i was eleven ,but cant remember what i was wearing at the time we baught it so it makes this thread not as interesting as it could be ,but i know when i rode it i had a pair of jeans . ,i will stop now ,but if you want to know more ,dont hesitate to ask.

    i do like participating in these exciting discusions

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